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关于”分析的软件“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Analysis software。以下是关于分析的软件的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Analysis software


1、In this article , the designing way of trans calibrator′s hard wane and software is explained in details, especially the usage of low power consumption design and panel calibrating technique.


2、The associated simulation with the common software of computer aided design in the automotive design is of great reference value for the future research.


3、Project Managers, Developers, DBAs, Business Analysts, QA Specialists, and other management people that participate in software development in one form or another.


4、The three-dimension model is set up for auto-bumper by the UG three-dimension CAD software, and the model is translated into the DYNAFORM for building its FEM model.


5、Software maintenance will be simplified if parsing and validating data are implemented as part of the application's business logic.


6、For the certain drum brake, the contact pressure distribution between brake pad and the drum was simulated by using software ANSYS.


7、Realization of the DC/DC converters is discussed, including the design of hardware and software, on the basis, experiment test of bi-directional half-bridge converter is completed.


8、This article introduces the application of SFTA(Software Fault Tree Analysis) in the design of the reliability of hydraulic pump fault Expert System.


9、The method of software and hardware co-design is totally different from the former that means software and hardware design is developing in the same time.


10、The validity of the simulation software is verified by comparing the experimental data of the thesis with the actual data of CZ method growing crystal.


11、The temperature field and velocity field inside greenstuffs springhouse was numerically simulated by ANSYS/FLOTRAN software.


12、Thirdly, both the hardware electronics design scheme and the software treatment methods were developed to count the fringe and determine the up and down of the liquid level.


13、Analysising of MIAS software showed: the magnitude of APPR was not marked between test groups and control groups.


14、By using this program the consolidation behaviors of the foundation for various drainage conditions, time dependent loadings and actual overburden pressure conditions are investigated.

分析了在VB6.0开发环境下双机远程通信软硬件工作原理,并以实例 介绍了通信程序的开发方法。

15、Analyses the theories of software and hardware which work on bicomputer long-distance communication under the VB6.0 circumstance.


16、But it couldn't be used to optimize the non-block pattern noise, or else, it will bring a large error.


17、This section of lottery software character of time, the images of, the use of esoteric reasons to learn a few, and applied to the random selection of lottery tickets.


18、The transmission format of the data frame is proposed. Finally, the communication protocol, the terminal software and hardware are designed.


19、To aim at the defect of the simulate trigger and the digital trigger with microcomputer, a new universal digital trigger based on CPLD and PLL is introduced.


20、The application of Object Oriented software engineer focuses on the model construction at the OOC and OOD stage.

21、Practice proves that the software runs well and meet the demands of the PLD Analysis System.经过实践检验,该软件运行结果正确,符合PLD解析系统的要求。

22、A mathematical model was deduced to describe the finite element method(FEM) simulation of induction heating with the magnetic vector potential with the ANSYS software.采用有限元分析法和ANSYS软件,引入复矢量磁位,推导了感应加热有限元模拟的数学模型。

23、Based on the mathematical model, the mechatronic model of the placement machine was built and the distributional simulation research was made by MSC. ADAMS and MATLAB.ADAMS和控制分析软件MATLAB,建立了贴片机机电一体化虚拟样机模型并对其进行了分布式仿真研究。

24、Temperature and residual stress fields of industrial pipe discontinuous and continuous butt welding was simulated by ABAQUS.应用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS,对工业管道间断焊与连续焊的温度场和残余应力场进行数值模拟。

25、Lists such as the one issued Tuesday are not without their critics, who point out primarily that focusing on software flaws is only part of the security problem.评论家们对周二公布的这份榜单进行了分析。 他们指出,软件自身的缺陷仅仅只是网络安全问题的一部分。

英文句子26:,26、A brief introduction of the field observations, the data processing with GAMIT/GLOBK software and the accuracy of the GPS observations are given.简要介绍这两次GPS观测概况,以及用GAMIT/GLOBK软件对所获得GPS观测数据的处理及精度分析。

