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关于”春天的小诗“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Little Poems of Spring。以下是关于春天的小诗的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Little Poems of Spring


1、Tender grass, fresh leaves, all kinds of gorgeous flowers, all like to gather up, form a dazzling spring of tears.


2、In the spring of 1979, the Ku Klux Klan and its national director, David Duke, decided to hold a meeting in Little Rock.


3、"Lost dog woman beautiful spring, " the main content Description: leaf to the wing, one was over thirty years, the typical cause of lost dogs Xiaocheng women.



4、It 's spring, so we're starting to get the gardens ready and my tomatoes are legendary here in my own neighborhood.

Love you added to our campus a beautiful landscape. 校园一角荷花池在我们的校园里,有一个美丽如画的荷花池. 春天,荷花那小小的、尖尖角悄悄的钻出水面,东瞧瞧,西望望,好象在观察校园的春色,真如诗中所说,“小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头.”慢慢的,尖尖角开始张开,原来像豆角似的衣服,变成了暗红的连衣裙. 夏天,可是荷花表现才华的时候.你看那池中的荷花,荷叶挨挨挤挤的,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘,又像是插满了密密麻麻的翡翠伞似的,把池面盖得严严实实的.青蛙可能在跟鱼儿捉迷藏吧!

5、Love you this mud,but not the spirit of the dye!

今年春天,索尼将首次推出采用E Ink技术的“索尼阅读器”,在大小、重量和手感方面都酷似真书。

6、This spring, it will debut the Sony Reader, which uses E Ink and closely mimics the size, weight, and feel of a book.


7、However the cost of his romance was tremor, terror and pains in the heart. This novel makes readers see that the original nature of youth is a cruel poem and a bunch of beautiful, but evil flowers.


8、"Those factors all combine to make the day of the equinox not the day when we have

12 hours [each] of light and darkness, " Chester said.


9、This is called "the little spring(Indian sammer)" of realestate in March.


10、He was recalling the icy river, the lonely spiral of chimney smoke against the vast snow-land, and the muddy country road in early spring.


11、If the sun were just a tiny point of light and Earth had no atmosphere, then day and night would each be exactly

12 hours long on a spring equinox day.


12、Wathing movie, a China show – Warm Spring.


13、My little daughter was born in December.


14、Appellee (plaintiff in the first instance): Liquidating Group of Jiangnan Industrial Co. , Ltd. of Hunchun City.


15、Actually bred under rocks in this Spring, is grass.


16、Spring arrived, along with grass, had to come, that such a cold climate, the grass is not lazy, nor abandon the spring away, but for the future efforts of the spring and live its mission.


17、Look, I'd be willing to accept $24.00/hr, if you agree to review my salary again come spring.


18、Every spring since then these small creatures praise Him, head turned skywards, for the joy of the beloved, for the secret nest.

骆天明躺在沙发上休息,为了逗父亲开心骆晓春和小雪唱起了双簧。 。

19、LuoTianMing lying on the sofa rest, in order to amuse her father LuoXiaoChun and light snow sang looks like.

早、中熟春大豆叶片的相对生长速度(RGR)至现蕾后30天即为较小或为负值,而 迟熟类型则在现蕾后50天才出现负值。

20、Leaf RGR of early and medium ripening varieties was very small or even reached negative in 30 days after FBA while late type reached negative in 50 days after FBA.

21、Flying in the warm spring breeze. It is like an innocent and lively girl, with a divine color pen, and painted with cheerful everywhere.暖暖的春风飞来了。它好比一个天真活泼的小姑娘,带着一只彩色的神笔,到处欢快地画着。

22、Who says the little soul of grass waving. Could for the warmth repay the sun of spring.谁又说孩子幼小的心灵,能够了解慈母的苦心,能够报答那象春天xx月的阳光那么温暖的爱呢?

