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帮助老人翻译为英语通常说作:help the old,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到61个与帮助老人相关的释义和例句。


1. help the old

帮助老人翻译为help the old。


1、In Britain, if you are found guilty of a crime, you can be sent to prison or be fined or be ordered to do community work such as tidying public places and helping the old.



1. help the aged( 帮助老人;


2. greybeard(老人


3. oldster(老人


4. oldy(老人

5. old folk(老人)

英语短语&俚语, helping the elderly jaywalkers ( 帮助老人过马路 )

We should help the elderly ( 我们应该帮助老人 )

Often help the elderly Often helps the old man ( 经常帮助老人 )

To help the elderly Help elderly ( 去帮助那些老人 )

Help an old man Help an elderly person ( 帮助一位老人 )

Tigers eat people help Tiger eat people Helped the tigers eating people ( 帮助老虎吃人 )

Helping old people is necessary ( 帮助老年人是必要的 )

Necessary to help the elderly ( 有必要帮助老年人 )

At helping the aged help the old man ( 帮助老年人 )


1. Why am i wasting my time in some snobby office helping old men get a date?

译文:我为什么要浪费我的时间在一些势利 办公室帮助老人们得到一个日期?。

2. That hand belonged to Claudine, who willingly helped the old man.


3. They are supposed to help teachers.

译文:他们本来应该帮助老师的。 。

4. The garner can help the old remember things for longer.

译文:储存能帮助老年人更长久地记住事情。 。

5. Helping old friends. Making new ones.


6. i organized Mittler Senior Technology, a program to help the elderly learn how to use computers and smartphones.

译文:我组织了米特勒高级科技,一个帮助老年人学习如何使用电脑和智能手机的项目。 。

7. it can help with communications, home security, edutainment and even elder care.

译文:它可以帮助通信,家庭安全,寓教于乐,甚至照顾老人。 。

8. Since i was only six years old at the time and i hadn't graduated from kindergarten yet, i didn't have the necessary resources and tools to translate my idea into reality, but nonetheless, my research experience really implanted in me a firm desire to use sensors to help the elderly people.

译文:当时我才只有xx岁 幼儿园都没有毕业 我没法获取所需的资源和工具来实现我的想法 但是,我的研究经历 让我建立起坚定的信念,用传感器去帮助老人 。

9. You get your client off, and you help your boss avoid dealing with the drug that's sweeping across our city like the plague.

译文:你让委托人免于刑罚 然后帮助老板躲过贩卖毒品罪 任由毒品像瘟疫一样席卷本市。

10. For example, using this technology, we can help this mathematics teacher to identify the student in his classroom who may experience high anxiety about the topic he's teaching so that he can help him.

译文:比如使用这项技术可以帮助 这位数学老师 发现那些教室里对于他讲的内容 深感焦虑的学生。 这可以很好地帮助老师。 。

11. They decided that they should have helped the old woodsman because he was helping them.

译文:他们决定 他们必须帮助老伐木工 因为他也帮助了他们。

12. it invests heavily in education research and "is at the forefront of doing research to help teachers teach better, "Miller says.


13. The project is in the pilot phase, it is possible that at least 400 volunteers help sick family or home care personnel.


14. Russell, for assisting the elderly and for performing above and beyond the call of duty,

译文:罗素,为了你帮助老人 以及远超于职责范围的努力。

15. So in one of their projects called Southwark Circle, they worked with residents in Southwark, South London and a small team of designers to develop a new membership organization to help the elderly with household tasks.

译文:在他们的Southwark Circle的项目中, 他们与伦敦南部的Southwark的居民合作, 加上一个小组的设计师, 来设计一种新的 帮助老人完成家务工作的会员组织。 。


标签: 老人

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