一个橙子用英语怎么说 英语

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一个橙子用英语翻译为"one by one",还经常被译作not one,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到22个与一个橙子相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. one by one

一个橙子翻译为one by one。

示例:我从树上摘了一个橙子。 I plucked an orange from the tree.


2. not one

一个橙子翻译为not one。

示例:在泰国时,我看见自己只有一个橙子的童妓。 When I was in Thailand, "he says,"I saw a street girl with an orange.


3. yet another

一个橙子翻译为yet another。

示例:我有一个橙子和一个葡萄柚。 I have an orange and a grapefruit.


4. a


1. on the trot(一个接一个)

2. one by one(一个接一个)


3. a(一个


4. yet another(另外一个,还有一个…


5. not one( 没有一个;

英语短语&俚语, It was an orange you That's one of the oranges ( 那是一个橙子吗 )

Field of Vision ( 你不能是一个橙子 )

an orange orange ( 一个橙色的桔子 )

An Orange Orange ( 一个橙橘子 )

An Orange Orange An orange color orange ( 一个橘色的橙子 )

An Orange Orange ( 一个橙色的橙子 )

Is an orange oranges This is an Orange Orange ( 这是一个橙色的橘子 )

An orange trousers An orange pants ( 一个橙色的裤子 )


1. {\cHFFFFFF}israel's finest. Look at that.


2. Because oranges are for winners, and you little turds haven't even made a single shot yet!

译文:因为橙子是给胜利者吃的 而你们这帮小白痴一个球也投不进去!。

3. Just one of you trying on skinny jeans, and one of you in your underwear trying to list words that rhyme with orange.

译文:有一个视频是你试穿紧身牛仔裤 有一个视频是你穿着内裤... - 试图想出与橙子押韵的词。

4. So how does this orange execute code?

译文:那这个橙子如何执行编码? 。

5. Oranges are like an air freshener.


6. i am the emperor of oranges. i am the emperor of oranges."

译文:我是橙子大帝,我是橙子大帝。” 。

7. i ate an orange and a banana and a bowe of fish-ball noodees. for lunch.


8. i have an orange and a grapefruit.

译文:我有一个橙子和一个葡萄柚。 。

9. Cut the orange in half lengthwise.

译文:将橙子切半。 。

10. - i'll get you some oranges, all right?

译文:-我给你拿点橙子吧 -好的。

11. And this, of course, is the language that is used by this orange.

译文:当然,也是这个橙子使用的语言。 。

12. Breakfast: low-fat A38 yogurt with muesli (without added sugar), wholegrain crispbread with low-fat cheese, an orange.

译文:早饭:含谷物的低脂a38酸奶(未加糖),全谷物薄脆饼配脱脂奶酪,一个橙子。 。

13. Orange slices. That is so sweet.

译文:橙子切片 真贴心啊。

14. He hit an area the size of an orange.


15. Breakfast: Low-fat A38 yogurt with muesli (without added sugar), wholegrain crispbread with low-fat cheese, an orange




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