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1、The thesis argues that improvement and education of humanity character of philosophy is a basic point in teaching philosophy principles.


2、Would you tell us your philosophy about living as an actor?


3、First, management ideas should be renewed, that is, humanism should be adopted.


4、A day is an experiment; a year is a development.


5、Its philosophical significance lies with textual criticism about Reason; its innovation lies in the original expounding of Eco-Reason. Thus, it might open a new path for philosophy research.


6、The true beauty stands time and lasts—that's the truth. But not necessarily words from God or Goddess, nor words from the Saints, the wise men or philosophers.

我把此一哲理应用在研拟2010-11 年度社长奖。

7、I applied the same philosophy in developing the Presidential Citation for 2010-11.


8、The renaissance in the 12th centuries advanced the development of rationalism about scholasticism.


9、Others have loftier philosophical objections.


10、Her know zhe zhe touched the kite that is zhe zhe poison, make two opposite to each other.


11、This hexagram applies this philosophical thought to revealing the principles.


12、Management philosophy is a philosophy phenomenon, which is formed and developed from the foundation of market economy and modern mass production.

然而,这本书副标题为“一种新的历史哲学” ,并在它Gaarder处理xx年的西方价值哲学思想。

13、However, the book is subtitled "A Novel About the History of Philosophy, " and in it Gaarder tackles 2000 years worth of western philosophical thought.


14、Philosophers refer to these truths as rational or a priori truths, meaning that they are true prior to experience.


15、The meaning of love offers the philosophical basis to understanding the meaning of teacher love.


16、This article would like to proceed from the assumption that mystical experience has a rational basis and is compatible with philosophy.


17、Project management (PM) is not only a technique, but also a set of work-related values and a specific management philosophy.


18、Philosophers enjoy thinking about enigmas that seem impossible to understand.


19、He then studied philosophy and theology in Emmanuel College and Knox College (and at Regis College), all affiliated to the University of Toronto.


20、The second brother says at line 475: "How charming is divine Philosophy!"

21、Under this background, modern western philosophy has also being affected deeply by mathematics, and these impacts are embodied in philosophical thoughts of rationalists: Descartes and Spinoza.在这个背景下,西方近代哲学也深受数学的影响,这些影响突出地表现在理性主义哲学家笛卡尔和斯宾诺莎两人的哲学思想上。

22、However Wen tries, Zhe never talks to her anymore.不管纹怎么努力,哲都不再理她。(编译:赵峦)

23、Developing a philosophy of integrating physics, chemistry & biology, etc.发展了融合物理、化学、生物等学科的哲学体系。

24、The nature of philosophy of abnormal mentality pathology machine-made is meaning world and worth world of its.异常心理病理机制的哲学本质是它的意义世界和价值世界。

25、Our Philosophy: We use it, wear it, talk it.我们的哲理:我们使用产品、佩带胸章、与人分享。

英文句子26:,26、I graduated from college with degrees in philosophy and psychology.大学毕业的时候我获得了哲学学位和心理学学位。

27、Correctly to appreciate these philosophical methods and their value in the cognitive science can provide a rational orientation of the role of philosophy and philos…正确评价这些哲学方法及其它们在认知科学研究中的价值作用能够对哲学和哲学家在认知科学中的作用给予合理的定位。

28、Vedanta is a philosophy; you can understand it perfectly well.吠檀多是一种哲学;你能很好地理解它。

29、This article investigates the philosophy of Lai Zhide from three aspects: his life commitment, his relationship to Neo-Confuciani sm, and his understanding of the Yijing.本文从人生态度、理学关联与《 易经》哲学三个方面研究来知德的哲学思想。

30、Broadspectrum philosophy is a generalized quantification study on the philosophic mechanism of general things with dialectical structuralism as constructional thoughts.广谱哲学是以辩证结构主义为建构思想的关于一般事物哲理的广义量化研究。

31、Outlook of truth is the core of James' pragmatism.真理观是詹姆士实用主义哲学的核心内容。

32、This is surpassing of WANG Yuan-slang's literary theory after philosophical thinking.这是王元骧文学原理的哲学思考之后的超越。

33、This is sort of the-- maybe the Greek ideal in relationships of some kind.这种关系-,可能是希腊哲学中的理想爱情。

34、In the first section, the argument is based on the Cassirer's philosophy of Symbolic Culture so that to discuss the theoretical approach and philosophical persuasion of Iconology.第一节以卡西尔符号文化哲学为基点,论述图像学的理论脉络与哲学观点;

35、Reason is a permanent important concept in western philosophy history, even can say, the development of the rational idea, is the epitome of western philosophy development.理性,是西方哲学史上一个长久性的重要概念,甚至可以说,理性观念的发展演变,是西方哲学发展演变的缩影。

36、Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright.是巴尔扎克发表的第一部长篇哲理小说。

37、These articles discuss the standpoint of philosophy of science, evolutional structure of theory, Heidegger's philosophy about modern technology and Feyerabend's postmodern philosophy of science.本期论坛主要讨论科学哲学学科建设的立足点、科学理论的进化结构、海德格尔的技术哲学思想以及费耶阿本德的后现代科学哲学。

