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关于”诗集“的英语句子51个,句子主体:poetry anthology。以下是关于诗集的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:poetry anthology


1、Chapter Four draws a conclusion about issues mentioned above mainly from the perspective of poetics.

从那以后,我将视线转移到其他的诗人和书藉中。 但是那卷济慈诗集,我想珍藏在玻璃柜中。

2、By then I had moved on to other poets and other books, but that little volume of Keats is the thing I would wish to preserve, under glass.


3、Atharvaveda contains first class poetry coming from visionary poets, much of it being glorification of the curative powers of herbs and waters.


4、The present Sikong Biaosheng Shiji has been compiled three times by later generations.


5、However, problems still remain. There has been little attention paid to the contents of the poetry collections in the Qing Dynasty.


6、The third chapter pays more attention on the value and status of the collections of Bai Xiangshan;


7、I focused on the tension between what I’ve come to call Poetry & Pragmatics.


8、Rejection and Recreation and Collected Poetics Review of Shen Qi (

3 Vols).


9、Moreover, Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, the Stamp-collecting princess, will preside over the official opening ceremony.


10、He published poetry anthology "Love Without Regret" (cooperation), prose anthology " Qing River Flowing Like This", novel "Representative of Workers", etc.


11、It is the first time that the style of collecting poems, comment and biographies in Chinese literature history, and have an enormous effect to following compilers.


12、English translation of classical Chinese poetry in various forms has been accepted among scholars and readers and has exerted much influence in the west.


13、Eldred wanted to post that collection in his free public library.


14、Wenxuan selected by Xiao Tong is the earliest existing set of poems.


15、What's worth mentioning is that these two collections contain poems of the same title but describe different situations and express different feelings and emotions.


16、The Group's flagship The Ascott luxury serviced residence brand projects an elegant lifestyle appealing to top executives.


17、The fourth chapter mainly explodes the style of explanation and arts features in the collections of Bai Xiangshan.


18、The one who wrote a preface to his collection of poems enjoyed the highest status among the Western Region poets on the frontiers.


19、Michael Ryan has written four books of poems, an autobiography, a memoir, and a collection of essays about poetry and writing.


20、Recall Ancient Literature is a collection of poetry by Fang Chengxun, who is from Huizhou in the Ming Dynasty.

21、He wrote a book of poetry, and he was a both civil and military general.留有诗集一部,是住文武兼备的将军。

22、He is the author of four books of poems, and is a professor of creative writing at Bryant University.他出过四本诗集,现为布来恩大学创作班教授。

23、Ye, famous for such works as "En Route", is a member of the China Writers Association.叶世斌系中国作家协会会员,代表作有诗集《在途中》等。

24、During the remainder of his life, Hardy wrote several collections of poems.在接下来的岁月中,哈代创作了几本诗集。

25、Part Two concentrates on studying painting-in-poetry of Wangwei.下编则是集中对王维“诗中有画”艺术进行研究。

英文句子26:,26、The styles and contents of the more than three hundred poems in the Collected Poems of Hanshan are extremely heterogeneous.传世《寒山诗集》所收三百多首诗,其风格和内容之驳杂,早已为众所周知。

27、A friend flew in from Indonesia bringing to me the poetry of Chairil Anwar.我的一位友人特从印尼给我带来凯里尔·安华的诗集。

28、He sets a high value on “Poems”.他给《诗集》以高度评价。

29、Fitzgerald:British poet and noted translator of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (1859).菲茨杰拉德:英国诗人,欧玛尔·海亚姆的《鲁拜集》(xx年)的有名的译者。

30、Hou Fangyu's Si-Yi-Tang Anthology was forbidden in Qianrong of Qing Dynasty. So the anthology did not spread widely, but the worth of it is significant.侯方域所作《四忆堂诗集》在清乾隆时被列入禁毁书目,流传不广,但其诗的价值不可忽视。

