特产用英语怎么说 特产英语翻译

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特产用英语怎么说 特产英语翻译

特产的英语是" Specialties",还经常被译作special local product,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到32个与特产相关的译文和例句。


1. Specialties

特产翻译为 Specialties 。

示例:海味是岛上的特产。 Seafood is a speciality on the island.


2. special local product

特产翻译为special local product。

示例:用盐腌的酸橙是用来给鸡肉调味的一种北非特产。 Lime preserved in salt is a North African speciality which is used to flavour chicken dishes.


3. Specialty

特产翻译为 Specialty 。

示例:鱼和甲壳类水生动物是特产。 Fish and shellfish are the specialties.


4. [贸易] Special Local Product

特产翻译为 [贸易] Special Local Product 。

示例:in Zhengzhou, where can purchase the Xiamen special local product: Lancelet? 在郑州哪里能买到厦门特产:文昌鱼?。



1. special local product(特产)

2. local specialty(土特产)

3. special product(特产;名产)

4. speciality industry(特产产业)

5. native produce(土特产品)

英语短语&俚语, tax on special agricultural product Product tax ( 特产税 )

special and local product local specialty Native Local products ( 土特产 )

tax on agricultural specialty products taxes on special agricultural products taxes on special agri( 农业特产税 )

native products native produce native and special products Specialties ( 土特产品 农经 )

Souvenirs and Gifts ( 应有尽有礼品特产 )

specialized aquatic flora ( 特产水生植物 )

Local Products Traditional Local Specialties Specialty Local specialty ( 地方特产 )


1. Did you buy a lot of souvenirs?


2. They brought gifts from back home.

译文:看 爸妈带过来的特产。

3. -l could get you an "ensaimada".

译文:- 我可以给你带个特产面包回来。

4. The pride of the Duchy of Urbino.


5. Mimi's specialty-- "cafe karma."

译文:咪咪的特产 - "网吧业。"。

6. Here's a specialty of Chile and Peru. One apiece - come on.

译文:这是智利和秘鲁特产 来吃一个。

7. 'Cause of these babies: stinkbugs native to wild rye grass.

译文:那是因为这些特产 臭虫和野草。

8. Genuine Cherkistan, it picks you up.

译文:杰克斯坦的土特产 服丧期的时候。

9. - Yeah it's a good one. - This one's a local one.

译文:确实不错 这酒是本地的特产。

10. Seafood is a speciality on the island.

译文:海味是岛上的特产。 。

11. No gifts, no produce, no flowers. No Cuban cigars.


12. Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) is a specialty in Xinjiang.


13. Harley, this is the Texas Special Sawdust pie.

译文:这是德州特产 锯屑派。

14. The red carp is one of the special local products (specialties) of my home town (Maoyuan).

译文:红鲤鱼是我们家乡(婺源)的特产。 。

15. Hand-packed in Swallow Falls.



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