27、The finite element model of the NGL furnace's refractory is set up, and the temperaturefield of the refractory is simulated by the ANSYS software.利用ANSYS软件,建立了NGL炉炉内耐火材料和壳体的有限元模型,并进行稳态温度场模拟分析。

28、The temperature change of knitting needles during quenching in the mesh-belt furnace was simulated using the ANSYS software.针对织针网带炉淬火,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS,对织针加热过程中的温度变化进行了模拟。

29、A three-dimensional oil-water 2-phase turbulent flow and separation process in a single-cone hydrocyclone is numerically simulated using FLUENT software.使用FLUENT软件中的多相流欧拉分析方法,结合雷诺应力湍流模型,实现单锥型旋流器内油水分离过程的三维数值模拟并预测其分离效率。

30、Based on the theory of microwave and the technology of computer graph, an auto-identify software of photoelectric blood stream plethysm was developed.并以小波理论和计算机图形技术为基础,研制光电血流容积计算机自动识别分析软件。

31、The numerical simulation for four pass cogging of H beam has been conducted by finite element method with software ANSYS/LS-DYNA.利用有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS DYNA ,对H型钢开坯轧制四道次进行了有限元模拟。

32、Analysts expect that many of the tools that McAfee provides today may be built-in to chips and devices over time.分析家认为,麦克菲开发的很多软件工具,有朝xx日将会被内建于芯片和其他电子仪器当中。

33、Based on the finite element method, the modeling of stable type suspension bridge based on second development of ANSYS was realized.基于大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS环境,利用其二次开发功能,实现了对稳定型悬索桥的参数化建模。

34、The evolutionary approach, Holland wrote, "eliminates one of the greatest hurdles in software design: specifying in advance all the features of a problem."霍兰德写道,进化性分析法“排除了软件设计中最大的障碍:预先指定所有问题的特征。”

35、Verifies the validity of the simulation software by comparing the experimental data of the thesis with the actual data of CZ method growing crystal.通过本文实验数据与提拉法生长晶体的实际数据的分析比较,验证了仿真软件的有效性。

36、The forging process has been numerically simulated by using the finite element software and the design parameters of the forging die have been optimized.采用有限元分析软件,对锻打过程进行了数值模拟,并优化了锻模的设计参数。

37、We used SPSS12.0 coverall software to perform Statistics.我们以SPSS12.0套装软体对各种指标数据进行统治分析。

38、Adopting high speed XML parser based on EDOM to make parse and creation of large EPA device description file much faster, the run speed of total software is improved.采用基于EDOM的高速XML解析器,对大型EPA设备描述文件的高速解析和创建,提高软件整体的运行速度。

39、The tube bending forming processes are simulated by explicit finite element code LS-DYNA. The model that tube is bent in a rotary machine is adopted.采用显式有限元分析软件LS - DY NA ,对于圆形钢管的弯曲加工过程进行数值模拟。

40、You also pass in the File to parse.还要传递要进行语法分析的文件。

41、The virtual prototype of the vehicle was built in ADAMS and the performance of surmounting obstacle in various working conditions was studied.采用动力学仿真软件ADAMS为作业车建立了虚拟样机建模,并进行了不同工况的越障过程仿真分析。

42、Objective:Study the application of Time Lapse software and Spiral Automatic Start technique in Multi-layers spiral CT on abdomen contrast enhancement scanning.目的:探讨时间延迟分析软件及螺旋自动启动技术在多层螺旋CT腹部增强扫描中的应用价值。

43、It can show us the result quickly and exactly. So it is a good way for engineering people to study the the stability of block of underground cavity.本方法能够得出块体稳定性分析的确定性结果,开发出的软件可以代替烦杂的手工劳动,并且准确率很高,为地下洞室的块体稳定性分析提供了一种准确快捷的途径。

