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关于”成长的诗歌“的英语句子26个,句子主体:Growing Poetry。以下是关于成长的诗歌的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Growing Poetry


1、He developed into a strong leader.


2、Narrative literature believes that metaphor and metonymy are two ways used to produce two different kinds of teats.

(大卫的诗歌,交与伶长。) 愿神兴起,使他的仇敌四散,叫那恨他的人,从他面前逃跑。

3、May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him.


4、Growth is a song, sing all separation and joy in union.

5、③Let nothing pass for every hand 在人间传递温情


6、I hope everyone can grow up healthily with the harmonious songs.


7、It is necessary to clarify the experience of torture for us to research on his achievements in poetry.


8、A song with a flute obbligato.


9、The symbolism's poetry of Europe and America had formed from the mid of

19 th century to the 1930-40's.



10、Our fans from our younger days are growing, however I believe the fans would still love our music.

11、Beam on thee from on high. 就不会消失。


12、But who began to divide them up into early and late elements, which I thought drove the field of classics insane for about 100 years, while folks argued about the unity of Homer, the unity or not the unity of one of the poems and so on.


13、He who admires the same poem, or the same picture, and admires them exactly as I do, must surely allow the justness of my admiration.


14、Here, if I don't play this song, this listener would be a giraffe.


15、②Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival;


16、This singer sang too many long songs.


17、These hills, inspiration for much poetry and art, formed from the erosion of an ancient uplifted seabed.


18、The singer, songwriter and musician was raised in Liverpool, England.


19、Abundant evidences can be found in Keats' poetry reflecting the symptoms of pulmonary TB that contributed much to the cre…


20、White Christmas became one of the best -selling songs all time .

21、The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.后先知书则是诗歌型和神论似的著作,预言家被认为是完成这部作品的人。

22、QiLu'poem has a long development stage from beginning to aging.七言律诗自萌芽至成熟,经历了一个漫长的发展阶段。

23、Warsong Orc: Chieftain; the harvesting is complete!战歌部落兽人:族长,收割任务一经完成!

24、The study of Yueman in the past was concentrate on his Diary, poetry creation and the achievement of historiographic research.学界对越缦之关注较多集中在《越缦堂日记》、诗歌创作与主张、史学研究成就。

25、Happy birthday song for you joy, and happiness with you.生日歌为你欢乐奏响,快乐幸福伴你成长。

英文句子26:,26、And angel voices say to thee你将听到天使的声音在说

27、That puts the company right on the fuzzy no man's land between value and growth.这就使谷歌刚好落在价值股与成长股的分界线上。

28、I told Liaoyuan, these are the words that I have expected, the echoes that I heard on the long way of poetry.我对燎原说,这是我所期待的文字,是我在诗歌长路上听到的回声。

29、We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds.(亚萨的诗歌,交与伶长,调用休要毁坏。) 神阿,我们称谢你,我们称谢你,因为你的名相近,人都述说你奇妙的作为。

30、This impact, looming in his poetry, formed a unique aesthetic style and cultural connotations.这种影响在王维的诗歌中若隐若现,形成了别具特色的美学风格和人文内涵。

31、Oftentimes they are a collective memory, but I was the only one who chose to move them into poetry.它们常常是一种集体的记忆,但我是唯一一个把它们变成诗歌的人。

32、So shall a light that cannot fade 因此上方照耀着你的那道光芒

33、Its fleet of massive battleships surrounded the pastoral world, cutting off direly needed supplies to the planet.由巨大战列舰组成的舰队包围了这个田园诗歌般的星球,直接切断星球的供给线。

34、Poetry, originally an exquisite means of communication within circles of literati, became a tool to make a new people.诗歌这一原本在文人士大夫手中吟咏把玩的精致形式成了启蒙者新民的工具。

35、Wang Anyi's full-length novel, Everlasting Regret becomes an outstanding work of this"Shanghai hot".王安忆的长篇小说《长恨歌》成为这股“上海热”中较为突出的作品。

36、Song of Solomon is a typical black Bildungsroman in American. The main character Milkmans initiation mainly consists of his awareness of racial, class and moral consciousness.《所罗门之歌》是一部典型的黑人成长小说,奶娃阶级、种族、道德意识的成熟和觉醒主要构成了作品的成长主题。

37、The scholar temperaments of Cao Pi's poetries were attributed to his growth experience, living environment and literary accomplishment.表现为一种轻盈摇曳、婉约多姿的诗歌风格,其形成与曹丕的个性气质、成长环境和文学修养有重要关系。

