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1、The success of flowers, people only envy it brightly, but when the bud soaked struggle leiquan, sacrifice the.


2、Auto China 2010 will present dozens of brand-new production, including world debut cars, Asia debut cars, China debut cars, and concept cars.


3、Try out a different look and surprise those who thought they knew you well - if you dare.


4、I worried about that until this year, but have had a wonderful spring finding one extraordinary flower sight after another.


5、The exquisite hotel is equipped with 279 stunning guestrooms and stylish suites — each providing guests with luxurious amenities and boastful features.

布莱曼令人惊艳的嗓音,再加上「 一千零二夜」气势磅礡的舞台设计,将会让你有个非常特别的夜晚。

6、Brightman's incredible voice coupled with the larger-than-life stage production of Harem will deliver a unique evening.


7、Teri Hatcher was beautiful in blue at the "Broadway Tonight! "evening of song and dance in celebration in California.


8、Some flowers is tangy scent, bright color, like colourful season.


9、But when they shine over an eruption at the Icelandic volcano, the results are stunning, as these pictures show.


10、Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius but more because of things like improved techniques and tools.


11、A quiet village bathing in the sun, permeated with the smell of green wheat, Qiuna Tong was not as stunning as we had imagined.


12、"Everyone wants to look their best in a swimsuit, and there's a lot we can do to help make that happen these days," she says.


13、Dazzling and costly evening is installed, will change ferial missish, colourful Jing

4, vigor

4 shoot, it is absolutely most the princess with dazzling brilliance.


14、The brightly-colored flowers keep most of their color.


15、Mankind will be inspired to share, create, work, and obey by the astonishing emergence of a completely new form of social organization.


16、But this is more of a sign of Kid Icarus: Uprising and Resident Evil: Revelations looking amazing rather than Ocarina of Time looking bad.


17、The historic MG octagon is retained, but given a striking new look that completely refreshes the brand image.


18、This was number one on my list of must-see holiday movies and I so wanted to be blown away but it just didn’t happen.


19、My mind was thoroughly boggled: the ugly earth, the humble earth, the plain earth—it is for the sake of that smile that it wins the care and pity of people.


20、Gwyneth Paltrow Thomas Kent (Gwyneth Paltrow) is cast as Romeo after impressing Shakespeare, in Shakespeare in Love.

21、I went often to look at the collection of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeper of it with my German.我经常去海德堡城堡看珍藏品展览,某一天城堡管理员着实惊艳与我的德语。

22、It criticized overly pro forma raffishness with gaudy form, it spread out the gaudy objects in reality, parked with more raffishness and made them expose directly with vanity, flamboyance, atrocity.它是以艳俗的形式来批判形式上的过分艳俗,它将现实中的“艳俗”对象罗列出来,同时加以更艳俗化的包装,让对象的浮华艳丽、俗不可耐直接暴露。

23、Under the pouring amber light, you are so enchanting with beauty like never enfolded alluring glamour, never your face being dared to behold.琥珀灯光下的你是那麽迷人,你的美丽如惊鸿美艳,从来没敢正面窥视你的容颜。

24、When it incorporates the beauty of flowers, you can imagine what type of amazing and breathtaking results it can produce.当它与美丽的花朵结合在一起时,你可以想象得到会产生何种令人惊艳而慑人心魄的效果。

25、Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich was in the stands during Euro 2008 as Arshavin inspired Russia's progress to the semi-final stage.在08欧洲杯阿沙文惊艳地表现率领俄罗斯打入半决赛,而切尔西老板阿布正在场。

英文句子26:,26、Chilling: Emma Watson has some serious vampire style as Hermione Granger in a blood-splattered poster for the new Harry Potter movie.艾玛·沃森各种冷。酷似吸血鬼造型的赫敏·格兰杰惊艳亮相哈利波特新电影海报。

27、Cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry.俗艳的外表或本质粗俗表面却艳丽的;

28、He was absolutely amazing in The Signal and need only some longer hair to look strikingly similar to Kurt.在电影《诡信号》中,威尔伯恩的表现堪称惊艳,如果头发能再长点,他完全就是柯本再世了。

29、There are bright red azaleas here and there.到处是红艳艳的杜鹃花。

30、My mind was thoroughly boggled: the ugly earth, the humble earth, the plain earth—it is for the sake of that smile that it wins the care and pity of people... .我的灵魂猛然一惊:丑陋的泥土,卑微的泥土,朴素的泥土,因为玫瑰,露出了惊艳一笑,正因为这一笑,才赢得了人们的爱惜。

