精心制作用英语怎么说 精心制作英语翻译

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精心制作用英语怎么说 精心制作英语翻译

精心制作翻译为英语可以这样说: craft,在日常中也可以翻译为" labor elaborate",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到80个与精心制作相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. craft

精心制作翻译为 craft 。

示例:这些精心制作的图案被认为可以提供保护来抵御邪恶。 The elaborate patterns were believed to offer protection against evil.


2. labor elaborate

精心制作翻译为 labor elaborate 。

示例:这里有优质的有机农场,精心制作的奶酪和高品质的肉类。 It has excellent organic farms, beautifully crafted cheeses, high-quality meats.


3. elaborate

精心制作翻译为 elaborate 。

示例:所有的家具均采用天然材料精心制作而成。 All the furniture is crafted from natural materials.


4. elaboration

精心制作翻译为 elaboration 。

示例:The importance of the plan needs no further elaboration. 这个计划的重要性无须赘述。



1. elaboration(精心制作

2. elaborate(精心制作的)


3. elaborative(精心制作的


4. overelaboration(过分精心制作

5. elaborated sap( 精心制作)

英语短语&俚语, elaborate calculated full of elaborate detail a chief editor ( 精心制作的 )

Roger Huang ( 黄健敏精心制作 )

After Elaborate ( 经过精心制作 )

elaborate ( 精心制作 详述 )

More Elaborate ( 更要精心制作 )

As lessons exquisitely crafted ( 那些被精心制作的教训 )

Advanced Television Engineering ( 积极参与精心制作 )

elaborator ( 精心制作者 )


1. The sandbox bed headboard is dressed with a Champagne hand-painted swept-line stripe. Thebed is crafted of Cherry hardwoods and straight grain veneers.

译文:床头是香槟手绘扫线条纹,床是实质樱木和直纹硬木胶合板精心制作而成。 。

2. So he put the material in places where the birds were going to collect them, and they crafted his nests for him.

译文:因此他把原材料放到鸟儿收集材料的地方, 它们为他精心制作鸟巢。 。

3. So he spent the next five hourse painstakingly working with clay to create a miniature bike.


4. This motion picture was not slapped together to satiate the appetite of the masses; it was carefully and painstakingly crafted.


5. This infographic by Online Graduate Programs does a good job of summing up all that data.


6. And it would have "hand"in that it would be greatly crafted.

译文:它要有手,这样它就会是精心制作的。 。

7. For the next few minutes, the stage was a blur of activity which included dancing and acrobatics. it was an elaborate and grandiose opening.


8. -Good elaborate, bad elaborate?


9. (Laughter) So, this whole event has been an elaborate build-up to me doing another one for you, so here it is.

译文:(笑声) 因此,今天这个精心制作准备的演讲, 就是为你们而量身订做的。 。

10. the idea is he's got six different species of animals, as well as some plants, growing in this very elaborate symbiotic arrangement.

译文:他有六种不同种类的动物,以及一些植物, 在这种精心制作的共生环境中生长。。

11. So he put the material in places where the birds were going to collect them, and they crafted his nests for him.

译文:因此他把原材料放到鸟儿收集材料的地方, 它们为他精心制作鸟巢。。

12. it's the best show i've ever been in i hope i can do it justice


13. Pet owners have long been dressing up their pooches in anything from skirts to suits and elaborate Halloween costumes, so why not pantyhose and high heels?

译文:环球网报道记者郭文静主人总是热衷于给自己的宠物制作各种不同造型,比如给它们穿裙子、西装、精心制作的万圣节服装等。 。

14. it has excellent organic farms, beautifully crafted cheeses, high-quality meats.

译文:这里有优质的有机农场,精心制作的奶酪和高品质的肉类。 。

15. These are being carefully designed.



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