唯美用英语怎么说 唯美英语翻译

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唯美用英语怎么说 唯美英语翻译

唯美用英语说是" Vi-may",在日常中也可以翻译为" Beautiful",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到12个与唯美相关的释义和例句。


1. Vi-may

唯美翻译为 Vi-may 。

示例:用五彩的包装纸包好呈现给你的爱人的场景一定很唯美。 Wrap it up with a colorful piece of paper and present it to your beloved on the beautiful occasion.


2. Beautiful

唯美翻译为 Beautiful 。

示例:也许最重要的还是从唯美的古典雕塑中掌握人体。 But perhaps above all, from plastic arts of idealized classical sculptures.


3. aesthetic -

唯美翻译为 aesthetic - 。

示例:windows7下载主题背景:唯美圣诞雪景。 Christmas Theme With Some Beautiful Christmas Wallpapers For Windows



4. aestheticism


示例:The Portrait of a Lady and Walter Paters Aestheticism; 中国西南地区是汉代南方唯一盛行画像墓的地区。



1. onesome( 唯美)


2. estheticism(唯美主义

3. aesthetism(唯美主义)

4. estheticist(唯美主义的)

5. estheticisms(n. 唯美主义)

英语短语&俚语, Wemade Wemade Entertainment Wemadvertisinge Wemposte ( 唯美德 )

MISSCAROL SEAGAE miss carol ( 唯美嘉露 )

Aesthetic kpbeauty ( 唯美度 )

Aesthetic Movement ( 唯美主义运动 )

Gone Fishing gone gone fishing Gone Fishing Trophy Catch ( 唯美钓鱼 )

Beautiful ( 超级唯美 )

JUST BB JUST BB cream ( 唯美遮瑕霜 )

aesthete Good design is aesthetic artistic Beautiful ( 唯美的 )



1. What a beautiful, tragic death it wouid be.

译文:悲剧性地死去, 这方式多唯美呀!。

2. i'm not really myself, except... in the midst of elegant crowds,

译文:引自The Art Of The Pose: 这位唯美主义者(指王尔德)。

3. Finally, i come here. The blue white sky let me immediately remember the cartoons of Hayao Miyazaki.


4. As if to meet aesthetic across time and space, is still extended, some warm intravenous drip, always inadvertently haunting.


5. Acme aestheticism, lightsome feeling, work wear also great for, the chest of a hook flower is really beautiful.


6. G-O-D always opens a window. Oh. That's a beautifully retarded sentiment, Richie.

译文:"上帝总会打开一扇窗"真是唯美又智障的观点, 瑞奇。

7. - But we have a photographer, and he's taking the color shots and he's taking the slides and the set-ups, but my wife, the artistic one, she wants the black and white.

译文:我们请了摄影师 他要拍彩照、幻灯片等等 但我唯美的老婆想要黑白照。

8. i focus on balancing meaningful message, aesthetic, beauty, composition, some irony, and artifacts.

译文:我关注寻求有意义的信息 唯美 靓丽 信息组成 讽刺和艺术品间的平衡 。

9. Tanizaki Jun ichirou is the representative writer in Japanese aestheticism movement.

译文:谷崎润一郎是日本唯美主义文学流派的代表作家。 。

10. Sergiev Posad - the beautiful city, absolutely gorgeous, there's people, a gift from the heaven!

译文:Sergiev Posad - 唯美的城市,她的美是绝对,那里的人,更是上天的礼物! 。

11. Soon after came a picture-postcard scene of two Siberian huskies trotting through the snow-covered woods.

译文:紧接而来的是一幅如明信片般的唯美画面——西伯利亚的爱斯基摩犬缓缓穿越冰雪覆盖的森林。 。

12. And this holds true for all ranking lists on TED.com except if you want to have a talk that's beautiful, inspiring or funny.

译文:这适用于大多TED.com的榜上的讲座 除非你的讲座被列为 唯美,励志或是风趣 。

13. For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair! O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede


14. He is a paradoxical aesthete as well as a paradoxical moralist.

译文:他是一个矛盾的唯美主义者,同时他更是一个矛盾的道德家。 。

15. Besides, we should not ignore his aesthetism, either.

译文:另外,他的唯美主义思想也是我们不应该忽略的。 。


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