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关于”激励学生的语句“的英语句子58个,句子主体:statements that motivate students。以下是关于激励学生的语句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:statements that motivate students


1、In fact, English teachers should be a promotor of students oral expression abilities, a stimulator of students' non intellectual elements and a guide of students' initiative study.


2、Guess a riddle to elicit the hero of the movie—a mouse.


3、One of the most important things to do is to study English using topics that you like.


4、The course of phonological and semantic activation of spoken words was hot issue of cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics.


5、Being attractive. That's always a good motivator, as I'm sure we all know. Edited to correct language.


6、In Chicago ninth-grade students were rewarded on a sliding scale for good grades in five courses, including English, maths and science.


7、The teacher should flexibly design language situations based on the content of texts to arouse students' interest in learning and to raise the efficiency in English classroom teaching.


8、Application of cooperative learning theory can change teaching model of traditional class, stimulate students' motive to study actively, and train students' mutual aid and cooperation spirit.


9、Talk Group is dedicated to providing language training and self improvement products and services to the Greater China Market.


10、Although a few words, but The role of such incentives are inestimable.


11、This is the first of the conditionals that we're going to see.


12、College English teachers, therefore, should create actively a relaxed and harmonious class atmosphere and arouse the students' interest of learning English.


13、Biolinguistics is a newly developed frontier subject based on biological language.


14、Pragmatics has set up a brand new area for linguistic research and found a breach for some thorny problems emerged in syntax and semantics.


15、The spirit that inspired Hawkins and Drake and Raleigh was not foreign to the language of their time.


16、In teaching, teachers should try to get the students' a closer feeling with the teacher to create a good situation and develop the interest of the students by posture language.


17、The most common adverse events in the current study were voice alteration during stimulation and hoarseness .


18、In order to encourage students to improve their oral skills in the public arena, the English club has decided to hold several school heats and an interschool final in public speaking.

Concerning the fundamental exploration of cultivating the …跪求高手翻译一句话:关于培养学生英语交际能力的初步探索…

19、A tentative exploration on the development of students' communicative ability in English …


20、The phenomenon of Chinese learners' non-use of relative clauses cannot be attributed entirely to language background, and language proficiency may also play an essential role.

21、In light of the findings, although bilingual students are better than non-bilingual students in English, their academic performance is lower.研究结果表明,虽然双语教学组学生的英语成绩高于非双语教学组学生,但其专业课成绩却低于非双语教学组的学生;

22、It is aimed at stimulating interests of youth in learning Chinese language and increasing understanding of Chinese language and culture.汉语桥 世界大学生中文比赛旨在激发各国青年学生学习汉语的积极性,增强世界对中国语言与中华文化的理解。

23、The dictation, adjustment and infection of teaching language play the role of attracting students' attention and arousing their emotion.教学语言的指令性、调节性和感染性能很好的起到集中学生注意力,激发学生情感的作用。

24、Keeping this faith, I have been working to arouse students' interests in learning English and leading them to combine their English learning with real life.就是秉着这样的信念,在自身教授学生的过程中,我一直在致力于激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,从而将英语学习融入到实际生活中去。

25、It is an effective way to solve the problem to guide the students to appreciate English texts and let them feel English is beautiful and enjoy it.引导学生欣赏英语、赏析课文,让学生觉得英语是一种美文,从中得到美的感受,激发学生英语学习的兴趣是解决这一问题的有效途径。

英文句子26:,26、Radio BBI arouse students' interest of English study and create a good atmosphere of English learning in Beijing Broadcasting Institute.“双语调频”激发了同学们学英语的兴趣,为广院的英语学习创造了良好的氛围。

27、The buzzwords in the corridors of the commission's Berlaymont building in Brussels are "discipline, surveillance and enforcement".欧盟委员会在布鲁塞尔的贝尔蒙特大楼走廊里的流行语是“激励,监督和执行”。

28、Arousing interest and teaching learning strate gies are the essence of college English teaching;激发兴趣,授以学法,是大学英语教学的精髓;

29、By extracting the multipulse excitations during voiced speech, and adding the excitations into the process equation the harmonic of high-frequency area can be reconstructed.通过在浊音段提取多脉冲激励信号加入语音的状态方程,有效地重建语音的高频谐波。

