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关于”描写女生外貌“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Describe a girl's appearance。以下是关于描写女生外貌的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe a girl's appearance

这对孪生兄弟外貌很相像, 但性格却相差很大。

1、The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in disposition.


2、When a woman is running for the presidency, comments about her appearance will be graffitied on her posters.


3、Paint your face, use the dream to remember your face.


4、She made a very average looking shop-girl with the exception of her features.


5、The finest bosom in nature is not sine as what imagination forms.


6、There are three main female characters whose names are Bainiu Yugu and Yiyun…


7、The girl is always very polite.


8、However, in daily life, mother is usually considered the primary care giver, while father is much less involved in fostering the children.


9、Mr Feng said he took issue with his wife's looks only after the couple's daughter was born.


10、Laps :Laps are suce defects caused by folding over fins or sharp corners into the suce of the material .


11、Science fiction is a kind of special literature which depicts the effect to the world by science and it to the human beings' life.


12、Rob: Do the comments sound more like they're written by a guy or a girl?


13、While the novel by Tong Su, Ailing Zhang and female psychology is the ugly nature of the two female co-authors describe the performance.


14、Most noteworthy, the earning-power effect as well as the good-looks effect didn't differ for men and women.


15、Epitaxial growth steps and growth spirals were observed from epitaxial film appearance photograph.


16、Based on the female experience, Zhangjie writes the female life nature, trying to modify female "no characters" heart history, and gain the right to speak for woman.

17、A woman of charm is as rare as a man of genius. 郎才女貌世间稀。


18、Women are resorting more and more to esthetical surgery to improve their physical appearance.


19、He wrote back to her out of courtesy.



1)My father was wearing a pair of glasses, small eyes, thin lips, because overworked with wrinkles

21、To a certain extent, depicting Yao Li was prosperous town of ceramic production scene.在一定程度上描绘了当年瑶里古镇的盛世陶瓷生产景貌。

22、Greatly inspired, Susan was determined to read as much as possible, and what is more, she wanted to write stories about her own childhood.那个故事生动的描写了一个残疾女孩是如何成为一位作家的。 苏珊读后深受鼓舞,决心尽可能的多读书,而且,她还想写关于自己的童年故事。

23、They appear as grisly warrior women armed with spears enchanted to kill.她们的外貌是恐怖的女武士,手持为死亡点化的长矛。

24、Works for the appearance of female attention and imagination too, so that the female image has been unusual vases.作品对女性外貌的过于重视和想象,使女性形象成了被玩赏的花瓶。

25、I think if it is reflected that women today are equally equipped as men, and then it will be the right portrayal.而我认为,如果该报描写的是当今女性与男性并驾齐驱,这才是当今女性现实的写照。

英文句子26:,26、Remember that most women are notas shallow as men; very often self confidence can go a lot farther and be moreattractive than physical looks.你要知道,其实大部分女人不会像男人一样 肤浅地以貌取人;充满自信的表现能够在女人心里加很多分,自信要比外貌更有吸引力。

27、The cross-country team designed spreadsheets, some of which allowed individual men to add comments about the women's physical appearance.越野队设计了电子表格,其中一些允许男生添加对女生外貌的评论。

28、女生写给男生温暖的话 英文 The girl wrote a warm word to the boy.

29、He's got two very similar-looking daughters.他有两个相貌很相似的女儿。

30、Witches' mummy maw and gulf.女巫干尸貌狰狞。

31、The appearance of ordinary girl with a handsome boy, excellent girl and reciprocal of scores between boys nature itself is not an enviable love.这对相貌平凡的女生与外表英俊的男生,品学兼优的女生与成绩倒数的男生之间注定不会是令人羡慕的佳偶天成。

32、When it comes to their appearance female derro are only slightly less abhorrent than their male counterparts.女性迪洛矮人的外貌比男性强也有限。

33、Introduction: now the care and maintenance of knowledge is getting more and more popular more and more young girls appearance to let others guess age.现在护肤保养的知识越来越普及,女生的外貌都越来越年轻到让别人猜不出年龄。

34、And this rich expressive power lies in her writings by means of her giving full consideration to her physical appearance and self-state.强烈关注自我身体的外貌和状态;真实而细致地描绘了身体感觉;

35、In his study, when asked to describe the woman getting shocked, many of the observers devalued her. They berated her character and her appearance. They said she deserved it.在他的研究中,当被要求描述被电击的女人时,很多观察者的评价都很低。她们攻击她的人品甚至外貌,她们说这是她应得的。