31、Wang Shaokuan was born in Gaoxiong in 1967. Now he is the member of The Vineyard Poetry Quarterly . Candles is his personal collection of poems.王诏观,xx年生,高雄市人。现任《葡萄园》诗社同仁。著有个人诗集《花烛》等。

32、To study these poems can help us understanding the comprehension of Yuan Mei himself. To discuss his poems help to understand his poetics thoughts and life view comprehensively.从这些诗作中我们可以更清晰地看到袁枚对自己的认识,所以对这些诗作进行集中的探讨有助于我们全面地理解其诗学思想与人生观念。

33、Poem collections include The Wind is Telling You and Of the Same Kind and so on.著有诗集《风在向你诉说》、《一路货色》等。

34、In 在

19 24 , Faulkner published his first book, a collection of poetry titled The Marble Faun.

19 24 ,福克纳发表了他的第一本书,诗集名为大理石福恩。

35、Her published books include Puppets on Strings (poetry), Cornel Box (poetry), Fishing with Mimi Cat (children) and Tales from Bitter Bodhi Bay (children).诗作结集为《拉线木偶》、《茱萸箱》,另写有童话集《和呼咪一起钓鱼》、《苦菩湾故事》。

36、John Burnside (b. 1955) is the author of nine collections of poetry and five works of fiction.约翰·伯恩赛德(1955-)著有9本诗集和5部小说。

37、Buy an anthology of spiritual teachings.买一些灵性教导的诗集。

38、This book of poems, I have to have more ice cores into a layer of understanding.这本诗集后,我对冰心有了更进一层的了解。

39、Contemporary Poetry Quarterly and The World Contemporary Poetry Series have a close fraternal relation.本刊与“中外现代诗名家集萃”的各个系列有着兄弟般的血缘关系。

40、Ascott, awholly-owned subsidiary of CapitaLand Limited, is headquartered in Singapore.雅诗阁是凯德集团旗下的全资子公司,总部设在新加坡。

41、The existing Psalter is a compilation of various collections made at various times.这是有可能的成员,这个家庭组成的诗篇,后来被收集到

42、In this solo exhibition of Shan Sa, the artist's most recent series of oil paintings and poems are exhibited for the first time to the public at the Elisabeth de Brabant Art Center.最新油画作品集此次山飒的个展,最新的油画集以及诗集将首次在博雅珊艺术中心与公众见面。

43、Together they create a poetic atmosphere, just like a painting that combines poems, calligraphy and scenery all in one.园林中有溪流、假山、树木,以及亭、台、阁、桥,造成一种集诗、书、画于一体的诗意环境。

44、Some books of letters serve as a personalised historical chronicle. Poets' letters are seldom like that, and Hughes's are no exception.一些书信集只是个人的经历记录而已,但是诗人的书信集却不同,休斯的也不例外。

45、The long reportage of The Melancholy of Taibei and the anthology of The Fun4'ral of the Sun by Prof. Wang Zhongling were published in 2005.长篇报告文学《台北的忧郁》与诗文集《太阳的葬礼》是王钟陵教授xx年出版的两本创作集。

46、The book has become one of the largest-selling books of original verse in the UK in decades.此书成为了上xx年中英国最畅销诗集。

47、With Hans Robert Jauss's reception theory as a theoretical basis, this chapter focuses on the reception and influence of Leaves of Grass among generations of Chinese poets;第四章分析了《草叶集》在中国的接受情况,依据尧斯的接受理论,着重考察了《草叶集》在中国新诗发展的不同历史时期,对中国新诗人产生的不同影响。

48、In the bedroom, I found a hand-sewn book containing an anthology of civil war poems.在卧室里,我找到了一本用手工针线装订成册的内战诗集。

49、Then I launched into a criticism of the work of this writer.接着我就发起了对这位诗集作者其作品的批评。

