有关国家用英语怎么说 有关国家英语翻译

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有关国家用英语怎么说 有关国家英语翻译



1. concernment


示例:Whatsoever is of domestic concernment, unconnected with the other members of the Union or with foreign lands. 一切有关其内部事务而与联邦中的其它成员以及外国无关的则。


2. concerned


示例:Nevertheless, whatever the blackmailer had on Barrett concerned Farr. whatever the blackmailer had on Barrett concerned Farr.


3. concern


示例:Daniel, these matters do not concern you. these matters do not concern you.


4. relate


示例:# You and i cannot see eye-to-eye so therefore we can't relate # You and I cannot see eye -to -eye so therefore we can't relate



1. have relation to(有关 和…


2. concern(①关心②有关


3. concerned(有关的


4. concernment(①关心②有关


5. relate(有关系


1. - to the countries in the region?

译文:- 该地区国家有关吗?。

2. Prime Minister Musayev, this fight is not only about country and politics, it is about blood.

译文:Musayev总理 战斗不仅仅跟国家和政治有关 还跟鲜血有关 之前是我的...。

3. if we find that account, we get the upper hand in issues regarding aid to North Korea.

译文:找到账户 就能掌握其它国家对朝鲜的 援助资金有关资料。

4. Martial arts the rudiment of criterion and class, country produced after the war related.


5. You mean national security?


6. Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned.

译文:外汇贬值是有关国家经济不景气的结果。 。

7. The product mentioned above complies with the concerned provision and has been a roved for release.


8. i mean, he can't talk about what he's doing.

译文:他都不能透露他的工作内容 有关国家机密。

9. These are companies that operate in more than one country, and we found 43,000.

译文:这些公司与不止一个国家有关系, 这样的公司有43000家。 。

10. This is a really important conversation, and it impacts, it's not just NSA, it's not just the government, it's you, it's the internet companies.

译文:这是一个非常重要的谈话, 它的影响涉及极广, 不只是有关于美国国家安全局, 不是只有关于政府, 它有关于你,它有关于互联网公司。 。

11. Many foreign countries also have laws for their national anthems.

译文:许多国家也有关于国歌的法律。 。

12. Wonderful study comparing different countries.


13. Your little Miss Mary Jane has aliases connected to over a dozen other criminal cases.

译文:如果你想举报有关国家安全的罪行 找SSCI是个办法。

14. The products do not comply with the relevant national standard UNE 20315.

译文:该产品不符合国家有关标准的新英格兰20315。 。

15. Most of us had barely heard of the place before.

译文:以前 很难听到有关这个国家的任何事情。


标签: 翻译 国家

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