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会的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为be able to,还网络中常译为" can",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到27个与会相关的短语释义和例句。


1. be able to

会翻译为be able to。

示例:你会骑马吗? Can you ride?


2. can

会翻译为 can 。

示例:你会开车吗? Can you drive?


3. meeting

会翻译为 meeting 。

示例:他妻子会应付不了,也许会神经崩溃。 His wife would not be able to cope and might suffer a nervous breakdown.


4. get-together


示例:A get-together could lead to a knees-up which could lead to a get-together and a whole new generation of musicians. 大家聚在一起联欢,也许能使年轻人成双成对, 还能造就新一代的音乐家。



1. General Conference(会)


2. fraternity and sorority( 兄弟会;


3. fraternal association(兄弟会;

4. repeat itself(会再发生,会重演)

5. enabled to(能,会)

英语短语&俚语, social science social science s The Social sciences Social Studies ( 社会科学 社科 )

chamber of commerce chamber of commerce chambers of commerce Coceral ( 商会 贸易 )

canon law canon law church law ecclesiastical law corpus juris canonici canon law church law eccles( 教会法 )

Board of Directors the board the board of directors board of directors board ( 董事会 经管 )

socialization socialisation to socialise Social socialized ( 社会化 社科 )

social contract le contrat social The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right social contr( 社会契约论 )

CSR enterprises’ sense of social responsibility corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social R( 企业社会责任 )


1. And it can walk and move its eyes?


2. - Do you know how to do all the gears ?

译文:-你会排档吗 -会。

3. - Yes, he's going back to the Church!

译文:- 会,他会回到教堂!。

4. Yeah, i... yes, i think i can open an envelope.

译文:会! 我还是会拆信。

5. it will. it'll go away. it will go away.


6. They will kill me. They will kill me!

译文:会的 他们会杀了我 会杀了我。

7. it would... this... that would be hard for me.

译文:- -会 --。

8. Okay. One second. One second.

译文:等会 等会。

9. it does, believe me, it does.

译文:我们会 相信我 会。

10. Yeah, they said they would.


11. - Can you paint my picture?

译文:- 会。

12. Eggs break... chocolate melts... glass shatters... and Doc wondered what that meant when it applied to ex-old ladies.

译文:比如鸡蛋会碰破 巧克力会融化 玻璃会摔碎。

13. People resist. They worry.

译文:他们会抗拒,会担心。 。

14. - Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

译文:- 等会,等会。

15. Fan club. Fan club. Fan club!

译文:粉丝会 粉丝会 粉丝会!。


标签: 翻译

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