正在玩耍用英语怎么说 正在玩耍英语翻译

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正在玩耍用英语怎么说 正在玩耍英语翻译

正在玩耍翻译为英语的说法为: been playing,在日常中也可以翻译为" Playing and",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到87个与正在玩耍相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. been playing

正在玩耍翻译为 been playing 。

示例:背景电视可能会使正在玩耍中的儿童分心,使其不能从本来有益的活动中获得知识。 Background television may distract from playtime activities that benefit children's learning.


2. Playing and

正在玩耍翻译为 Playing and 。

示例:河岸上有些孩子正在玩耍,河面上有些人正在划船。 Some children were playing games on the bank and there were some people rowing on the river.



1. play around(玩耍)

2. played about(玩耍)

3. playing about(玩耍)

4. plays about(玩耍)


5. playful(玩耍的

英语短语&俚语, Kids are playing ( 孩子们正在玩耍 )


1. Play: our brains are hardwired for play.

译文:玩耍: 我们的大脑 是专为玩耍而设计的。

2. Play: our brains are hardwired for play.

译文:玩耍: 我们的大脑 是专为玩耍而设计的 。

3. They are also able to play -- they are really playing.

译文:它们也玩耍, 它们真的会玩耍。。

4. Spectator play, ritual play -- we're involved in some of that.

译文:观众的玩耍,和仪式上玩耍 -- 我们会参与这样一些玩耍。 。

5. Life goes on. Life goes on."


6. - He, he just wanted to play.

译文:- 它只是想玩耍.。

7. in case some of you forgot what play is, this is what play looks like.


8. Wolf pups love to play.

译文:幼狼喜欢玩耍。 。

9. She's playing at the end of the driveway.


10. i said "play,"all right.

译文:没错,“玩耍” 。

11. Play to your heart's content!


12. Just play, that's a stupid thing."

译文:玩耍,太蠢了。” 。

13. Little children want to paly.

译文:小孩们要玩耍。 。

14. No one to talk to. No one to play with.


15. Now there's another play history that i think is a work in progress.

译文:现在还有另外一种玩耍历史,我想是正在进行中。 。


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