博士生用英语怎么说 博士生英语翻译

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博士生用英语怎么说 博士生英语翻译

博士生的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 Doctorial Degree,其次还可以说成"doctoral student",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到97个与博士生相关的释义和例句。


1. Doctorial Degree

博士生翻译为 Doctorial Degree 。

示例:他培养了二十多名对该领域做出重大贡献的博士生。 He schooled over two dozen Ph.D. students who themselves made major contributions to the field.


2. doctoral student

博士生翻译为doctoral student。


1、Ian Smith, a Ph.D. student of Boston University in the United States, said, "Cities are in the important position in fighting against rising temperatures and increasing CO2."


3. doctor graduate students -

博士生翻译为 doctor graduate students - 。

示例:那就是他和博士生安娜斯塔西娅·察柯柳金娜打算回答的问题。 That question is what he and Ph.D. student Anastasia Zakolyukina set out to answer.


4. doctoral student

博士生翻译为 doctoral student 。

示例:it says that you were, uh, part of the student-to-student tutoring initiative. 学生对学生的 of the student -to -student



1. doctoral student([法]博士生)

2. doctorish( 博士生)

3. doctorishness( 博士生)

4. doctorize( 博士生)

5. nonbotanist( 非博士生)

英语短语&俚语, doctoral advisor doctorial tutor a supervisor of doctoral students ( 博士生导师 )

on-job doctorate on-the-job doctor on- job doctorate ( 在职博士生 )

PhD Forum Doctoral Forum ( 博士生论坛 )

Graduiertenkolleg ( 博士生讲座 )

Doctorat HEC ( 高商博士生院 )

doctorial dissertation center ( 博士生论文文库 )

Rong Xin ( 密歇根大学博士生荣新 )


1. Feng Yucai, male, born in 1946, professor and Ph. D. supervisor. His research interests include database technologies.


2. And one of my former doctoral students, Dr. Mary Schweitzer, actually had the background to do this sort of thing.

译文:我当时的一个博士生 现在是玛丽·施韦策博士了 有做类似研究的 基础。

3. He schooled over two dozen Ph.D. students who themselves made major contributions to the field.

译文:他培养了二十多名对该领域做出重大贡献的博士生。 。

4. Male, born in January 1928, from Zizhong, Sichuan Province, Doctor, Professor, Teacher of Doctor studies.

译文:男,xx年xx月生,四川资中人,博士,研究员,博士生导师。 。

5. i'm a PhD student at MiT, and i happen to study atmospheric science.

译文:我是一个MIT的博士生 我碰巧是学大气环境科学的。

6. D.s. But having to pay for the longer Ph. D. programs could also reduce the number of students EPSRC can train.

译文:但是必须为更长时间的博士训练项目买单也可能会使EPSRC能够训练的博士生数目下降。 。

7. And the student has trained this robot to pour this water into a glass.

译文:这位博士生训练这个机器人 向这个玻璃杯里面倒水。

8. Faculty of Sciences, University of Yaounde i, Cameroon, Associate professor .


9. i was a PhD student at Harvard, and i loved to travel.

译文:我是哈佛大学的一名博士生, 并且热爱旅行, 。

10. Lingnan University PhD Graduate Receives Major international Emerald EFMD Award for Dissertation


11. Professor, doctorial tutor of Nanjing University.

译文:南京大学教授、博士生导师。 。

12. i'm mentoring two doctoral candidates and i'm the faculty lifeguard at the pool.

译文:还要指导两名博士生 我还是泳池的教授救生员。

13. And one of my former doctoral students, Dr. Mary Schweitzer, actually had the background to do this sort of thing.

译文:我当时的一个博士生 现在是玛丽·施韦策博士了 有做类似研究的 基础 。

14. So all in all i have a very good Ph.D. student from South Africa.

译文:总而言之,我有一个非常优秀的南非博士生。 。

15. i'm a PhD student at MiT, and i happen to study atmospheric science.

译文:我是一个MIT的博士生 我碰巧是学大气环境科学的 。


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