游泳圈用英语怎么说 游泳圈英语翻译

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游泳圈用英语怎么说 游泳圈英语翻译

游泳圈翻译为英语的说法为:swim ring,其次还可以说成" swim ring",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到80个与游泳圈相关的译文和例句。


1. swim ring

游泳圈翻译为swim ring。

示例:别忘了带上你的游泳圈。 Don't forget to bring your swimming ring.


2. swim ring

游泳圈翻译为 swim ring 。

示例:游泳圈是我游泳时的最好朋友。 The life ring is my best friend when I swim.


3. love handles

游泳圈翻译为 love handles 。

示例:快到时空隧道出口时,爸爸向我丢来了游泳圈。 Near the tunnel of time and space, my dad dropped me the swimming ring.


4. swimming ring

游泳圈翻译为 swimming ring 。

示例:Ladies and gentlemen, Bruno Mars. ♪ ooh, ooh ♪ But swimming in your world is something spiritual ♪



1. swim ring(n. 游泳圈,救生圈)

〈幽默〉游泳圈\n 备用胎)

2. spare tires(n. 备胎;


3. swim(游泳


4. natation(游泳

5. have a swim(游泳)

英语短语&俚语, swimming ring swimming circle ( 充气游泳圈 )

Baby-swim ring ( 转让九成新婴儿游泳圈 )

I took swimming to sea ( 我带着游泳圈去海里玩 )

SWIMTRAINER Classic ( 德国学习游泳圈 )

love handles (胖的腰围 )

Swimming belts ( 游泳救生圈 )


1. Squid rings and onion rings.


2. inflatable devices that fit around children's waists or arms are toys and shouldn't be regarded as reliable flotation devices, added Nathalie Vallieres, of the Lifesaving Society.

译文:另外,充气式的设备,比如游泳圈或臂圈,只是玩具,不能把它们当做是可靠的救生设备,救生协会的娜塔莉·瓦利尔还补充说明:“这些设备很容易被扎破或者移除掉,这样便提供不了充足的浮力保证孩子的安全。” 。

3. i swim; you swim; he swims.

译文:我游泳,你游泳,他游泳。 。

4. it's like a pool toy that's been blowing up for a while.


5. Grace is spiritual WD-40, or water wings.

译文:恩泽是精神上的WD-40 (一种除锈润剂) 或者是游泳圈。 。

6. - No, me little love handles.

译文:不是 我的小"游泳圈"。

7. You can swim as much as you like.


8. i want to get you that inner tube, too.


9. Well, first of all, they're not playing with the right equipment.

译文:嗯 首先 她们没有使用游泳圈。

10. You need a swim ring? - i don't even use it!

译文:你竟然带游泳圈 我都不用啦。

11. You will gain a belly. All that belly fat.

译文:游泳圈 啊呜 这些赘肉。

12. He went around once, he went around twice, he went around thrice.

译文:他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈 他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈 他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈。

13. The ring of fire The ring of fire

译文:火圈 火圈。

14. - Didn't you bring your bikini?

译文:- 游泳?。

15. We start splashing around and fooling around and the next thing you know, this flotation ring hits me in the head.

译文:我们开始在水里扑腾 嬉戏欢笑 然后这个游泳圈 就砸到了我脑袋上。


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