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关于”暗恋的句子“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Secret love sentence。以下是关于暗恋的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Secret love sentence

1、She bore a secret love for him. 以前看过这个问题~

2、He is crushing on you. 他正暗恋着你呢。

3、Unrequited love is sacred, to follow the rules of each other's happiness. ⊙、暗恋是神圣的,要以对方的幸福为依归。

4、If someone loves none, he may fall in love with anyone around him. ⊙ 有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?

5、If someone loves none, he may fall in love with anyone around him. ⊙ 有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?

6、Guang Ya is dark love the senior fellow apprentice that learns music together old, never profession, hearten when her, the work that discovers oneself however by dark the person piracy that love. 光雅暗恋一起学音乐的师兄多年,从未表白,当她鼓起勇气,却发现自己的作品被暗恋的人剽窃。

7、He fell deeply in love with the girl without even knowing her name. 他在暗恋著这个连名字也不知道的女孩。

8、Look up at the sky, it was gradually dark down to go home, we… 仰望天空,天色渐渐地暗了下来,我们恋恋不舍的回家了。

9、Describe after eating drug girl turned into a cat and… 描述了吃了药后变身成猫的少女和她所暗恋的男…

10、Like many LGBT people, I had some very dark days in middle school and high school. 和很多同性恋(或双性恋)人们一样,我在我初中和高中时期曾经有过一段非常黑暗的时光。

11、A boy loves a girl hiddly. 小伙子暗恋着一个女孩。

12、暗恋 unrequited love;fall in love with someone secretly 她暗恋着他。

13、I remember this one time when I had a crush on this girl. 我记得这次当我暗恋上这个女孩的时候。

14、to fall in love with someone secretly 暗恋指对另一个人心存爱意或好感,但因为种种原因,这种爱意没法宣之于口。

15、Troian: Here's the thing about boys: You can crush on someone from afar for days; 关于男孩子,我的建议就是:你可以远远的暗恋一个人;

16、The loves we share with a city are often secret loves. 我们与一座城市所分享的爱往往是暗恋。

17、Unrequited love;fall in love with someone secretly 她暗恋着他。

18、Today, I was playing soccer on the opposing team to a girl I really like. 今天我踢足球,暗恋的姑娘在对面那一队。

19、Unrequited love is a polite, narcissism is a proud, the love is a kind of style, not love is kind of taste. 暗恋是一种礼貌,自恋是一种骄傲,明恋是一种格调,不恋是种味道。

20、   Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself。 17.有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?

21、"Besame Mucho" and "Dancing in the Dark" are sultry romances wafted on light Latin beats. “和”黑暗中的舞蹈“拉丁节奏的轻飘荡闷热的恋情。

22、Tokyo, Taibei and Shanghai; Meeting, lovelornness and secret admire. 东京、台北还有上海;相遇、失恋还有暗恋。

23、暗恋 Secret crush, 长长被简称为 crush 暗恋着xx Secret crush on xx 暗恋者 Secret admirer

24、So, in a man’s life, he will long for the white lotus flower secretly. And he will love the red rose hotly. 于是,男人一生的成长中,他会暗恋一朵白莲花,他会热恋一朵红玫瑰。

25、People obsessed with Mona Lisa smile, the Mona Lisa eyes hidden mystery. 蒙娜丽莎微笑让人迷恋,蒙娜丽莎双眼暗藏玄机。


26、secret crush on the guy from the video store? 你暗恋上了那个音像店里的男孩儿?

27、Junior Peach object, already married becomes someone's wife. 少年暗恋对象,早已嫁作人妇。

28、Ham-colored world, is Secret Love Secret Love the main reason for the choice. 煺色的世界,是暗恋着选择暗恋的主要原因。

29、If someone loves none, he may fall in love with anyone around him. 英文个人签名 62.有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?