38、Four sisters growth course is a rich taste of education.四姐妹的成长历程仿佛是一首富有趣味的教育诗。

39、The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.后先知书则是诗歌型和神论似的著作,预言家被认为是完成这部作品的人。

40、Due to Shangguan Wan'er's effort, poetic creation in this period matured in form, and prepared for the advent of apex of poetic creation of Tang Dynasty in content, imagery, style, etc.在上官婉儿的推动下,这一时期的诗歌在形式上走向了成熟,在内容、意境、风骨方面为盛唐诗的创作做了多方面的准备。

41、Nostalgia, reclusive loneliness and pastoral peace became his perpetual themes of poetry, reflecting his loyalty to the former dynasty and his determination never to serve the new rulers.对故国的怀恋、隐居乡野的落寞和田园生活的宁静成为他诗歌吟咏的主题,也是他恪守民族大义、不仕新朝的遗民情怀的诗化表现。

42、Chinese culture flourished and further matured during the Tang era; it is considered the greatest age for Chinese poetry.中华文化的蓬勃发展和进一步成熟,在唐时代,它被认为是最大的年龄为汉语诗歌。

43、Musical originally came from the European operettas and comic operas, but it thrived in Broadway theaters in New York, U. S.虽然音乐剧从欧洲的轻歌剧和喜歌剧出发,但是与它成长之路。

44、①You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you’re the world.你可能只是这个世界上的一个人,但对于某人来说,你就是全世界。

45、Masques were written as dramatic poems and make use of songs, dances, colorful costumes, and startling stage effects.它用戏剧诗的形式写成,并使用歌唱、舞蹈和华丽的服装以及绚丽的舞台效果来娱乐观众。

46、Abstract】 Contrariety is a very important aspect of Blake's aesthetic thoughts, which is the central element underlying his poetry.【摘 要】 对立性是布莱克美学思想的重要组成部分,也是他诗歌创作风格的中心要素。

47、By the grammar of rhetoric, knowledge was structured as poetry and dialogue -- subject to interruption, questioning, and parenthetical diversions.通过修辞语法,知识构成了诗歌和对话――易于插话,质疑以及转移话题。

48、His poems are very rich in contents, reflecting his profound knowledge and elegant mind. He also wrote more than one hundred essays.葛长庚的诗歌达一千多首,题材丰富,体现了深厚的学养和高雅的审美情趣。

49、Whatever else it may be, everyone's always agreed that modern poetry is difficult. You will probably too.不管是什么,每个人都会赞成,现代诗歌是艰深的,你或许也会认同这点。

50、In conclusion Yexie illustrates the ideas of literature development with worship Confucianism while attaching importance to the form change of poems from the historic river of poem development.结语部分叶燮从诗歌发展的历史长河中进一步说明崇正主变的文学变化发展观。

经典英文句子51:成长的诗歌,51、Robin Pecknold sounds much like Neil Young in the song "Grown Ocean."罗宾Pecknold听起来像尼尔杨多中的歌曲“成长海洋。”

52、Warsong Orc: Chieftain, the harvesting is complete!战歌部落兽人:族长,收割任务已经完成!

53、One of his longer poetic pieces was much appreciated when it appeared in the Bangadarsan, and I have heard his songs sung by many who knew nothing at all about their composer.他其中创作的一首较长的诗歌在《班格达森》(音译——译注)上发表后,获得非常好的评价,我听到过这首歌被许多人演唱过,而演唱这些歌的人对词的作者却一无所知。

54、The song grows on you.这首歌伴着你成长。

55、For the choir director, with my stringed instruments.这歌交与歌咏长,用丝弦的乐器。

56、The song’s a little long, but there aren’t really that many lyrics.这首歌有点长,却没有太多的歌词。

57、It always pays little attention to Liu Changqing s poem, let alone has special article expounding its symbolic image.历来对刘长卿诗歌少有重视,对其象征性意象更无专文论述。

58、As the Four Golden Princesses continue to grow up before our eyes, their songs also slowly mature.四千金在我们的眼前渐渐地长大﹔她们的歌也在成长。

59、The setbacks in his life helped TANG Yin construct his life philosophy, life attitudes, and the style of his poetry, all of which are reflected in his poems with drawing to some degree.唐寅由于人生遭际而形成的处世哲学、人生态度、诗歌风格,在他所创作的题画诗中都有不同程度的反映。

