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关于”写常用“的英语句子52个,句子主体:Write commonly used。以下是关于写常用的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Write commonly used


1、I wrote one of my most enduringly popular posts using this technique.

( lhs 和 rhs 分别是 左边(left-hand side)和 右边(right-hand side)的常用缩写。)

2、lhs and rhs are commonly used abbreviations for left-hand side and right-hand side, respectively.


3、We have fewer and fewer opportunities to write, as aresult, we always forget how to write the characters.

4、我们的老板书写非常糟糕 Our boss is very bad. 我们的老板书写非常糟糕 Our boss is very bad.

a 是非常有用的选项,因为它是 --group --owner --perms --times --devices --links --recursive 的缩写。

5、a is invaluable, as it's shorthand for --group --owner --perms --times --devices --links --recursive.


6、We quite commonly see skilled admins with directories for scripts they have written on their machines.


7、And when it comes to writing cheques or doctors' prescriptions, an ink's ability to resist attack is important.


8、She often writes for fun.


9、One of the most frequent questions I get about my articles for Southern Weekly is whether I write in Chinese or English. The answer is both.


10、The epic poem, "Digenis Akritas, " is in a very different genre.


11、"Paper was a rarity back then, " Salem explains.


12、You can really test yourself and try writing an entire day while using your less-used hand.


13、Literature usually takes the form of prose or verse.


14、Dynamic languages often have high-level constructs that make programs written in them very compact.


15、Yes, I think so. You could write it in a very bright colour.


16、Generally use an upper-case P(·) to denote a probability mass function and a lower-case p(·)to denote a probability density function.


17、Code in XAML and C# is really verbose.


18、Common digital recording tools, such as Digital Voice Recorder can only record voice, and those who uses handwriting pad may find it inconvenient to use a special pen to write.


19、The entire package name should be lowercase, even for proper names and acronyms that are normally capitalized.

字串常量可以用普通SQL 表示法或者美元符包围来书写。

20、The string constant can be written using either regular SQL notation or dollar-quoting.

21、These auto-corrections kick in whenever a user misspells a common word.当用户写错一个常见单词时,Google就会提供自动更正建议。

22、I often write home on Saturday evening.星期六晚上我常常写家信。

23、Some abbreviations in common use in domestic trade may not be readily understood in international trade.国内贸易通常使用的一些缩写语,在国际贸易中可能…

24、This overload of the constructor is used most frequently when writing to the queue, as target types are not required when writing.写入伫列时最常使用建构函式的多载,因为写入时不需要目标型别。

25、The multi-functional neutral pen integrates normal writing, supineness writing and writing in the zero gravity sate and brings great convenience to users.本实用新型,集正常书写、仰卧书写和 失重状态下书写多功能于一笔,会给使用者带来很大方便。

英文句子26:,26、. Do you still remember the sentence “Sorry, I didn't recognize you." 学生写记叙文时常混用时态。

27、Telegrams are usually typed out in capital letters.电报通常都用大写字母打出。

28、The invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold.邀请卡是用非常漂亮的白字和金字写成的。

29、Popular abbreviations included "KY" for "No use" ("know yuse"), "KG" for "No go" ("Know go"), and "OW" for all right ("oll wright")。常用的缩写包括把“No use”(没有用处)写成“KY”(“know yuse”),把“No go”(不行)写成“KG”(“Know go”),以及把“all right”(好的/可以)写成“OW”(“oll wright”)。

30、For example, in developerWorks articles, you often find sidebars encoded as tables, as shown in Listing 例如,在 developerWorks 文章中,常常会看到用表格形式编写的边栏,见清单



31、I wrote what I believe is a good general introduction to data compression.我撰写了我认为是 数据压缩相当常用的介绍。

32、This is useful for readers to correct typos .这是非常有用的为读者正确的拼写错误。

33、Write character names with capital letters but write dialogue text normally.角色的名字要采用大写字母排字,而对白则采用常规文字样式。

34、He usually uses some famous dictums in his articles.他写作文时经常会用上一些至理名言。

35、It has to be flexible, accepting abbreviations and shortcuts for common commands.必须具备灵活性,可以接受常用命令的缩写和快捷方式。

36、I tend to write in a very authoritative tone which is somewhatmisleading.我倾向于在用非常权威的口气来写,这会有些误导。

37、Incidentally, notice that DCMI vocabulary terms are not case-sensitive, since they will often be used in case-insensitive contexts such as HTML (pre-XHTML, that is).顺便说一下,DCMI 词汇表术语是大小写不敏感的,因为常常被用于大小写不敏感的上下文,如 HTML(即 XHTML 的前身)。

