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关于”浪漫爱情“的英语句子43个,句子主体:romantic love。以下是关于浪漫爱情的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:romantic love

1、Tell me you are mine. i’ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.请告诉我你是我的。


2、The Chateau Changyu Castel lies in Yantai's Economic Development Zone. It was founded by Chang Pi Shih, a patriotic overseas Chinese. The chateau emanates a romantic European flavor.


3、You have attempted to tinge it with romanticism, which produces much the same effect as if you worked a love-story or an elopement into the fifth proposition of Euclid.

谁更浪漫,希斯克利夫(《呼啸山庄男主角)还是罗彻斯特先生(《简爱》男主角》)? 哪部的荒野更神秘?

4、Who is more romantic, Heathcliff or Mr. Rochester?

我觉得那些关于浪漫爱情的典型的形象都很美,比如在xx年代,50 年代,xx年代的明信片,电影海报,电影里。

5、Aesthetically, stereotyped images about romantic love have interested me, too: postcards, film posters, films from the 40s, 50s and 60s, etc.


6、The air is fresher and it's romantic to watch the sunset with your lover.

在她俯瞰中央公园的会客室里,整齐地摆放着一排排的书籍。 我们坐定后,她说“我认为浪漫的爱情是一件变幻莫测的事情”。

7、"I think romantic love is one of the great change agents, " she says as we sit in her book-lined living room overlooking Central Park.


8、Taking advantage of the intrinsic romance in cute things obviously depends upon recognizing which things are cute.


9、With hindsight, it encouraged me to experience romance as something haunted, even at its giddy beginning, by a teary ending. And maybe that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


10、This act would be my pièce de résistance, theproof that love was the answer, the convergence of art, romance and technology that would make everything beautiful.

11、Love me little and love me long.不求情意绵绵,但求天长地长

今 年七夕,「永浴爱河祭」在浪漫而热闹的气氛中完满落幕;

12、On this year's Lovers' Day, there is a perfect romantic and joyful atmosphere during the rite of "Forever Bathing in Love River."


13、They both love social gatherings, and also adore romance and experiencing each other as lovers.


14、Her Past (How You Remind Her of it): Women create a mental "love map" of their romantic life based on past experiences.


15、On Valentine's Day today people usually send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by.


16、In terms of love and romance, as a Libra you have outstanding aspects, and it matters not if you are single or attached - all Libras should do well this month.

17、I wonder what goes through your mind when you hear my name.我很想知道,当我的名字滑过你耳朵,你脑海中会闪现些什么。


18、The 100 most passionate films were selected by a blue-ribbon panel of leaders from the film community, including directors, screenwriters, actors, cinematographers, and historians.


19、If I could rearrange the alphabet,I’d put Y and I together.


20、water in a stream, fish in travel, love you no reason; Blowing in the Wind, rain the next, you want to have some affinity; Days affection, and love, the National Romantic Will it work?

21、For example, if you want to have a meaningful romantic relationship, but you have trouble believing that you are worthy of love, you will have trouble creating this relationship.例如,如果你想要有段意义深远的浪漫感情,但你又难以相信自己是值得被爱的,你将很难孕育出这段感情。

22、Westerners in particular see the pair through a romantic and ideological prism.西方人尤其爱通过一个兼具浪漫和意识形态的棱镜来看两者。

23、Paris, the world capital of romance, witnesses thousands of love stories as centuries gone by. Van Gogh's sadness, Noble's first love and Xu Beihong's hopeless love in Paris….巴黎,世界浪漫之都,千百年来,几许风雨,曾见证多少刻骨铭心的爱情故事,梵高的哀伤,诺贝尔的初恋往事,徐悲鸿的情逝巴黎,不胜枚举。

24、Franco is considered a solid best-actor prospect for the survival drama "127 Hours, " while Hathaway has a chance for a best-actress slot for the romance "Love & Other Drugs.詹姆斯·弗兰科凭其生存类影片《127小时》冲击奥斯卡影帝,而安妮·海瑟薇则有机会凭借浪漫爱情电影《就药爱你》冲击奥斯卡影后。

25、Some people say that love is romantic while marriage is realistic, happy marriage needs solid material as the basis;没有足够的钱你会结婚吗?有人说,爱情是浪漫的,而婚姻是现实的,美好的婚姻生活需要有坚实的物质基础做保障;

英文句子26:,26、This act would be my pièce de résistance, the existential proof that love was the answer, the convergence of art, romance and technology that would make everything beautiful.这个行动是我对现实的抵抗,是爱情力量的现实证据,是艺术的集中体现,浪漫和科技可以让所有事情变得美妙。

27、Love is not a matter of counting the days.没有了爱,但本质永远不变;t know how to cherish others,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁,当一切浪漫遥远。

28、Owner Gong Yelong's The Dinosaur's Love Bank boasts shelves loaded with cups, toys, books, personal letters and wallets from those looking to preserve the sentimental value.爱情银行"里摆满了水杯、玩具、书籍、信件和钱包等,这些物品承载着寄存者对过去浪漫的回忆。

29、I am an honest, romantic, kind hearted, gentle, considerate , and loyal in love Chinese lady. I am looking for an gentleman that we will love each other and spend the rest of our lives together.我是一位诚实,浪漫,善良,温柔,体贴,对爱情专一的中国女性。 我寻找一位真心相爱的男士共度一生。

30、Then, after a few years of hiding and poor communication, they realize that their once romantic love life has grown stale.之后,持续多年的躲躲藏藏与沟通困难之后,他们意识到他们曾经浪漫的爱情已经烟消云散了。

