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关于”超级搞笑“的英语句子42个,句子主体:super funny。以下是关于超级搞笑的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:super funny


1、I attend to a program in lately, the program emcee with Wuzongxian in CCTV4 at 22:00 o'clock every Friday, is very very fun, I recommend to you.


2、The work won author Randolph Blake an Ig Nobel Prize in 2006.


3、These high tech high jinx will keep your family bewildered as you laugh when their desktop goes haywire or their speech recognition software only responds to Klingon.


4、But don't worry, folks, Sarah Palin will be back. Comedians everywhere are praying.


5、One super-sized generation.

当超级电容公交电车长途运输时,可 伴随超级电容公交电车行驶,同时向超级电容公交电车提供电能;

6、If transit trolley with super capacitance takes long-distance transport, the technical vehicle can go with it and supplies electric energy to it.


7、He's funny in the film as much, but often can be broken box office records calendar.


8、He is starting to sound, I laugh, like one of those adverts on daytime TV flogging dodgy loans.


9、’He shouted to his tent,looked him with his dark eyes.’ah~~~~~~’ Boy shouted~~~~


10、A hilarious story for a first-grade pupil to read. Shows that reading can be fun even if the vocabulary is very limited.


11、His girlfriend was a real uberbabe, with long blonde hair and a big smile.


12、You are super stupid.


13、In class society there is no human nature above classes.



13 backscattered. TAs, if you can maybe pick up these ping-pong balls for me.


15、I'm a superboy.


16、Use Your Ultra Balls!

是的,这很搞笑是吧? 但这便是跨文化婚姻生活的一部分。

17、Yes, its funny, and simply part and parcel of a cross-cultural relationship.


18、The funniest thing is he was too eager to win. When he said the funniest part he was so close that I couldn't hear him clearly.


19、The more thick skinned (better, funny, refused to welcome silence. Specific activity group planning organization.


20、The super rice breeding was divided into two stages, including super high yielding rice breeding and super rice breeding.

21、Jayus - Indonesian: someone who tells a joke so unfunny you can't help laughing .印度尼西亚语:讲了一个超级无聊的笑话,导致别人忍不住笑出来的人。

22、Surprisingly, no user cited an innate urge to write "ROFL" or "lololololol.令人意外的是,没有用户称自己天生就是无聊的想写”很搞笑“或。”

23、As if that’s not enough, there are always those hilarious cat videos.似乎这些还是不够,所以总是有很多滑稽搞笑的野猫视频。

24、This earned them an Ig Nobel prize last year, in the field of management.这篇论文为他们赢得了上xx年度的搞笑诺贝尔管理奖。

25、I'm a Superdog, Hobo!霍波,我是一条超级狗。

英文句子26:,26、And that’s fine – it’s fun to daydream about being a millionaire or a supermodel or a sports star.这很好。 做百万富翁、超级名模、超级明星的白日梦很有趣。

27、From Great Big Stepdad (he's over 6′ tall!从我超级大块继父(他身高超过6英尺!)

28、Super Hacker ready for linkup.超级骇客准备连接。

29、Vanessa has always had a thing for footballers and set her heart on becoming a kind of super-WAG.瓦内萨总是与足球运动员搞得不清不楚,下定决心要当那种超级太太或女友。

30、Opening up and enliven the secondary housing market.开放和搞活住房二级市场的目标。

31、One super-power bows out, and another, after an interval of xx年前,一个超级大国消失了,xx年后,另一个超级大国崛起了。

19 years, steps up.

32、Achievement of common prosperity characterizes socialism, which cannot produce an exploiting class.社会主义特征是搞集体富裕,它不产生剥削阶级。

33、And these are super sections in just that they are superset of the class.这些“超级课程“之所以“超级“,是因为它们是知识的精华部分。

34、Hyperlink will be lost. Hyperlinked text will be underline, but inactive.超级链接将丢失。超级链接文字将带下划线,但不再是活动状态。

35、It's known as “Thunder Thighs,” but don't let the funny nickname fool you.它还被誉为“雷霆大腿”,但是不要给这个搞笑的名字愚弄了你。

36、Morever, we'll go to see the 3D Kung Fu Panda, a funny animation.另外,我们会一起去看3D版的《功夫熊猫》,一部搞笑的动画片。

37、The ninth season has been premiered, with a new set of main characters.第九季已经开播,换了一大票新角色,是部很搞笑的喜剧。

38、He is so over active and silly, and he is very naught little kid ya…超过动超爆笑非常会整人的小孩子呀…

39、But funny thing is he is not B-class, but I think this is a good strong. I do not think he should be able to test the Guo Siji!不过搞笑的是他现在B级都没过,不过这样我觉得他好坚强。我相信他应该可以考过四级的!

40、They tried a man-in-a-suit tauntaun, with “hilarious if not film-worthy results.”他们也试了着让一个人穿怪兽坦坦(Tauntaun)装,取得了“超级搞笑,但是毫无电影价值的效果。”

41、He can fly, for starters, the first homeless superhero in movies-Superbum!首先,他会飞,这是电影史上第一个无家可归的超级英雄-超级流浪汉。

42、Essentially, hypermedia is the modern extension of hypertext, the hyperlinked, text-based documents of the original Internet.基本上,超媒体是超级文本的新式扩展(原因特网基于超级链接的文本文档)。

43、Again, as we've said before, this whole episode was just weird -- but funny.如此就又回到前面说过的,这一集怪怪的,不过都挺搞笑的。

44、The Scoop: Playful former pop music video director, Gondry is sure to add a fanciful twist to the big-screen adaptation of this 1930s masked superhero.独家新闻:搞笑的前流行音乐电视导演,冈瑞一定会带给我们些不一样的感觉,根据xx年代的超级英雄类电影改编。

45、Foreign pundits sound even more bearish, and one sometimes detects a hint of gloating at the hyperpower's distress.外国评论家更是火上浇油,甚至有些看超级大国笑话的意思。

46、step of a smile. Dr. Niedenthal argues that how another person弄清面部表情仅仅是搞懂笑的第一步,DIEDENTHAL博士认为其他人如何

47、I like Supergirl.我喜欢超级女孩。

48、I gaped , thinking at first that he must be doing some kind of comedy act.我打了个哈欠,我开始心想他肯定是做了搞笑的事情。

49、he just nails at his part on the show and I just, it's hilarious to watch.这部剧里他专注于自己的角色,看的时候太搞笑了。

50、Philip Ng had some scenes not only action scenes but also comical scenes in this new movie.伍允龙在新戏中除了武打连场外, 还有不少搞笑场合。

经典英文句子51:超级搞笑,51、Broken sound also cut! Do I!破音还晋级!搞我是吧!

52、And my wife. She is his biggest fan, and I think she is still recovering, " he said with a laugh.还有我的妻子,她是我哥哥的超级粉丝,我估计她也还在“恢复”中,”他笑着说道。

53、Rockwell has a hilarious scene in which he lovingly demonstrates the uses of a suitcase full of James Bond-esque superweapons.洛克威尔也有个搞笑的场景,就为了含情脉脉地向观众们展示他那整整一箱詹姆斯.邦德式的超级武器。

54、Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to be killed before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check for Uber Baal).超级墨菲斯托现在会在超级暗黑超级巴尔都死了才会召唤小弟。以前是仅仅巴尔死掉就可以了。



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