38、It starts by raising a certain philosophical objection to the personality theory.首先我们对人格理论提出一种哲学上的异议。

39、The relation between reason and mind is the core issue of Wangyangming's philosophy.心与理的关系是王阳明哲学的核心问题。

40、Jurisprudence is an academic branch by means of using the philosophical method to study the basic problems of law, and it's a subject that is to research the ordinary problems of law.法理学是一个运用哲学方法研究法律基本问题的学术门类,与法律哲学或法哲学含义相同,都是探讨法律的一般性问题的学科。

41、From theory psychology, economics, political theory, ethics, to social legal philosophy , its influence even surmounts era, and lasts constantly.从理论心理学、济学、治理论、理学,直到社会法律哲学,其影响力甚至超越时代,连绵不绝。

42、The second chapter discusses Schopenhauer's criticism of Kant's ethics.第二章主要论述了叔本华的道德哲学理论。

43、Physics and Philosophy, Experimental Physics and Astronomy, Theoretical Physics and thermodynamics, Relativity and Gravity, Gondens-matter Physics, High-energy Physics.物理与哲学、验物理-天文学、论物理-气体动力学、对论与重力理论、论物理-重力理论相对论、态物理、能物理。

44、Here is a philosopher in life and in death who adhered to the principles of his philosophy. We'll continue with rights next time.这就是一位生前身后都谨守自己哲学原理的哲学家,下节课继续讲权利。

45、Rorty is famous for his theory of "post - philosophical culture" .罗蒂以他的“后哲学文化”理论而闻名遐迩。

46、The second: The philosophic theory of modern distance education.第二部分:现代远程教育教学结构的哲学理论基础。

47、II. The Philosophy of Nature: the science of the Idea in its otherness.自然哲学,研究理念的异在的科学。

48、Liu Jiang et al School of Philosophy and Social Sciences; Jilin University; Changchun; 130012;吉林大学哲学社会学院心理学系; 云南师范大学教育科学与管理学院;

49、Some ancient Greek philosophy seems to derive from the Oriental theory.古希腊人的一些哲学理论似乎源自于东方。

50、Starting with Socrates, philosophers have been searching for the eternal verities.自苏格拉底以降,哲学家一直在追寻永恒的真理。

经典英文句子51:哲理,51、Finally, for gender theory the masculine anger of the philosopher, Mr.最后,在性别理论看来,哲人男性气质中的怒气。

52、Philosophically, some reformers dislike the need to have human beings decide policy .在哲理上,某些改良者不愿意让人来决定政策。

53、What lured me into philosophy was the sense-datum theory.真正吸引我做哲学的,是感知材料理论。

54、Governing by Noninterference is the highest principle of Taoist philosophy of government.“无为而治”是道家管理哲学的最高原则。

55、I assumed I was the one doing all the teaching.我一直认为我是那个教给他人生哲理的人。

56、I think Nietzschean leitmotiv is the transcending thought.本文试图把超越思想理解为尼采哲学的主旨。

57、The realistic realism he advocated included not only the objective world subject to the rational philosophy, but also the supernatural world of the non-rational philosophy.他所标举的现实主义的“现实”,既包括理性主义哲学所指向的客观世界,也包括非理性主义哲学所指向的超验世界。

58、In the present interview the essence of his practical philosophy, which can be epitomized as solidarity and social reason, is exposed by Gadamer himself.换言之,其实践哲学的“一体性”和“社会理性”即意味着其哲学解释学的“对话”。

59、Fuk-kay is now studying for his MPhil in Physics at HKUST.馥基现在是科大物理系的哲学硕士研究生。

60、He criticized the scholasticism, built up his materialism mansion;他批判经院哲学,建立其唯物主义理论大厦;

61、Is managerial authorship central to the proper management of a project, as the Management By Planning philosophy implies?如同“以计划管理”哲学暗示的,管理的身份是恰当项目管理的核心么?

62、Relativism, sophistry, and the dialectic, as philosophical category, is generally understood based on common sense, whose philosophical significance is covered.相对主义、诡辩论和辩证法这三个哲学范畴经常被常识化理解,其真正哲学内涵长期被遮蔽。

63、Love of Truth: Druid Philosophy is a quest for Wisdom .真理之爱:德鲁伊的哲学是智慧的追求。

64、Since the great influence of computer, CTM is prevailing in philosophical circle, and become a philosophical subject arousing severe debates.这一理论由于计算机的巨大影响而迅速窜红于哲学界,成为众多哲学家激烈争论的主题。

65、Tell another story, Mother, one with a moral to it, like this.再讲一个,妈妈--讲个带哲理的,就像这个一样。

66、Johnson was a logician who had also lectured on philosophical psychology.约翰逊是一位开设哲学心理学讲座的逻辑学家。

67、The social responsibility of management is an important aspect of Oliver Sheldon's management philosophy.管理的社会责任问题,是谢尔登管理哲学思想的一个重要方面。

68、Goh Teck Sien is our first year missiological student in 2009.吴哲仙是卫理神学院xx年宣教科xx年级学生。


标签: 英文 哲理

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