44、The gap between China and the developed countries in developing softwares is also described here, Finally, some points which China should follow when developing its own softwares are pre-sented.本文还分析了我国在该类软件的开发方面与国际先进水平之间存在的差距,并对我国今后开发这类软件时应遵循的原则提出了看法。

45、And the effects of flow rate, sample load , and the regenerated condition were.考察了流速、进样量与层析柱再生条件对层析分离的影响。

46、It resists in the software of the client, executing the program of domain name resolving for the users.驻留在客户端的软件中, 代用户完成域名解析的程序。

47、A set of digital image processing software which is used to measure the morphological parameters of medical microphotographs is introduced.介绍了自行研制开发出的一套以测量分析医用显微图像的形态参数为主要特征的图像处理软件系统。

48、Analysts welcomed the choice of the 46-year-old Canadian, who has worked closely with Nokia at Microsoft and at Macromedia Inc. developing software for Nokia phones.分析家们看好这位xx岁的加拿大人,Stephen Elop。 他曾经在微软和Macromedia公司工作时和诺基亚有过紧密合作,为诺基亚手机开发手机软件。

49、A brief introduction of the field observations, the data processing with GAMIT/GLOBK software and the accuracy of the GPS observations in given.简要介绍GPS观测概况、用GAMIT/GLOBK软件对所获得GPS观测数据的处理及精度分析。

50、This dissertation is devoted to a study on the non-silicon micro-machining based optical switch and soft-lithography-based micro optical components.本博士论文对基于非硅基微加工技术的光开关的设计分析与器件制作以及基于软光刻技术的微光学器件进行了研究。

经典英文句子51:分析的软件,51、ANSYS software was applied to build the finite element model of the bar, and the temperature field and the stress field were simulated numerically.利用ANSYS 软件建立 棒料 的有限元分析模型,并对其温度场和应力场进行仿真计算。

52、Based on testing results, the regression equation of compression strength without side limit was obtained for the stabilized soil by using SPSS software.依据试验结果,采用SPSS软件进行了回归分析,得到了稳定土无侧限抗压强度的回归方程。

53、Finally, the rational distance and the internal relation of three types fasteners are given under some rational postulates.在分析板与板、板与梁和板与檩条间连接件相关性分析的基础上,提出了这三类连接件合理设置间距。

54、The dynamic optimization allocation theory is presented, in which the permeability damage caused by condensate oil has been taken into account.在综合分析凝析气井各种约束条件的基础上,建立了考虑凝析油污染条件下凝析气井动态优化配产理论与方法。

55、The optical modeling and simulation of micro optical switch using in laser ignition are made by ZEMAX.利用综合光学设计软件ZEMAX对激光点火用微光开关进行了光学建模和耦合特性的仿真分析。

56、In this thesis, a virtual prototype of GN31 cultivator has been built up with the software of ADAMS.采用ADAMS仿真软件并通过实测尺寸构建了GN31耕整机的虚拟样机,从整机角度分析研究了耕整机振动机理。

57、Analyze reason causing vibration of the shell-and-tube heat exchanger; discuss preventing vibration measures with example by using HTRI soft ware.分析管壳式换热器产生振动的原因,通过实例,利用HTRI软件讨论管壳式换热器防止振动的措施。

58、Regarding the L16/24 diesel engine as the research object, 3-D model based on the 2-D drawing of L16/24 diesel engine was established by software of PROE.以L16/24型柴油机为研究对象,依据L16/24型柴油机燃烧室零部件的二维图纸,利用三维建模软件建立其各部件的有限元分析模型。

59、To study the hemolytic and anti-hemolytic action of individual ginsenosides, we carry on the experiments of hemolytic action or anti-hemolytic action.通过数理统计软件对数据进行分析并拟合人参皂昔溶血或保护溶血作用规律的曲线。

60、It include fingerprint scanner, scanner_controling software, identification software, computer, external memory, output machine.该系统包括指纹采集仪、采样控制软件、识别软件、主机、外存和输出设备六部分。



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