一月到十二月份的英语单词 英语

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1. December


示例:But December rolls around, and guess what December is. 但月来临时, 并猜测xx月是什么。


2. dodecadactylum

3. septiesm

4. Duodecember


1. septiesm( xx月份)


2. December(xx月

3. dodecade( xx月)

4. Duodecember( xx月)

5. dodecadactylum( xx月乳)


1. in December, Tokyo announced plans to strengthen its forces in the southwestern Okinawan islands, including adding a dozen F-15s in Naha.


2. As much to say that you will not miss to be quickly overflowed by the quantities of work to cut down! That will last until December.


3. in the UK, three percent of people trust their government to solve the Brexit crisis, and that was in December.

译文:在英国,只有3%的民众信任政府 能处理好脱欧危机, 那还只是xx月份的数字。 。

4. in February, She saved RM100 more than he saved in January.

译文:她xx月份的储蓄比xx月份多rm100。 。

5. - Look forward to Chicago in December?

译文:- 期待芝加哥xx月?。

6. Last December, while living in a Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico, i wanted to see Halley's Comet, which was reported to be visible at that time.

译文:有xx年的xx月份,我住在新墨西哥,那时正好哈雷彗星出现,我很想去观看。 。

7. it may also be having a wider effect: January saw only a third as many kidnappings as December, according to MiNUSTAH.


8. October, November, December. That is not the northeast monsoon season.

译文:xx月,xx月,xx月。 那不是东北季候风季节, 。

9. Jayden Cole is a Penthouse Pet of the Month for December 2009 as well as Twistys's Thread of the Month for October 2009.

译文:杰登·科尔是xx月份的阁楼宠物20xx月以及害羞的螺纹为xx月xx月。 。

10. i'm paid up till December.


11. Elections happen in November. it's late December.

译文:xx月选举 现在不是才xx月末吗。

12. in December the U. S. Customs Service discovered 45kg of ecstasy shipped from France to the FedEx headquarters in Memphis.


13. October, November, December. That is not the northeast monsoon season.

译文:xx月,xx月,xx月。 那不是东北季候风季节,。

14. The Met Office has said it expected the freezing conditions to continue into late January after one of the chilliest Decembers on record.


15. The Met Office has said it expected the freezing conditions to continue into late January after one of the chilliest Decembers on record.

译文:英国气象局此前曾说,刚过去的xx月份是史上最冷的xx月之一,严寒天气预计将持续至xx月底。 。


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