初心英语翻译 英语

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初心的英语是"original intention",还可以翻译为 Wisdom in Essence,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到37个与初心相关的释义和例句。


1. original intention

初心翻译为original intention。

示例:只有那些没有记忆的人坚持自己的初心。 Only those with no memory insist on their originality.


2. Wisdom in Essence

初心翻译为 Wisdom in Essence 。

示例:只要那些没有记忆的人坚持本人的初心。 Only those with no memory insist on their originality.


3. original heart

初心翻译为 original heart 。

示例:永远不忘初心,建造自己的童话… Always follow your heart & create your own fairytale.


4. Firstheart


1. noob tube( 初心者导演;

英语短语&俚语, Remain True to Our Original Aspiration stay true to the original self ( 不忘初心 )

Novice NewComer ( 初心者 )

Super Novice ( 超级初心者 )

Life is full of possibilities ( 若水初心 )

Do Not Try To ( 初心不改 )

Onboro House ( 初心者小木屋 )

Order of the Bow Initiate ( 弓道部初心者 )

xinlishudaozixun ( 初心客厅 )

CenturyKinca ( 百年初心 )


1. Maybe Steve can't learn because you lost track of your reason.

译文:也许史蒂夫不愿学习是因为你失掉了初心 -天呐 这太荒唐了。

2. Sometimes you get caught up in the job, and you forget the real reasons why you started doing it to begin with.

译文:有时候你被工作所牵绊 你甚至忘了 最开始工作时的初心。

3. And in the end, you may have achieved what you set out to.

译文:最终 你可能还能实现你的初心。

4. We have moved so far away from the origins of this movement that started a decade ago, or even the intentions of the hashtag that started just a year ago, that sometimes, the Me Too movement that i hear some people talk about is unrecognizable to me.

译文:我们已经走得太远, 远离了xx年前发起这项运动的初心, 甚至已经远离了xx年前才发起的 话题的目标, 有时候,我听到别人谈论中的 Me Too 已经不是我认识的那个运动了。 。

5. They can regain their hearts and restore them by filling them with human values that heal.

译文:用可疗伤治愈的人性价值观 让他们重获初心,修复伤口。 。

6. At many points in his very full life, he was still seeking to return to a beginner's mindset, to zero.

译文:在他无比充实的一生中的很多时刻, 他仍力图回归初心,归零。 。

7. He was named to the studio "ARTiZ STUDiO"because he always think "can only live up to can return to beginner's mind.

译文:他之所以给这家工作室取名为”韩国艺匠”,是因为他一直都认为“唯有不辜负,方能归初心。 。

8. With moving melodies, with the first heart, i would lke to write the best memory, engraved with you forever.



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