30、Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying.一位中国大学生赵景涛想起了一句古语。

31、Otherwise letting this its course, it will become an idle talk to study college English for four year running and improve the English ability of students.否则,任其存在和发展下去,大学英语学习xx年不断和继续提高学生的英语应用能力就只会是一句空话。

32、It's very necessary to develop the pleasant teaching to arouse the students'interest in learning English warmly and actively.为活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学英语的兴趣和信心,让学生积极热情地学习英语,推行愉快教学是很有必要的。

33、The description precision of the excitation signal greatly influences the quality of reconstructed speech in low bitrate vocoders.在低速率声码器中,对激励信号的描述直接影响重建语音的质量。

34、This thesis discusses the great values of law term for the history of Chinese grammar which based on the spring of forcing resultative complement and special syntax form.文中以使成式的产生与特殊句式为例说明了法律用语对汉语历史语法学研究的重要价值。

35、I can't thank you enough for helping me with my English.你帮我学英语真让我感激不尽。

36、But vocational school students based on poor Weary own strong emotions, how to stimulate their interest in the potential, to better learning English?然而职业学校学生基础较差,自身厌学情绪较强,如何激发他们的潜在兴趣,以便更好的学习英语?

37、English-speaking students are also taught phonics, but phonics is particularly important for second-language learners.我们教母语是英语的学生学英语也是从语音开始的,但是对于英语是第二语言的学生学习语音就尤为重要。

38、English major college students had stronger motivational intensity than non-English major college students in learning English.其中,英语系大学生的英语学习动机强于非英语系大学生。

39、The students in the Russian Department learn English as well as Russian.俄语系学生即学俄语又学英语。

40、Therefore, there are a number of branches of linguistics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, etc.因此,有很多分支语言学如音韵学,形态学,句法等。

41、A. As we did our research, you could see there was a big difference in the way monolingual and bilingual children processed language.随着研究的开展,我们发现在处理语言方面,只会说一种语言的学生(单语学生)与会说两种语言的学生(双语学生)存在很大的区别。

42、The trip to Paris sparked her interest to learn French.巴黎之行激发她想学法语的兴趣。

43、Speech Therapist Janet Skinner uses Thomas's love for the animals to focus on motivating him.语言治疗师珍妮特•斯金纳用托玛斯对动物的爱激励他。

44、The Chinese program's pretty intense here. And I've never taken Chinese before.这儿的汉语项目蛮激烈的。我之前也没有学过汉语。

45、Bestir each other, we decided to writ Englis blog for improve our Englis.为了激励彼此,我们决定通过写中英文博客的形式,提高英语水平。

46、Therefore, the developmental direction from the perspective of Constructivism should be as follows: First, create versified and practical contexts to stimulate the interest in oral communication.因此,建构主义视野下的口语交际教学的发展方向应该是:


47、Therefore, elementary school language reading education, only then utilizes the new language curriculum the brand-new idea, can stimulate the intrinsic demand which the student studies.因此,小学语文阅读教学,只有运用新语文课程的全新理念,才能激发学生学习的内在需求。

48、To develop students reading comprehension ability is one of the major tasks of college English teaching, yet what discourage students in reading is often the long and complicated sentences.培养学生的阅读理解能力是大学英语教学的一个重点,而文章中经常出现的复杂长句又令许多学生感到头疼。

49、Syntactically, reference can be explained in the binding theory put forward by the generative grammarian Noam Chomsky.从句法上看,可以从生成语法学家诺姆.乔姆斯基提出的约束理论中得到解释。

50、Tu: During your school years, the Chinese language was unfamiliar to many. What piqued your interest in Chinese language and culture and ancient Chinese literature in particular?在您求学的年代,汉语对于大部分人来说还很陌生。是什么激起您对汉语、对中国文化,尤其是中国古代文学的兴趣?