23、Every little bud and curled-up leaf causes my heart to jump with gladness; for know Spring is sure and certain.触摸到每一个小小的花蕾,或是每一片卷曲的嫩叶,我心都会幸福地跳动不已,因为我确信春天已至,无需置疑。

24、It was in the spring of 1994 when Zichen had met Margaret and John, in a supermarket; the autumn of 1995 when Margaret had been buried in a hillside cemetery.紫宸是在超市里遇到玛格丽特和约翰的,那是xx年春天。 到了xx年秋天,玛格丽特就去世了,安眠在小山脚下的墓地里。

25、Daylight Saving Time gives us the opportunity to enjoy sunny summer evenings by moving our clocks an hour forward in the spring.使用夏令时,也就是在春天把时钟拨快一小时,能使我们有机会享受到有阳光明媚的夏日傍晚。

英文句子26:,26、In the spring of 1912 an iceberg in the Atlantic took down the Titanic. Now, some humble bacteria are trying to finish the job.xx年春天,一个冰山让泰坦尼克沉入海底,到今天,一些微小的细菌正在完成摧毁泰坦尼克的剩余任务。

27、The planting area of spring wheat is bigger in Liaoning province. The spray irrigation technique is used to irrigate spring wheat at present.春小麦在辽宁省分布较广,当前辽宁省春小麦灌溉开始应用喷灌技术。

28、In the spring, spring sister put myself on a beautiful make-up, help the grass and flowers a makeup, make flowers more bright, more sweet, spray a little perfume.春天的时候,春姐姐把自已化了一个美丽的妆,帮小草、花朵也化了一个妆,让鲜花变得更鲜艳、更香、还喷了点香水。 。

29、All the things waked up , the spring was back , the little flower came out again , just be like a small warm smiling face .万物复苏,春回大地,那朵小小的花也重新开放了,就像一个小小的、温暖的笑脸。

30、You got kids like me who haven't hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day.竟然把我这种还没到青春发育期的小孩跟那些一天得刮两次毛的“大猩猩”混在一起。

31、But Chun intends to raise the little fish herself, anticipating that she may one day release Kun back to Earth, to continue living as a human.但春打算提高自己的小鱼,期待有一天,她可能释放坤回地球,继续为人类的生活。

32、This spring, Bennett and her colleagues hope to continue to test the LCA gene therapy in both eyes of younger patients.今年春天,贝内特和她的同事希望继续对年龄更小的LCA患者进行双眼的的基因治疗试验。

33、Bacchus himself, like the grape vine , symbolized the springtime rebirth of nature , A satyr embraces a laughing nymphs.巴克斯本人,像葡萄藤一样代表了春天大自然的万物复苏。一个森林小神在拥抱一个大笑者的林泽仙女。

34、Swan and Adventure is just the image of the poet's personal charm: small, beautiful, pure, quiet and solitude.天鹅和轻舟的形象恰好就是诗人的人格魅力:弱小、美丽、纯洁、安静和孤独。

35、After a light spring rain, leaves began to sprout from tress.一场小小的春雨后,树木开始冒出新芽。

36、Because the wires on them, like small and exquisite on the staff of notes, with "chirp" sound, MingZou the first movement of the spring.因为电线上的它们,像五线谱上小巧玲珑的音符,陪着“啾啾”的叫声,在鸣奏着春天的第一乐章。

37、Several demons led him out of the temple.几个小鬼领着赵春出了神庙。

38、They know the little pink flowers' dream of spring after autumn;他知道小粉红花的梦,秋后要有春;

39、Xiaochun rented a small house and moved his family in.拿到第一个月的工钱,小春就租了一间小屋把一家人搬了进去。

40、The small dairies to the west, beyond port - bredy, in which she had served as supernumerary milkmaid during the spring and summer required no further aid.布莱底港以西有一些小奶牛场,在春天和夏天,苔丝在那儿做过临时挤奶女工,而现在这些奶牛场已经不需要人手了。

41、Very different from most of the fiction you’ll read, anything can happen in a Murakami book.这部小说跟你平常看的小说完全不同,在春树的小说里,什么都能发生。

42、The thick ice covering Unnamed Lake begins to melt as the spring approaches, when several birds find their paradise upon the lake and in the woods.春天的脚步踏碎了未名冰封的湖面,小鸟儿却在冰面上、灌木间找到了它们的乐园。

43、Compared to Guyuan, spring wheat yield at Yulin and Haiyuan was lower, yield fluctuation was stronger and soil desiccation rate was faster.与固原相比,榆林和海原连作春小麦产量较低,产量波动性较大,春小麦田干燥化进程较快。

