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关于”家的美句“的英语句子26个,句子主体:The beautiful sentence of home。以下是关于家的美句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The beautiful sentence of home


1、Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!


2、Benedetto Croce, is a famous Italian philosopher, esthetician and literature critic.


3、Mother and sister say Fan grew up poor. He had a difficult childhood.


4、Jack: We had a wonderful dinner. His family was very nice to me.


5、Chen Zhifo (1896-1962) is a famous modern Chinese art educator and artist of crafts and Chinese painting.


6、China artist association member, fujian province of fujian branch young artist association member, is now studying in China academy of fine arts, professional painter.


7、Come on, my beautiful motherland!


8、Guo Weiqu ( 19081971 ), Weifang City, Weicheng, China's famous painting of contemporary artists, art theorist, art educator. Mr.


9、In all the village there was no garden so lovely as his.


10、Jennifer Garner: Girl Next Door Gorgeous!


11、In the charming classical aesthetics in China, what affects us most is both Confucians and Taoism.


12、Our specialists in the fine arts should pay attention to the fine arts of the masses.


13、Since the ancient times, many estheticians, thinkers and educators advocate aesthetic cultivation, take it as an important way to perfect and improve the personality and realize the development.


14、“Our people and the Wilkes are different,” he went on slowly, fumbling for words.


15、Not only does she have great gastronomic taste, but her sense of art and beauty is likewise impeccable.

作家写下凄美动人的故事, 叫人黯然泪流; 作曲家谱出美妙的乐曲, 扣人心弦;

16、Writers tell stories to move people, composers write songs to touch our hearts, architects build to surprise us.


17、Man desired to have a family, a Happy and Creditably family.


18、We wish the merriest of christmas to yours, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.


19、The enterprise has excellent prospects.


20、Member of Chinese Artist's Association, Standing Director of Xiamen Artist's Association, the art teacher in the art Institution of Ji Mei University in Xiamen, Professor.

21、Ms. Zheng, a lady in Shanghai, has a dialectical view, however.对这句话,家住上海的郑女士有自己的看法。

22、In other words, do not let everyone see how lovesick you are.换句话说,不要让大家看到你害了相思病。

23、Both a lot of philosopher and aesthetician accept his effect.许多哲学家和美学家都受到他的影响。

24、Hungarian-American pianist and educator.美籍匈牙利钢琴家,教育家。

25、In a seminar, a renowned speaker, before he started his opening remarks, raised a note of 在一次讨论会上,一位着名的演说家没讲一句开场白,手里却高举着一张20美元的钞票。 面对会议室里的200个人,他问:"谁要这20美元?"

20 dollars in his hand and asked the 200 people in the conference hall, “Who wants to get this

20 dollars?”

英文句子26:,26、People, look at my beautiful possessions.大家看看我的美丽的占有物。

27、What a picture-perfect family.真是美如画的一家人。

28、Furniture suits to use take carven Euramerican furniture style.家具适合用带雕刻的欧美家具样式。

29、Yan Geling is one of the distinguished new immigrant writers.旅美作家严歌苓就是新移民作家中的佼佼者。

30、Company Profile EMKA Wood Company was established in 2000 and bent herself to research and produce environmental decoration materials and family commodities.宜美家木业简介: 宜美家木业有限公司始建于xx年,是一家致力于环保装饰材料和环保家居用品开发及生产的企业。

31、German philosopher and educator Schiller, in the 18th century in the "Aesthetic Letters" first put forward the "aesthetic" concept.德国哲学家、教育学家席勒,于18世纪在《美育书简》中首次提出“美育”的概念。

32、The runaways silent beauty shes got everybody chicken fly a dog to jump, beauty shes mother also suspect the beauty shes are the political huan hidden not say.美妍一声不响的离家出走搞得大家鸡飞狗跳,美妍的母亲还疑心是政桓把美妍藏起来不说。

33、Amy and Danny want to buy some furniture for their new home.艾美和丹尼想为他们的新家买新家具。

34、The astronomer said, "its beauty comes from its ugliness."“可这正是它的美!” 天文学家说,“它是以丑为美的。”

35、“Our people and the Wilkes are different, ” he went on slowly, fumbling for words.咱们家的人跟威尔克斯家的人不一样,"他字斟句酌地慢慢说。"

36、Back to the place of beautiful lunch.回到美味午餐的农家乐了。

37、Merchants and bankers, such as the Medicis, used their money to ensure the creation of the finest artefacts .诸如美第奇家族这样的富商、银行家利用其资金确保了精美艺术品的创作。

38、The station is almost opposite the school.这家餐厅的斜对面是一家美容院。

39、This observation by the famous French philosopher holds the key to why great thinkers such as Aristotle and Bodhidharma required their students to be physically fit and healthy.这位著名的法国哲学家所说的这句话就是对亚里士多德和达摩为什么要求他们的学生身体匀称健美最好的诠释。

40、Zhu Xuanxian, 1927 (Zhejiang)---2002 (Chongqing), outstanding traditional Chinese painting artist, woodblock artist, caricaturist and art activist.朱宣咸(1927--2002),杰出的中国画画家、版画家、漫画家与美术活动家。

41、For every dollar of wealth owned by a white family, a black or Latino family owns just 美联储最近的一份研究显示,一个白人家庭每挣一美元,相应的黑人或拉丁美洲人家庭只能挣16美分。

16 cents, according to a recent Federal Reserve study.

42、Yixin Mercure , home life museum.《 怡心美居,家居生活馆。 》。

43、Decorating/furnishing/landscaping expenses装潢/家具/美化费用

44、No company is perfect.没有一家公司是完美的。

45、Meggie:"You want to go home?"美琪:“你想回家么?”

46、The realization of traditional aesthetics education in china was implemented by three fundamental ways: social aesthetics education, school aesthetics education and family aesthetics education.中国传统美育的实施,遵循士人“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的成长途径,通过社会、学校与家庭三个环节展开。 社会美育、学校美育、家庭美育是美育实施的三个基本途径。

47、So it is called Metal Furniture Family in the furniture line.从而亚太金家在行业中赢得了“金属家具家族”的美誉。

48、The Morgans were a wonderful, loving, and talented family.摩根一家是一个美好,充满爱,有才能的家庭。

49、He was a cartoonist's dream come true.他是漫画家美梦的真实版。

50、For those who make green changes to their homes — energy efficient air conditioners, furnaces and windows — there is a 30% tax credit up to $1, 500.而那些在家居方面做出环保改变的家庭——例如使用低能耗空调、火炉以及窗户——他们可以享受30%的免税额度,换句话说就是上至


经典英文句子51:家的美句,51、He is an aesthete now .他现在是个审美家。

52、Prose in the mundane, taste, beauty beauty, some highlights from the mundane to their beauty.散文素以家常味、家常美、絮语美为自己的美质定位。

53、The Mubarak family is said to possess $70 billion, and Ben Ali’s $17 billion.据说穆巴拉克家族拥有700亿美元,而本•阿里家族则拥有170亿美元。

54、The hotel charges $2 for washing and ironing a shirt.这家旅馆洗熨衣服收费2美圆。 这家旅馆洗熨衣服收费2美圆。

55、Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family! 事业成功,家庭美满(阖家欢乐)

56、The thing about true out-of-the-boxthinkers is they'd never use this clich.真正的创新思想家是不会说出这句陈词滥调的。

57、He is now member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the Standing Committee of Beijing Artists Association, professional painter at Beijing Painting Studio, and first class painter.现为中国美术家协会会员、北京美术家协会理事、北京画院专业画家及一级画家。


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