经典英文句子51:激励学生的语句,51、Livemocha’s new “Active Courses” are available for Spanish, French, Italian, German, and English.Livemocha新推出的“激活课程”服务目前可用于西班牙语、法语、意大利语、德语和英语的学习。

52、As a matter of fact, English teachers have the duty to arouse their interests and get involved into oral English activities both in class and after class.在这个问题上,老师有义务激发学生进行英语口语练习的兴趣并应该有效地引导学生进行英语口语的课上和课后练习来提高学生的口语水平。

53、She, an English-major student, studies French as well.她,一位英语专业的学生,也学法语。

54、The Chinese teachers should manage to improve this ability of Chinese by strengthening the training, motivating the interest, teaching the methods and so on.语文教师应通过加强语文训练,激发兴趣,授之以法等途径,培养学生的语文自学能力。

55、The core of Mr. Liu's teaching idea is " Learn Chinese in daily life ", which could be simplified in a word: Chinese teaching should and must be connected with life.刘国正语文教育思想的核心是“语文生活观”,其思想内涵可以简括为一句话,即语文教学要与生活相联系。

56、It is a sound way of teaching langage points. we can learn a lot from you!这种方法对激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣是相当不错的。

57、In the college volleyball tournament, the most exciting match was the English Department vs. the Biology Department; the competition was quite high.学院大学生排球赛中,英语系对生物系最出色;竞争非常激烈。

58、Teaching primary school students English songs, which could not only arouse students' interests but also create nice atmosphere of learning, is indeed an effective teaching method.在小学英语教学中利用英语歌曲既能激发学生的兴趣又能渲染课堂气氛,的确不失为一种行之有效的教学手段。

59、Melt feeling in language teaching, stir up a student to"inebriate" a language, make thus language classroom teaching to attain to open but have vitality, the instruction student learn good language.融情于语文教学之中,激发学生“醉”语文,从而使语文课堂教学做到开放而有活力,指导学生学好语文。

60、And the teachers psychological field plays a significance part in promoting students learning motivation.英语教师心理场对学生学习动机的激发有着举足轻重的作用。

61、In the processes of Junior Grade Two English teaching in the village school, the author also puts forward corresponding ways to motivate junior students to study English.在农村初xx年英语教学实践当中,作者还提出了激发初中生英语学习动机的相关策略。

62、The Chinese teachers should awake to the necessity of arousing and treating the students interest to learn expository writing skills in order to achieve good results.语文教师应有意识地激发与培养学生学习说明文的兴趣,以提高说明文的教学成果。

63、Whenever you find yourself not looking at the quote anymore, or it no longer provides the inspiration that it once did, it’s time to change the quote.当你发现你不在看那个引语了,或者它不再提供像之前一样的激励了,就是换引语的时候了。

64、Student self-involvement activities, characterized by language lessons, not only enriched the teaching content, but also to stimulate interest in learning of students.以学生自主参与活动为特征的语文活动课,既丰富了授课内容,又激发了学生的学习兴趣。

65、These funs made my daily life rich, and inspire my studying passion on English learning.这些让日常生活变得丰富多彩,更激发起我学习英语的热情。

66、A multi-rate speech compression processor was designed based on the sinusoidal excitation linear prediction(SELP) model.基于正弦激励线性预测(SELP)算法模型,设计了一款多速率语音专用处理器。

67、The appraisal in Chinese-training class is a golden key for the foreign students to study Chinese actively.对外汉语教师的课堂评价语言是扣开留学生心扉,激发他们学习积极性的一把金钥匙。

68、Picture teaching is a kind of vivid and imaginal teaching method, which can stimulate students learning interest , enhance teaching effects in class and improve the quality of English teaching.图片教学是英语教学中的一种生动、形象的教学方式,使用这种方式可激发学生的学习兴趣、加强课堂教学的效果,提高英语教学的质量。

69、The main topics concerned in combinatorial auctions are: bidding languages, winner determination and mechanism design.组合拍卖中所涉及的三个主要问题是:投标语言表达、竞胜标决定和激励与机制设计。

70、He shares photos and spine-tingling audio of Chinese students rehearsing English -- "the world's second language" -- by the thousands.Jay Walker解释了为什么全世界20亿人在学英语。 他展示了一些图片和一些令人激动的录像,展示了成千上万的中国学生练习“世界第二语言”英语的场面。



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