砍到用英语怎么说 英语

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砍到的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 Cut to,还经常被译作 The Minister,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到83个与砍到相关的译文和例句。


1. Cut to

砍到翻译为 Cut to 。

示例:我好几次砍到藏在树叶下的黄蜂的巢,我们只得逃跑以躲避它们。 Several times, we cut through wasps' nests, concealed beneath leaves, and had to run for cover.


2. The Minister

砍到翻译为 The Minister 。

示例:老师:乔治华盛顿虽然砍到了父亲的樱桃树,但他勇敢的承认了。 TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it.


3. cut down

砍到翻译为 cut down 。

示例:凭此,央行将近乎17%的年利率狂砍到了 This has allowed the central bank to slash interest rates from almost 17pc a year ago to an all time low of




4. fell

砍到翻译为 fell 。

示例:- No, no, Kresteva fell down. - Peter fell down? - No, no, Kresteva fell down.


英语短语&俚语, cut down ( 砍到 缩减 )

Forest is cut down ( 森林遭到砍伐 )


1. And this guy stood up, and he took the hatchet, and the whole room winced as he brought the hatchet down on the robot's neck, and there was this half-joking, half-serious moment of silence in the room for this fallen robot.

译文:有个人站了起来,他拿起斧头, 当他把斧头砍到机器人的脖子上时, 整个房间的人都缩了回去, 房间中出现了一个为这个 倒下的机器人半玩笑半严肃的 沉默时刻。 。

2. Therefore, the entire Birdie spot must be cut to less than 30 seconds."


3. Nothing else is gonna cut it foryou anymore, cowboy.

译文:没有其他的事 再砍到你,牛仔。

4. But i was seriously injured.


5. in those days, i had a cleaver in each hand from South Heaven Gate to Penglai East Road chopping back and forth for three days and three nights blood flowed like a river just chopping up and down without blinking an eye!

译文:想当年 我拿两把西瓜刀 由南天门一路砍到蓬莱东路 来回砍了三天三夜。

6. And then... real cool, just normal, you head for the door, walk out, and wait for me.

译文:他被打倒了吗? 而且被刀砍了 被刀砍到哪里了?。

7. Sir, the fighting is in full swing over there.


8. i was severely wounded during the operation. Look... They cut me right open.

译文:在那次手术后我就受到重伤, 看,他们砍到我很伤。

9. i used to cure myself... after a gang fight

译文:我以前跟人家打架 被砍到手也是自己医好的。

10. Don't let me get chopped tonight!


11. Who said it was okay to be here?


12. We scared the shit out of them!


13. 250,000. That's a cut-rate price.

译文:然后消失在那暗夜里,然后回到罗马尼亚 二十五万,那已经是砍到底的价格了。

14. When you nearly hemorrhage to death, people cut you a break. Most of them, anyway.

译文:当你几乎因流血过多致死, 人们把你砍到晕死过去.。

15. Then, our hero makes a mistake and an attacker cuts him with a sword.

译文:然而,我们的男主角稍稍闪失, 被敌人的剑砍到了。



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