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物理化学的英语是" Physical",在日常中也可以翻译为" chemistry and physics",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到97个与物理化学相关的翻译和例句。


1. Physical

物理化学翻译为 Physical 。

示例:微生物能很好地适应它们生活的物理化学环境。 Microbes are finely tuned to inhabit specific chemical or physical niches where they've got an advantage.


2. chemistry and physics

物理化学翻译为 chemistry and physics 。

示例:在这种情况下,老化必须根据物理化学和热力学定律进行。 Ageing in this case must occur according to the laws of physical chemistry and of thermodynamics.


3. physical chemistry

物理化学翻译为physical chemistry。


1、Soon, however, chemists reached a point where further advances became the province of chemical physics, rather than physical chemistry.


4. Chemicophysics


1. physical chemistries(物理化学)

2. physical chemistry([化] 物理化学\n[医] 物理化学)

3. marine physical chemistry(海洋物理化学)

4. marine physicochemistry(海洋物理化学)

5. physical chemical treatment(物理化学处理)

英语短语&俚语, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( 物理化学快报 )

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ( 物理化学化学物理 )

Physical Chemistry Experiment EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY physical and chemical experiment ( 物理化学实验 )

Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy Metallurgical Physical Chemistry physicl chistry of metllurgy Meta( 冶金物理化学 )

Biophysical Chemistry Bioinorganic Bioorganic Biological Physical Chemistry ( 生物物理化学 生化 )

ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA Acta Phys Chim Sin Chinese Journal of Physical Chemistry ( 物理化学学报 )

physicochemical property phy-chemical property Physical Properties ( 物理化学性质 )

Physico-chemical processes chemical processes (化学过程 )


1. The characteristics of tumor histology lies in its anaplasia in morphological, chemical and physiochemical property and energy characteristics.

译文:肿瘤组织的特征是其在形态性、化学性、物理化学性和能量性的间变。 。

2. The hydropathy is an important physicochemical property of the proteins.


3. Molecular inductive Effect index and Physical-chemical Properties of Paraffinic Hydrocarbons


4. Physico-chemical Characteristics of Matri-Skim Milk Blend ice Cream


5. Fouling is a physical and chemi complicated process which is influenced by many factors.

译文:污垢的形成是一个复杂的物理化学过程,影响因素众多。 。

6. According to the ore-forming depth and condition of physical-chemical, these deposits may be classified into three class: deep-zone type, mesozone type and epizone type.

译文:依矿床形成深度和物理化学条件等差异,将其划分为深部带型、中部带型和浅部带型三亚类。 。

7. The physicochemical characteristics of slags of Flash Smelting Furnace and of Depletion Electric Furnace have been investigated.


8. At the same time, the relationship between the physical-chemical properties of the harden paste and the hydration age, the pozzolan activity of the fly ash in the harden paste have been discussed.

译文:同时讨论了粉煤灰水泥硬化浆体的物理化学性能与水化时间的关系,以及硬化浆体中粉煤灰的火山灰活性。 。

9. The microstructure and characteristics of luminescent porous silicon film prepared by the physicochemical sonic-vacating method


10. "The experiment to determine Calcum Carbonate decomposition Pressur"is One in Physical Chemistry that has been offered in Our institute.

译文:碳酸钙分解压力测定是多年来一直开设的物理化学实验。 。

11. These extreme physical and chemical parameters make the biology that grows in these places very special.

译文:这些极端的物理化学参数 会使得生长在这里的生物变得异常。

12. The hydropathy is an important physicochemical property of the proteins.

译文:亲水性是蛋白质的一种重要的物理化学性质。 。

13. QCG series conventional canned motor pipeline mounted pumps are used to handle clean water or other liquids similar to water in physical and chemical properties.

译文:QCG系列屏蔽式管道泵普通型供输送清水及物理化学性质类似于清水的其他液体之用。 。

14. The character, production methods and the application of Erythritol were introduced.


15. And it's because liquid water serves as the solvent, the cocktail mixer, for the biochemistry of life.

译文:正是因为液态水可以 作一切物体的溶液 溶液是混合物,保存了生命 的物理化学特性。


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