50、The series of poems"Singing the poor"displayed the subject intensively.特别是《咏贫士》组诗,对此表现尤为集中。

经典英文句子51:诗集,51、His poems and articles have been adopted by many anthologies and dictionaries in China.诗文成果名录被多种选集和辞书登载。

52、Hanxin, pen name of Dong Mei, was born in 1968 in Lanzhou, Gansu and now resides in Shandong. She has published Three Simple Hearts (co-authored) and Rambling Slowness.寒馨,原名董梅,xx年生于甘肃兰州,现居山东;曾出版诗集《三素心》(三人合集)、《漫无目的的慢》。

53、The book of Collation and Annotation of Baijuyi's Poetry Anthology (Zhonghua press, 2006) is written by Mr Xie Siwei. However, there are some problems in it.谢思炜先生所撰《白居易诗集校注》(中华书局,xx年),是目前为止注释白诗的相对完整的力著。

54、Whats worth mentioning is that these two collections contain poems of the same title but describe different situations and express different feelings and emotions.最值得一提的是这两部诗集中分别收录了数首情景不同、内容迥异、前乐后苦的同名诗。

55、A fiction writer and poet, she is best known for her memoir, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, and for Tender Buttons (prose poetry).作为小说家和诗人,她以回忆录《艾丽丝。托克拉斯自传》以及她的散文诗集《温柔纽扣》著名。

56、Hans Christian Andersen wrote six novels, more than 80 dramas, travelogues and collections of poems.安徒生一生著有6部小说,80多部戏剧,大量游记和诗集。

57、The legend of Urashimataro is recorded both in earliest Japanese poetry anthology "Manyoshu" and in ancient history book "Nihonsyoki".浦岛子传说在日本最早的诗歌总集《万叶集》和早期史书《日本书纪》中均有记载。

58、I have noticed that many in Suzhou's broadcasting circles have published anthologies, poetry and essays, and were proud that they have done so.我注意到苏州不少广播界人士已经出版多部丛书、诗集与散文集,并引以为荣。

59、The long reportage of The Melancholy of Taibei and the anthology of The Funeral of the Sun by Prof.长篇报告文学《台北的忧郁》与诗文集《太阳的葬礼》是王钟陵教授xx年出版的两本创作集。

60、In the 1950s, collapse sends poet gathered here. In Washington Square Square (U.上世纪50 年代,垮掉派诗人就聚集在这里。

61、The major emphasis of this hymnal is the concept of whole family worship.这新诗集尤其注重「全家一起崇拜」的概念。

62、A poem that spreads magic power will be recited by all the Huidaomen members.这首宣扬道法的诗将由会众集体朗诵。

63、Further major works are: Sonnets to Orphens (1923), The Note Books of Maite Laurids Brigge (1910), New Poems (1907-1908).其他主要作品有:《献给奥尔甫斯的十四行诗》(1923)、《麦特。劳瑞兹。


64、This article focusing"the verse club"as a topic for the first time, probes into the situation which in WuHou Middle time court poets compose poems and chant in response.本文首次以“诗会”为题,探讨武后中宗时期宫廷诗人集体吟咏的情况。

65、The poetry collection-Yun-temple is a modern poetry collection permeated with modern art skill.《云寺》是一部饱含现代艺术气息的新诗集。

66、One essential part in the collection of Emperor Qianlong's poems is the record of his inspection in the southern China.南巡纪事状游是乾隆《御制诗》集一个重要内容。

67、After years of hard work, the collection of outstanding poems has finally been completed.经过几年的努力,收集逸诗的工作终于结束。

68、Set volume, this compilation Poetry Volumes I and II.集一卷,今编诗二卷。

69、One of the volumes was a Swinburne.手边有一本是史文朋的诗集。

70、And who is to say that the poetry would have been worse?那么谁会说诗集本身要比它更糟糕呢?

71、Mout tai has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets.泰山历来是艺术家和诗人钟情的聚集地。


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