31、The Spaniard produced a brilliant second-half display and Julio Baptista struck twice to haul Arsenal back into the tie.这位西班牙人下半场上演了惊艳的表现,巴普蒂斯塔为阿森纳梅开二度扳回平分。

32、Yet much darker consciousness is embedded behind the intriguing patterns made from giant stencils of motifs of Chinese and Western culture.但更阴暗的意识似乎埋藏在看上去惊艳并带着中国和西方味道的漏印图案之下。

33、Stewart made a splash at Sunday's Met Costume Institute Gala in a slinky geometric-printed black and red Proenza Schouler dress.上周日,克里斯汀· 斯图尔特一袭红黑几何图案的紧身长裙出席了纽约时尚艺术盛典,惊艳夺目。

34、Whether she's giving a nod to her host country or stunning at the races, Kate always offsets her look with a beautifully ornate fascinator.无论是对东道国点头行礼还是惊艳亮相赛场,凯特总是能用一顶精美华丽的头饰为自己加分。

35、While the women were very beautiful, the men had red nose piggy eye green hair and teeth, and a penchant for brandy.雌性美人鱼都异常惊艳,而雄性美人鱼则是红鼻小眼,绿发青牙,还酷爱喝白兰地。

36、Thepictures - captured using a scanning electron microscope - highlightthe amazing variety of pollens that float invisibly through the air.这些用扫描电子显微镜捕捉到的镜头展示了各种惊艳的花粉形象,它们无形地漂浮在空气中。

37、The main products of the company are karaoke devices of "Amazing"STB song-order machine, wireless song-order EasyPRO, touch screen song-order station, etc.主要产品有“惊艳”机顶盒点歌机、无线点歌掌中宝,触摸屏点歌台等卡拉OK点歌设备。

38、Thomas Kent (Gwyneth Paltrow) is cast as Romeo after impressing Shakespeare, in Shakespeare in Love.托马斯-肯特(格温妮丝-帕特洛)在惊艳了《莎翁情史》中的莎士比亚后得到了出演罗密欧的机会。

39、More grow nearly hundred kinds of rare flowers and trees in the park, in the park , walk Yi Jing , bloom all the year round stunning looks different.园区内更种植名贵花木近百种,移步易景,xx年四季绽放不一样的惊艳容颜。

40、One young member of his squad will be waiting with bated breath when the team to defend Chelsea's place at the top is announced.一个年轻选手加入了进来,让我们屏住呼吸来期待他为捍卫球队的榜首位置的惊艳演出吧。

41、Upon finally coming on stage, Monroe stunned the audience with her backless flesh coloured gown with 千呼万唤使出来,一席缀有2500颗莱茵石的裸色露背长裙让梦露惊艳全场。

2, 500 rhinestones sewn into it.

42、Xie Re snow at this time and Korea out of the small sample in the thin film calendar card, neighbors for their amazing on the drawing.此时谢若雪和韩疏影的月历牌小样出来了,邻居都为画上的她们惊艳不已。 。

43、"Red Porcelain" is very costful because of rareness, . In Chinese ancient palace, it surprised all by it's voluptuous and magnificence .“红瓷”因为稀有,所以珍贵,在中国古代皇室宫闱,他的惊世艳丽,他的富丽堂皇让所有人都为之一震。

44、Heurelho Gomes has played down his San Siro heroics – insisting 'I'm just doing my job'.修雷利奥·戈麦斯对自己在圣西罗的惊艳表演显得十分低调,强调“我只是做了我该做的事。”

45、I was very glad I did make it over to the Embarcadero, though, because the Bay Bridge looked amazing!我十分庆幸能在去恩巴克德罗的途中拍到这张照片,因为港湾桥看上去美得惊艳!

46、The red flowers that are blossoming over our land红艳艳的花朵在我们的大地上盛开

47、Behind the other is a stunning, almost art- deco-style prototype that holds 在另一个后面则是一个惊艳的Art-Deco风格,内装有10个LED灯和一种特殊液体的灯。

10 LEDs and a secret fluid.

48、His explosive power and jumping ability are amazing. Everytime he dunks, his eyes have already reached the height of the ring.他的爆发力和弹跳力让人惊艳,每当他扣篮的时候,他的眼睛就已经达到了篮圈的高度。

49、Don't expect you will by surprise me the way arc sky-high, only hope you will use of self-compassion of staring at me into jiyiyuan ashes.不奢望你会惊艳于我划破天际的那道弧线,只希望你用怜惜的眼神看着我化为灰烬。

50、From then on, Amanda has not stopped, travelling around the country taking incredible photographs of cats and dogs, much to their owners delight.从那时起,阿曼达不停穿梭于世界各地,拍摄惊艳的猫狗的照片,大多数是为了让它们的主人高兴。



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