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关于”三种句型“的英语句子52个,句子主体:three sentence patterns。以下是关于三种句型的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:three sentence patterns


1、So if its customer intimacy , then we reengineer our customer.


2、The QLZ87 is available in two variants: the standard variant and the tripod-mounted heavy variant.


3、The Chinese FAW group three kind of vehicle types design .


4、There are three main types of rimless eyeglass frames.

Title 三种贝母核型的比较研究。

5、A comparative karyotypic study of three species in Fritillaria.


6、The outline of the story, divided into three types: single-linear, multi-linear and open-access.


7、The authors had collected

3 species of miniature mammals from habitat of Ranodon sibiricus, and researched interspecific relationship bet- ween Ranodon sibiricus and every miniature mammals.


8、In terms of their setting places, they can be divided into the village type, the corner type and the roof type.


9、The Hyperic product supports three different kinds of monitoring metrics


10、There are three types of coffee grinders.


11、We introduced three kinds of thick film resistor(TFR) conductive model.


12、There are three structures of multiplexer : serial, parallel and tree.


13、There are three isozymes: muscle-type, liver-type and platelet-type (




14、Doctors classify amyloidosis into three major forms


15、Generally, most experts give credence to three specific learning styles – auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.


16、RDRAM is the fastest and most expensive of the three.


17、exp and write that three times for each of these three.


18、There are three types of cloud formations: private (on premise), public, and hybrid.


19、Three typical metal-powder forming processes of the technology were described briefly.


20、With the high precision coating head and coating knife, it has following modes:sing coating, double coating and tricoating.

21、There are three deltaic types developed in lacustrine strata, i. e. , normal, braid and fan deltas, which consist of delta plain, delta front and front delta.在湖泊中存在三种三角洲类型,即正常三角洲,辫状三角洲和扇三角洲。

22、Universities can be divided into three types: investigative universities, didactical universities and community universities.大学可以分为研究型大学、教学型大学和社区服务型大学三种类型。

23、The spreadsheet associated with this article has three ROI models.本文所附的电子表格有三种 ROI 模型。

24、Three types of decision points for Fan In are supported支持三种类型的扇入判定点

25、There are three deltaic types developed in lacustrine strata i. e. normal braid and fan deltas which consist of delta plain delta front and front delta.摘要在湖泊中存在三种三角洲类型,即正常三角洲,辫状三角洲和扇三角洲。

英文句子26:,26、This model is a special case of the three-stage form.二阶段模型是三阶段模型的一种特例。

27、It originally contained a third category: non- actionable subsidies.本来还有第三种类型:不可诉性补贴。

28、Lewin indicated that there are three fundamental types of conflict卢因指出冲突有三种基础类型

29、On the screen flashes three types of pictures.在屏幕上轮番放着三种类型的图片。

30、In this work three different GAIM products with typical gas channel structure in the corner were studied with three-dimension mesh model.利用三维网格模型,分别考察三种典型拐角处气道结构的气辅制件。

31、Gong: In actual fact, there are three kinds of witkey Web sites.龚:实际上,有三种不同类型的威客。

32、Mid-sized MEC RTs have three drive modes.中型MEC的不平路面升降机有三种驱动模式。

33、There are three types of motorcycle brake fluids:alcoholic, mineral oil, and synthetic.摩托车制动液分醇型制动液、矿油型制动液、合成型制动液三种。

34、The mystery deepens: Why only three types?神秘加深了:为什么只有三种类型?

35、Four, three-phase electrical machinery plant various types of electrical production.三相电机厂生产各种型号的电机。

36、For summer growers this would be March and for winter growers, it means August.对于夏型种而言,xx月是个好时间,对于冬型种来说,则是xx月。

37、There are three document types (strict, transitional, and frameset).有三种文档类型(strict、transitional 和 frameset)。

38、A novel tri-band planar inverted F-antenna(PIFA) is presented.提出一种新型平面倒置F型三频手机天线(PIFA)。

39、Three types of salt-fresh water mixtures generally accepted are checked and described for the section.盐、淡混合水有三种类型:高度成层型、部分混合型和均匀混合型。

40、Three types of lesion of Drechslera sacchari responded three phenotypes of R S mechanism, which are conditioned by different sources of heredity.眼斑病三种不同类型的病斑反映三种不同类型的抗感机制,受不同的遗传组成源的控制。

41、Three kinds model of linear random are introduced;建立三种线性随机模型;

42、Brand equity primarily contains three kinds of concepts model.品牌资产主要有三种概念模型。

43、The boys and girls had different feature in the distribution of somatochart and 在三角型体型图上和 13种体型分布比例上均具有明显的性别特点。

13 somatotypes.