60、This helps to develop his mental properties-melancholy, spiritual depression and friendship cherishment, which in turn influence his poetic creation and add similar artistic features to his poetry.因此,他常以此三人自比,这种自我定位所形成的忧郁、苦闷、重情的心理特征,影响着他的诗歌创作,造成了李诗深情、隐晦、感伤的艺术特征。

61、At that time, the poetical group named after them set off the New Yue fu movement on a grand and spectacular scale in the poetry area, and had a huge influence until now.以他们为代表的元白诗派在诗歌领域掀起了轰轰烈烈的新乐府运动,给当时及后世造成了极大的影响。

62、The author states the style characteristic of Mongolian long tune folk songs and the reasons that it came into beings. In addition, its performance skills also set forth.文章分析了蒙古族长调民歌的风格特点以及形成原因,并阐述了蒙古族长调民歌的主要演唱技巧。

63、In Judah is God known: his name is great in Israel.(亚萨的诗歌,交与伶长,用丝弦的乐器)在犹大神为人所认识。在以色列他的名为大。

64、Xie Lingyun(385-433AD) is a renowned poet who is famous for literature and poem in Jin and Song dynasties, which have an extensive and far-reaching impact on later generation.谢灵运(385-xx年)是晋宋之际一位享有盛名的诗人,其在文学、诗歌方面成就斐然,对后世产生了广泛而深远的影响。

65、English-Canadian poetry has been shaped by a unique set of historical conditions and social developments in Canada that have affected the structure of its imaginative visions and humanistic ideology.加拿大英语诗歌在一定程度上是由加拿大独特的历史背景在不同方面对诗人的人文思想和想象力视角结构的影响中形成的。

66、God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.(一篇诗歌,交与伶长。 用丝弦的乐器)愿神怜悯我们,赐福与我们,用脸光照我们。

67、The author states the style characteristic of Mongolian long tune folk songs and the reasons that it came into beings.文章分析了蒙古族长调民歌的风格特点以及形成原因,并阐述了蒙古族长调民歌的主要演唱技巧。

68、Lose not a chance to waken love 别错失去了唤醒爱的良机

69、He was heralded and discussed: the subject of stories, verse, jokes, slang expressions, souvenir prints and royal command performances.他成了现象被大家以不同形式传播着:故事,诗歌,笑话,俚语,纪念印刷品和为皇室的演出。

70、Happiness can you grow up on the home is full of singing and laughing.你们能够快乐地成长,家庭就充满欢歌与笑语。

71、Development of Yao song curriculum can improves teacher's major growth; 通过开发瑶歌课程能促进教师的专业成长。


72、The President of the College presents at Convocation a line in a German poem to represent the spirit of liberal arts education: Lass dich fallen (Let yourself fall/fail).答:校长曾在代表博雅教育的德国诗歌大会上重述的:“允许本人失败”理念。

73、But more emphasis on the pursuit of poetry in the arts, and has achieved considerable success in Shangguanyi "Qi-Cuo-Wan-Mei" and Xujingzong poetry as the main body of Chung manifestations.但更注重诗歌在艺术方面的追求,并取得了相当的成就,以上官仪的“绮错婉媚”和许敬宗的颂体诗为主要表现形式。

74、What Frost gives you here and elsewhere is a poetry that leaves its meanings to make, all the time.弗罗斯特在这儿留给你们的是一首,留下意味深长的语境的诗歌,需要不断地钻研。

75、The Zhuangzi text is widely regarded as both deeply insightful in thought and as an achievement of the Chinese poetical essay form.庄子文本被公认为两者深深刻在思想和成就中国诗歌散文形式。

英文句子模板76:Growing Poetry,76、With prose poetry, prose and poems respectively, they enjoy high creative position and widespread influence in Chinese contemporary literature, and form artistic styles with clear individuality.他们分别以散文诗、散文与诗歌的创作,在中国当代文学享有较高的创作地位和广泛影响,并且形成了个性鲜明的艺术风格。

77、A first contact with John Ashbery's poems often throws readers into confusion with his multifarious, usually longwinded and discursive, verses which seem to have no distinctive characteristics at all.约翰·阿什贝利的诗歌乍看起来似乎毫无特色而又冗长松散,读者往往不知所云。

78、Must find some work to do ; 尽你所能地去做;


标签: 英文 诗歌

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