当幸福来敲门用英语怎么说 当幸福来敲门英语翻译

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当幸福来敲门用英语怎么说 当幸福来敲门英语翻译

当幸福来敲门在英语中的翻译是"The Pursuit of Happyness",还网络中常译为" The Pursuit of Happyness",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到65个与当幸福来敲门相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. The Pursuit of Happyness

当幸福来敲门翻译为The Pursuit of Happyness。

示例:当幸福来敲门的时候,我或许不在家。 When happiness knocks at the door, I may not be at home.


2. The Pursuit of Happyness

当幸福来敲门翻译为 The Pursuit of Happyness 。

示例:我看过一部电影,叫做《当幸福来敲门》。我得承认这是一部触动人们心灵的电影。 I have watched amovie, which named "The Pursuit of Happiness". I have to admit that this is amovie excite peoples mind.


3. Persuit of Happiness

当幸福来敲门翻译为 Persuit of Happiness 。

示例:《当幸福来敲门》这部电影的主题是:追求更好的生活。 To pursue a better life is the theme of the pursuit of happiness.



1. opportunity knocks( 鸿运当头;

2. knock on doors( 敲门)

3. knocke( 敲门)

4. knockemdown( 敲门)

5. knockered( 敲门)

英语短语&俚语, happyness could ( 当幸福来敲门可能 )

enjoy the happyness ( 享受的当幸福来敲门 )

Source happiness knock ( 它来源当幸福来敲门 )

Happyness is wealth ( 当幸福来敲门就是财富 )

with loving and happyness ( 爱好和当幸福来敲门 )


1. i did knock. Did you hear me say, "Come in"?


2. When you open the gate of happiness


3. We had bailiffs knocking on the door, all hours of the day, taking away the sofa.

译文:法警成天来敲门 搬家具。

4. - Knock on my door! Knock next time!


5. The Pursuit of Happyness, probably Curcuma not.


6. Dad, when something good happens, you just gotta learn to say yes.

译文:老爸 当幸福来敲门时 你学着开门就是了。

7. "You have to be ready to have your door knocked on when a light bulb goes out in an apartment,"says Mr. Procida.

译文:普罗奇达先生说:“你要有心理准备,当公寓灯泡熄灭时,有人来敲门。” 。

8. Are we still at 'Ding-Dong'?

译文:怎么还有人来敲门 Are we still at 'Ding -Dong'?。

9. Who knows, the Cardinal might show up without prior announcement?


10. Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks.

译文:站在灰色的石头上 当画眉鸟敲门。

11. The Pursuit of Happyness, please do not shut it!


12. i'll knock on your doors at

7:00 a. m.


13. Whentheknockcame onthedoor,i...


14. And if someone or something comes knocking...


15. When you're young and there's a knock on the door, you ask, "Who is it?

译文:年轻时 有人来敲门。


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