38、Get general information about writing extensions for MediaWiki in the Extensions manual.在 扩展手册 获得有关为 MediaWiki 编写扩展的常用信息。

39、当然楼上的写法也都对,at the age of 也经常用,如 my grandma is at the age of

40、Olmsted wrote often and thought hard about the words he used.奥姆斯特德经常写作,往往费心思考自己的用词。

41、For example, data binding is most commonly used to read and write data to some storage medium.比如,数据绑定常用于从存储介质读写数据。

42、Redraft, rewrite, start again… Work consistently and often.重新起草,重写,再来过…不间断地常常地写。

43、Alternatively, bit-string constants can be specified in hexadecimal notation, using a leading X (upper or lower case), e. g. , X'1FF'.另外,位串常量可以用十六进制表示法声明,方法是使用前缀的X (大写或者小写),比如, X'1FF'。

44、Programmers often write TODO with no space, all caps like this which means "I have to do something here."程序员通常写TODO不使用空格,像这样的大写意思是“这里我需要做些事情“

45、This is a metaphor that Derrida frequently uses, as a kind of writing on the ear.这是德里达经常用的一个比喻,就像在耳朵上书写。

46、When writing your detectors, it's often useful to print the values for them.在编写自己的检测器时,打印出它们的值通常是有用的。

47、The spelling of English is often puzzling.英语的拼写法常常使人伤脑筋。

48、A common problem as you try to scale applications is write contention in the database.在您尝试伸缩应用程序时,常遇见的问题是数据库中的写入争用。

49、A few abbreviations are so common that you can use them without guilt有一些极为常用的缩写形式,您仍然可以放心使用

50、XDoclet is a tool that lets you write only a single class for EJB for database access instead of a minimum of four classes.XDoclet 是一个非常有用的工具,使用这个工具您只需要为访问数据库的 EJB 编写一个类即可,而不用编写

4 个类。

经典英文句子51:写常用,51、Harry is one of the old school and still writes all his business letters in longhand.哈里这个人非常守旧,至今仍然用普通写法写所有的公函。

52、A collection of commonly used microcomputer to use the program, and many use the assembly language, some use the Keil C!汇集了常用的单片机使用程序,很多使用了汇编语言编写,部分使用Keil C!

53、The most common contractions with tu are t'as and t'es, which replace tu as and tu es.和tu连用的最常见的缩写是t'as和t'es,它们被用来代替tu as和tu es。

54、This PHP code is a really great set of graphing tools.这个用 PHP 编写的包是非常棒的一组绘图工具。

55、This is a very powerful script in only a few lines of code.这是仅用一些行代码所写的非常强大的脚本。

56、The typical F5 steganographic method uses the standard quantization table with matrix coding method to embed information, so it has higher safety and smaller capacity.传统的F5隐写方法采用标准的量化表量化后用矩阵编码的方法来嵌入信息,其安全性较高但隐写容量非常小。

57、Its use is something like the verbsknow / think / recognize…. Do you still remember the sentence “Sorry, I didn't recognize you." 学生写记叙文时常混用时态。

58、Swash letter: A florid version of standard italic capital letters, usually used for ornamentation. Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters.花饰字:加上装饰的标准斜体英文大写字母;作装饰用。花饰大写,通常配合斜体小写使用。

59、I tend to write in a very authoritative tone which is somewhat misleading.我倾向于在用非常权威的口气来写,这会有些误导。

60、To write your own extension function in another language is often complex and time consuming.用其他语言编写自己的扩展函数通常费时费力。

61、On Hydrocolloids and Its Complex Gums Used in Meat Products;胶体墨水笔在世界范围内已成为常用的书写工具。

62、The following table lists some of the commonly used classes used for reading from and writing to files with streams.下表列出了一些在使用流读取和写入文件时常用的类。

63、Spelling mistakes make you look like a doofus. So always use the spell check, and proofread your email, too.拼写错误是非常低级的,所以每次都要使用拼写检查,并校对你的邮件两遍。

64、Expect some of them to respond with the usual ‘this is great!’ b.s.可以预料有些人会用常规的回答“写得很好”。

65、Spelling mistakes make you look like a doofus. So always use the spell check, and proofread your email, too.拼写差错是非常低级的,所以每次都要应用拼写反省,并校订你的邮件两遍。

66、这两个字其实这就是 kind of 和 sort of 的简写,(当然这非常不正式,不要用在正式的英文书写上) 例如,"He is just kinda weird." 就是说他是有一点怪怪的。

67、It is often used when misspellings are possible in the document.当文档中可能有错误的拼写时,常常使用模糊搜索。

68、This becomes extremely useful when writing LINQ queries.这将对编写LINQ的查询非常有用。


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