44、Spring, the earth recover fresh and green, flower, like a fragile little princess, they sometimes zhankai flowers, some bud.春天,大地恢复一片生机,花开了,像一个个娇气的小公主,它们有的绽开花朵,有的含苞欲放。

45、The plant growth of Zaoduojia was less affected by salt stress than Jinchun 早多佳幼苗生长受盐胁迫的抑制小于津春2号,其光合机构受伤害的程度小于津春2号。

2 and the photosynthetic apparatus was less injured by salt stress than that of Jinchun


46、Spring elder sister the day really, lively, naughty to catch the birds, the birds are chirping in the same tree in concert.春姐姐把那天真、活泼、调皮捣蛋的小鸟给抓来了,小鸟们在同一棵大树上正叽叽喳喳的开着演唱会。

47、Chinese New Year day, the sky has not yet been exposed White, to mountain springs, river near by the village learn the new water will come oman.新春第xx日,天空尚未露出鱼肚白,到山间清泉、村旁小河汲新水的农妇村姑便纷至沓来。

48、It consists of 它由十一个大小不等的球体组成,从蔚蓝的天空缀联到如茵的草地,充满了“大珠小珠落玉盘”的诗情画意。

11 spheres of varying sizes, from blue sky up linked to the lawn grass , filled with "large beads beads down" the poetic.

49、No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring or the rustle of the insect's wings.白人的城市里没有一块安静的地方,没有地方聆听春天树木吐芽的声音,也听不到小虫振翅的嗡嗡声。

50、Here's a little bend along the Fuchun River.这里是富春江上的一个小峡湾。

经典英文句子51:春天的小诗,51、After we had lunch in a small restaurant, we returned home. I really hope to go there next spring!在一家小饭店吃过午饭后,我们回家了。我真希望明年春天再去那里!

52、The scent of the flowers was wafted along by the breeze. The spring picture this: the grass under foot had a reflection of blue sky in it.微风送来了花香, 春意浓如画:脚下的小草,印入蓝天,遥相呼应;

53、All bumbling conjurers , clumsy squires, no-talent bards, and cowardly thieves in the land will be pre-emotively put to death.所有无能的魔术师,笨拙的随从,没有天分的吟游诗人以及胆小的盗贼都将会事先被处死。

54、Wang Dongchun: Let me start from my childhood.王东春:从小时候说起吧!

55、A single calf is born to each mother (次年春天,野牛妈妈生下唯一的牛犊。几天之内,小野牛便能够一直跟着牛群奔跑,寻找青草。

3) the next spring. In a few days the young can run with the herd in the constant search for grass.

56、EVEN in the best of conditions, the period around China's lunar new year holiday poses immense logistical challenges.即使天公再作美,xx年一度的春运工作还是会给中国的交通运输部门带来不小挑战。

57、The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;报春花小道环绕着花环;

58、Doing this realized the seriousness of the problem.小春这才意识到问题的严重性。

59、Scolded by spring after go home in the morning, small qian coaxed, spring is put forward, doubt spring Jo is reincarnate back school sister to her flesh.早上回家后被春花责骂,小倩好言相劝,春花不禁提出,怀疑春娇是师妹投胎向她讨债。

60、Last spring, Harkin introduced a bill that would regulate the snack machines outside cafeterias that are such a prodigious source of calories for kids.去年春天,哈金提出一项法案,规范学校食堂外的小吃机,因为它是孩子们的巨大热量来源。

61、The snow of early spring bends the pale green branches of the willows.初春的小雪压弯了新绿的柳树枝。

62、Let's sow our field with spring wheat.让我们在田里种春小麦吧。

63、It turns out that due to the unseasonably warm spring, the apple trees had put out their blossoms early and then with one last frost, 90 percent of the blossoms died.原来,在这个温暖的春天里,天气出现了异常,就在苹果树刚刚结束盛花期时,最后的一场霜冻降临, 90% 的小果蕾凋亡。

64、Small days and Danny 's feelings after four years of wind and rain, but also in the rain fade youth sentimental, gradually become mature.小天和丹丹的感情经历了xx年的风雨,也在风雨中褪尽了青春的青涩,渐渐变得成熟起来。


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