44、It can be classified into three types; wandering of soul, revival after death and love between man and ghost.细加区分,大致可分三种类型:离魂型、还魂型和纯一的人鬼相恋型。

45、The next page will explain the three types of crosstalk.下一单元将解释三种类型的串音。

46、The ultrasonography could be divided into three types : gestational sac type , mass type and ruptured type.声像图表现为孕囊型、包块型、破裂型三种。

47、Three methods are adopted in belt formation: teeth insertion, preconstruction and flowing.成型方法有嵌齿法,予成型法和流通法三种。

48、The transducer of orthographical and strained model is a new-type instrument applied to measuring three-dimensional space forces.正交型应变式三维测力传感器是用来测定三维空间力的一种新型结构。

49、Over 260 premium C4D models to help you design.超过260多种C4D三维模型来帮助您设计。

50、Announcing Three New Types of Legends of Norrath Tournaments!《诺瑞斯传奇》三种新竞赛型态公布!

经典英文句子51:三种句型,51、This mode can be divided into three types: leader type, general type, and counselor type.该模式所塑造的小说人物可大致分为三种类型,即领袖型、武将型和谋士型。

52、Select from three types of modulation waveforms for the tremolo .选择从三种类型的调制波形为颤音。

53、So on the basis of three principles of creating three types of steam traps : classified as mechanical type, thermal static type, thermal power-based. 于是就根据三个原理制造出三种类型的疏水阀:分类为机械型、热静力型、热动力型。


54、In Chapter III , the images of the children aresummed up three types of "wisdom", "kindness", and "consideration".第三部分论述的是《世说新语》中的儿童形象,我将他们归纳为“智慧型”、“善良型”、“思考型”三种类型。

55、May divide into the featherweight according to the bearing capacity, the quantity, the weight three kinds;根据承载能力可分为轻量型、中量型、重量型三种;

56、There are three main types of annual flowers, hardy, half-hardy and tender.主要有三个种类的xx年生植物:耐寒型,半耐寒型和柔嫩型。

57、Summarizes three kinds of Chinese medicines abortion typification of distribution, blood stasis syndrome, three majority use auricular application effect of the treatment group were better.总结药物流产三种中医辨证分型的分布规律,以血瘀型占大多数,三种症型耳穴贴压治疗的效果均优于对照组。

58、Main varieties include E/F coupler, reducer, tee, end cap, tapping tee, and E/F repair saddle and elbows in various angles. Fittings are in a complete range with complete specifications.主要品种有电熔套筒、变径、三通、端帽、鞍型三通、鞍型封堵以及各角度的弯头等品种,品种和规格齐全。

59、Among the first three, charge is non possessory whereas pledge and lien are possessory.在前三种类型中,抵押是非占有型的,而质押和留置都属于占有型。

60、The caudate nucleus arteries may be classified into three categories: ①perforative artery;尾状核内有三种动脉类型:①穿动脉;

61、The occurrences of organic matter in Paleogene argillaceous rock are classified into three types which are named as "enrichment type, dispersion type and part enrichment type", respectively.下第三系泥质岩有机质的赋存状态可划分为顺层富集型、分散型和局部富集型等三种类型。

62、Tributyl citrate is a new material of non-toxic plasticizer.柠檬酸三丁酯是一种新型无毒增塑剂。

63、A new triple-frequency microstrip antenna, which operates at 900MHz, 提出一种小型化三频微带天线。


64、There exists three kinds of moving patterns and people, economical, operational and environmental at present.目前在中国存在经济型、事业型、环境型三类流迁人口和三种流迁方式。

65、Results: According to pathologic courses, NLM was classified into three types.结果:根据病理过程NLM分成三种类型。



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