30、Like of the missing not sweet, only long blunt painful. 暗恋的思念没有甜蜜,只有悠长的钝痛。

31、Dave: Whoa. Now Im awake! Zina has a secret admirer. 戴夫: 哇。这会我可醒了!吉娜有暗恋者了。

32、Both already have a love, or in the unrequited love, crush the people. 无论是已经拥有了爱情,还是处于单恋,暗恋中的人。

33、Wave child adore dragon very, wish follow left and right sides, at the same time dark also love An Qi. 波子十分崇拜龙,愿追随左右,同时也暗恋安琪。

34、In her journal, Shannon wrote about her secret crush on Jeremy. 夏侬在日记里写下她对杰若米的暗恋。

35、Love is sacred, and to each other's happiness. 暗恋是神圣的,要以对方的幸福为依归。

36、I cannot choose the best.The best chooses me.我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择了我。

37、Dave is still carrying the torch for his exfiancée. 我暗恋她xx年了I have carried a torch for her three years

38、当你还没有确定她是否喜欢你,可以和朋友聊 I have a crush on her.(我暗恋她。

39、暗恋 Unrequited love;fall in love with someone secretly 她暗恋着他。

40、A boy secretly fell in love with a girl who was his colleague and worked in the same office. 一个小伙子暗恋着一个女孩。女孩是他的同事,他们在一个办公室里工作。

41、Jack has been carrying a torch for Karen for years, but she seems not to notice. 杰克暗恋凯琳多年,但她好像根本没有察觉到。

42、My heart,the bird of the wilderness,has found its sky in your eyes.我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了天空。

43、Peter has a crush on Jenny. 彼得暗恋着珍妮。

44、He has held a torch for her for a long time,but she always ignores him. 他暗恋她很久了,但她总是忽视他的存在.

45、You like me for what, a year, you didn't do anything about it. 你暗恋我多久了?xx年,结果你一个屁也没放。

46、我暗恋她xx年了I have carried a torch for her three years

47、Look again at the favorite in my wandering among the gloomy serious away. 又以最留恋的回首徘徊在我挥之离去的灰暗之中。

48、Cause I'm gonna shine, you into the light, just open your eyes 我要为你闪耀,让你藏在我的光圈里,请睁开你的眼眸 Verse

49、Finally I know the suffering of unrequited love today. P.S. “暗恋某人”英文的表达方式,

50、she bore a secret love for him. 以前看过这个问题~


51、From dark lusted after the resurrection of bloody devil. 来自 阴暗贪恋血腥的复活恶魔。

52、Spoony have been through ten years, like also. 痴情已经经历十几年了,暗恋也过了。

53、She also secretly admired our new neighbor David. 她还暗恋着我们的新邻居大卫。

54、Unrequited love is a person's own business. 这里Unrequited love有单恋、暗恋的意思。

55、Our secret crushes on set - all kinds of random questions. 还有说各自在片场暗恋谁啦——各种各样的问题。

56、I love you not for who you are but who I am when I am by your side 我不怪我 没有向你说天长地久,因为 我总是告诉自己做的不够;

57、Now I'm awake! Zina has a secret admirer. 这会我可醒了! 吉娜有暗恋者了。

58、Maybe, secret-lover giver will no be lovelorn forever, but is the feeling of unrequited love any better than that of being lovelorn? 或许,暗恋的人永远也不会失恋,但暗恋这种滋味真的要比失恋好么?

59、暗恋 unrequited love hidden love to fall in love with someone secretly 暗恋你 Loving you secretly

60、Although the article I think "this is a story of unrequited love story", but at least from the piece, no Wang Xiaojian has a crush on yellow little clues. 虽然文章本人认为“这是一个关于暗恋的故事”,但是至少从成片看,没有任何王小贱暗恋黄小仙的线索。

61、the girl that I fall in love with secretly 绝对正确哦,希望能帮到你。

62、The peach is a self-destruct, is a great sacrifice. 暗恋是一种自毁,是一种伟大的牺牲。

63、Sullen: You've liked Ashley for months! His engagement's gonna be announced tonight. 苏伦:你早就暗恋希礼!他今晚就要宣布订婚了。

64、but who I am when I am by your side 我不怪我 没有向你说天长地久,

65、Loving another secretly is one's own business. Unrequited love是没有得到回应的爱


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