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俗话说得好的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为as the saying goes,还网络中常译为"as the proverb goes",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到61个与俗话说得好相关的释义和例句。


1. as the saying goes

俗话说得好翻译为as the saying goes。

示例:俗话说得好:富人的确越来越富。 The old saying holds true: The rich do get richer.


2. as the proverb goes

俗话说得好翻译为as the proverb goes。

示例:俗话说得好,该工作时工作,该娱乐时娱乐。 As the saying goes: Work while you work, play while you play.


3. saying goes

俗话说得好翻译为 saying goes 。

示例:俗话说得好,老狗学不了新把戏。 Can't learn an old dog new tricks, as the saying is.


4. As the saying goes

俗话说得好翻译为 As the saying goes 。

示例:We both know that my theater has been going through some pretty rough times lately, but as the saying goes, 我们都知道我的剧院最近 We both know that my theater has been going through 经历了一些紧张时期, 但是! as the saying goes, some pretty rough times lately, but as the saying goes,



1. noematically( 俗话说)

2. notate bene( 俗话说)

3. plebal( 俗话说)

4. prolegomenously( 俗话说)

5. quotidianly( 俗话说)


1. it was an old custom. Harvest's done, pay everyone.

译文:老话说得好 干活就得给钱。

2. They always say practice makes perfect.

译文:俗话说 熟能生巧。

3. They say the eagle flies on Friday.

译文:俗话说得好 星期五都是黑色的。

4. As the saying goes: "Time is money.


5. As they say, "That's show business."

译文:俗话说 "就是演戏"。

6. As they say, there's a lid for every pot.

译文:俗话说得好 萝卜白菜各有所爱。

7. People say when a hare dies, even a fox will be sad.

译文:俗话说 兔死狐悲。

8. Or, as the saying goes... small town... large hell

译文:俗话说得好 "小监狱 大社会"。

9. - No. Although there's an old saying,

译文:俗话说得好 你建堵15英尺高的城墙 {\3cH202020}Although there's an old saying...。

10. You know, there is a saying, a very old saying.


11. The old saying 'a fire visits a prosperous area' is so true

译文:俗话说得好,火烧旺地 这话一点没错。

12. i certainly appreciate you all being here. Well said, well said.


13. Well played, sir. That was good.


14. People say the truest [beep] when they're drunk.

译文:俗话说得好 酒后吐真言 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}People say the truest [beep] when they're drunk.。

15. "We the Chinese saying goes, "the potbellied, the world can hardly contain the matter, ""prime minister which goes to punt.



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