36、Xia was annoyed by the media’s infatuation with her looks.媒体对外貌的过度迷恋使她很生气。

37、She was a young woman of good appearance.她是一位年轻貌美的女子。

38、Yes, people can be vicious in their categorization of women’s looks.没错,人们在对女人的外貌进行分门别类时极有可能居心叵测。

39、Baluchi woman wears a traditional red mask to conceal her features from public view.一个靠戴传统红色面具而在公众视野中掩饰其外貌的俾路支女子。

40、The Lyrics of the popular song by Burt Bacharach and Hal David are reinterpreted here as a wonderful song of love from a mother to her daughter on her birthday.这本书的内容主要是在描写母亲在女儿生日时唱出了对女儿无尽的爱,这同时也是一首老歌。

41、The configuation of the glow contracted obviously in this case.在这种情况下,辉光外貌发生显著收缩。

42、A woman of charm is as rare as a man of genius.郎才女貌世间稀。

43、They deserve to be seen, not just visually but biographically.这些女性值得被观看,不仅是外貌,还有她们的生平。

44、Societys focus on the way women look can also stop us pushing ourselves forward.另外,社会对于女性外貌的关注也会阻碍女性前进的步伐。

45、In presenting her reflections on life and world , Lu Yin's compositions, most of which featured women, consist of depictions of feminine experiences.庐隐的作品大多是以女性为题材,选择富于感性的切身体会来描写女性经验并以此表达对社会人生的全部思考。

46、The finest bosom in nature is not sine as what imagination forms.自然界最美的花朵也美不过想象中的花朵。

47、The finest bosom in nature is not sine as what imagination forms. 自然界最美的花朵也美不过想象中的花朵。

48、With detailed description and vivid images it interprets the function of the art of dancing, depicting the popular dances of the Han Dynasty and recording the look of national dancing of that period.它用细腻生动的文字、丰富生动的形象阐明了舞蹈艺术的功能,描写了汉代流行的般鼓、长袖舞,记载了民族舞蹈成熟时期的风貌。

49、(指成年女子,有些人尤其是长者认为这样说比较礼貌)女士,女子 Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to begin. 各位女士, 先生, 该开会了。

50、How to express politely in writing and observe the politeness principle is one of the most important and diffident tasks in English for International Business Letter Writing.如何在外贸英语函电写作中实现礼貌化表达是外贸英语函电教学的重难点之

经典英文句子51:描写女生外貌,51、Tracers are now usually women but some men work as tracers for their whole lives and they produce very fine work.目前描图员一般为妇女,但是也有终生从事描图的男描图员,他们能描出精致的图。

52、You’re a fine one to criticize someone else’s appearance and personal hygiene.对他人外貌和个人卫生,你倒挺善于评头论足的。

53、All girls have some features about themselves they do not like.所有女孩都有他们所不满意的外貌特征。

54、Once a beautiful and dissolute British actress wrote to propose marriage to Bernard Shaw.英国有位美貌风流的女演员,曾写信向肖伯纳求婚。

55、The boy was skin-deep, he judged the person by their faces, while the girl could think much further, she found the beauty of life.男孩是肤浅的,他根据人的外貌做判断,而女孩想得远很多,她发现生活的美丽。

56、A gradate girl made a small film about people's opinion about outlook.一个毕业的女孩制作了一部关于人们对外貌看法的微电影。

57、Help-wanted ads often specify whether the employer is looking for a man or a woman, and those looking for females often set height or appearance requirements.招聘广告通常会说明是招男性还是女性,招女性的工作通常会设定身高或外貌要求。

58、The finest bosom in nature is not sine as what imagination forms.自然界最美的花版朵也美不过想象权中的花朵。

59、It is impolite to write a letter in red ink.用红墨水写信是不礼貌的。

60、An undoubted, uncontested, conscious beauty, is of all women, the least sensible of flattery upon that head;在女人当中,那些的确具有绝世之姿容并深知自己貌美的女子,是对外表方面的恭维话最不敏感的;

61、"You are probably the best actress in the world, which, combined with your extraordinary beauty, makes you unique, " Burton wrote.理查德在一封信中写道:“你可能是世上最优秀的女演员,你的美貌让你更加独一无”


62、It's impolite to gibe at a foreign student's English.嘲笑外国学生的英语是不礼貌的。


标签: 外貌 女生

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