31、And the Earth was all rest , and the air was all love.大地也休息了,暮霭中就弥漫了爱情。

32、Love cures people; both the ones who give it, and the ones who receive it.浪漫植根于幻觉之上,而当我们爱上某个人时,我们也爱上他为我们营造的幻觉。

33、Add a little note with each one if you're feeling extra romantic.如果你想制造额外的浪漫气氛,那么在每一朵上贴上爱心小条吧。

34、How can I believe that there is still pure love in this world?让我如何相信,这世界上还有一尘不染的爱情。

35、Im nice, tender and romantic - an average man with good sense of humour and lots of love to give.我是一个很友善,温柔,浪漫的人,体型均匀,幽默,而且充满爱意。

36、"I think romantic love is one of the great change agents," she says as we sit in her book-lined living room overlooking Central Park.在她俯瞰中央公园的会客室里,整齐地摆放着一排排的书籍。 我们坐定后,她说“我认为浪漫的爱情是一件变幻莫测的事情”。

37、Love pleases more than marriages, for the reason that romances are more enjoyable than history. ----Chamfort.恋爱比婚姻更令人愉快,就像浪漫故事比历史更令人愉悦。----尚福尔。

38、Venice and Verona are the most famous tourist attractions in the north-east of Italy, maybe you can think about romantic love affairs here.威尼斯和维罗纳是最有名的旅游景点,在东北部的意大利,也许你可以想想,浪漫的爱情在这里。

39、The first part explores the artist's romantic side and his love of women. The second part is about the emotional effect of Picasso's paintings.第一部分探讨了艺术家的浪漫的一面和他的女人的爱。第二部分是毕加索的画的情感效应。

40、The three stages of love in relationships are romantic feelings, physical attraction, &emotional attachment.坠入爱河的恋人会经历三个阶段,初期的浪漫恋曲或爱欲,中期的身体吸引,最后到更高阶段的情感依赖。 到达最后阶段可不仅仅凭运气或无条件妥协。

41、Later, he declared that one can forget everything for the sake of true love. This was due to his desire for romantic love and his trial of love affairs outside marriage.后期为了真爱可以忘掉一切的惊世之语,源于自己对浪漫的渴求和婚外恋情的尝试。

42、I love to be with you and listen to the Canon in D-major which you play for me over and over again, tasting the romance and tenderness in the music.最爱静静地待在你身边,听你一遍又一遍为我弹奏《D大调卡农》,体悟琴声中的浪漫与柔情。

43、That's, as we all know, too romantic to be true. Instead, it will more often than not be a case of lasting relationship.诚如你我所知,这太过浪漫了,以致于怀疑其真实性,但是相反地,它却经常是一种永恒的爱情。

44、Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person.恋爱是:当感到、热忱和浪漫十足拿失落之后,你仍然爱护对方。 羁。

45、I suppose this was the ideal love Dickinson had been coveting for , who believed that if she had so exquisite and so romantic love , it was happy for her to die .我想这就是迪金森梦寐以求的理想爱情,能拥有这样美好而浪漫的相遇,死亡都是一件快乐的事情。

46、Romantically, Mars will be in Cancer as you begin the month, a good place for you, for it engenders creativity and romance.在爱情方面,火星将会在月初的时候移动到巨蟹宫,对你来说是个好位置,因为它会产生创造力和浪漫。

47、If you are attached, a romantic partner will be the center of your attention mid-month.如果你在恋爱中,月中,一个浪漫的伴侣将成为你的中心。

48、These women were *immortalized as the muses of great singer-songwriters, becoming romantic icons for a generation of music fans.作为这些伟大的创作歌手的缪斯女神,这些女性永垂不朽,成为了一代乐迷心中的浪漫爱情的代表性人物。

49、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力

50、You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。

经典英文句子51:浪漫爱情,51、She accept love letter accept to write in the black of basaltic up of that kind of, because she believe firmly and love be real by A. D. of romance.她收情书只收写在黑色的玄武岩上的那种,因为她坚信,爱在西元前才是真正的浪漫。

52、The nationwide survey reveals that Tasmanians are more romantic and feel more loved than other Australians.全国范围的调查显示,塔斯马尼亚更浪漫,感觉比其他澳大利亚人喜爱。

53、You don't want to mistake love for a really romantic evening or a great night in bed.相信我,你绝不想把一个浪漫之夜或一场鱼水之欢错当成恋爱。

54、As routine displaces novelty, we may be tempted to shift our attention to someone new and taste again the thrill of romantic love.当生活变得无趣时,我们也许会想把注意力转移到某些新的人物身上,再尝试浪漫爱情带来的兴奋激动。

55、At that time, my heart was totally convinced by the romantic and sacred law of marriage in Ireland.当时,我的心完全被爱尔兰婚姻的浪漫和神法捕获。

56、When one is in love one begins by deceiving oneself, and ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls romance.恋爱者由自欺开始,以欺人告终。这就是世人所谓的浪漫。

57、Relationships are a product of compromise, and without a healthy balance between the two partners you have a selfish disaster that is sure to fail.情爱关系是折中的产物,若没有在浪漫和性之间取得健康的平衡关系,那么你就会面临自私带来的灾难,从而注定在一段感情中失败。

58、You can send a birthday message, a romantic "love you", a cheeky flirt, or just simply say "hi" or make someone smile.您可以发送邮件的生日,一个浪漫的“爱你”,一厚脸皮调情,或者只是简单地说“您好”,或使某人微笑。


标签: 英文 爱情

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