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关于”激励人学“的英语句子35个,句子主体:motivational study。以下是关于激励人学的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:motivational study


1、Our hope is that Atlas will be useful in stimulating and guiding the improvement of education in China as well.


2、Mirrlees getting the Nobel Prize of economic said that incentive problem is core problem of all economic area.


3、This principle addresses many questions, including: How do you motivate people to perform at their best?


4、Appreciate, be kind, be gentle. Laugh a little more.


5、In this competition time, the employee benefits are an important action in attracting, detaining and motivating the talented person.


6、From then on, this maxim has been inspiring generations of Tsinghua students to strive constantly to be excellent both morally and academically.


7、The investigating engineers termed this process “synchronous lateral excitation, ” and came up with a mathematical formula to describe it.


8、Clean-up days or outreach blitzes often have meals as an incentive to attracting random people for single-day activities.


9、The teaching art of university is different from characteristics of teaching art in the middle and primary schools; it has smoothness, optimistic, argument, humor and encouraging.


10、We will provide incentives to research institutes, universities, scientists and engineers to encourage them to cooperate with enterprises in various ways.


11、One of the leaders of the research, Suzanne Chamberlain, said: "This increase in heart rate is a sign that arousal encourages them (the students) to be more alert.


12、These aroused the enthusiasm among the locals for initiating schools to promote education, but also restricted the teaching contents, and naturally changed the fate of some scholars.


13、From the agency theoretic perspectives, nonfinancial measures can provide more information about the agent's action choices, and make the motivation and restriction more scientific and affective.


14、Logistics enterprises in employee recruitment, staff collocating, motivational three aspects should take scientific measures, to the human resources management "leverage" positive effects.


15、The economists worked with the managers of a Chinese electronics factory, who were interested in exploring ways to make their employee-bonus scheme more effective.


16、This part consists of UIC, the operation mechanism of UIC, and the basic theories of UIC and about building market-oriented UIC related motivation theories.


17、The term "necessity is the mother of invention" means the need for something forces people to find a way of obtaining it.


18、Also talking to people about arts an design, about your goals, it motivates and inspires to create a new piece.


19、How do the absorption of knowledge-based talent, nurturing, motivating and retaining work are particularly important.


20、The right incentives can excite a human potential, which is equally important in the education and management of military academy students.

21、ScienceDaily (Apr. 每日科学(xx年xx月xx日) - 在人们学会洞穴墙壁上绘画前,动物们就学会使用生动的色彩和设计与既让动物敬畏又激励的环境来互动。

8, 2010) — The vivid colors and designs animals use to interact with their environments have awed and inspired since before people learned to draw on the cave wall.

22、Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, found that incentives increased all IQ scores, but particularly for those of individuals with lower baseline IQ scores.来自费城宾夕法尼亚大学的研究人员发现激励提高了所有的智力测试成绩,特别对于那些基准智力测试成绩较低的人。

23、In order to motivate others, software engineers require soft skills often more than they need in-depth technical knowledge.要想激励其他人,相比深度的技术知识,软件工程师更需要软技能。

24、Most of us have no desire to forswear energy use entirely, like No Impact Man. But we all have the incentive of basic home economics.大多数人都不愿断然放弃对能源的使用,就像No Impact Man(一个blog) 但我们都有基本家政学的激励。

25、A lift-up experiment technique has been developed for studying microgravity combustion in the IET s drop tower.以一种新的方法建立了在微重力环境、横向激励下圆柱贮箱液固耦合系统的动力学方程。

英文句子26:,26、Innovation encouragement refers to taking effective measures to fully activate creative vitality and innovative potential, thus to generate large quantities of independent IPRs in China .激励创造就是要采取有力措施,充分激发人的创造活力和创新潜能,促进我国自主知识产权大量涌现;

27、It may not take overnight but with constant work, a person can improve his self-motivation soon enough.无需熬夜,只要在持续的工作中就可以提高一个人的自我激励意识。

28、Why can't Pakistan do it?" Your example is inspiring millions of people around the world to say, "Why can't we do it?"你们的榜样激励着全世界千百万人去问:“为什么我们做不到”?

29、Laser is used as active light source for the first time in photoeleotrochemioal image deposition on P-type silicon substrate, and pictures with clear structures are obtained.本文首次用激光作激励光源,在P型硅片上成功地进行了光电化学成像沉积,得到层次清晰的图像。

30、Every term we have a action for electing Zili star in order to encourage them to study hard and train themselves to be a high character.我校每学期开展校园“自砺之星”评选活动,激励奋发向上,砥砺崇高人格。

31、Appreciate , be kind, be gentle. Laugh a little more.学会感激,与人为善,礼貌待人,笑多一点。

32、In ancient China, people encouraged scholars by saying, "Golden houses can be found through study. " At FFTS, "luncheon meat can be found through study ".古时以「书中自有黄金屋」来激励读书人,鲜鱼行学校这一幕,却是「书中自有午餐肉」。

33、The positive side of this pressure, as many researchers will readily admit, is that it can be highly stimulating.许多科学家乐意承认,这种压力有好的一面,那就是它可以高度地激励他们。

34、Spurred by the cascade of new evidence for the brain's plasticity, Western neuroscientists have taken a keen interest.不断被新的关于大脑可塑性的证据激励着,西方的神经系统科学家们有了强烈的兴趣。

35、The incentive comes from three aspects: promoting human capital accumulation, learning by doing effect and spillover effect of institution.这种激励来自于促进人力资本的形成、干中学与制度的外溢效应三个方面。

36、One day, to stimulate memories among the participants in my group, I brought a tray of objects.有一天,我拿来一托盘的东西,想要激励一下我所负责的病人的记忆力。

37、Puts forward that vision-building skill, communicating skill and motivating skill are three basic skills for management stuff dealing with interpersonal relationships;认为愿景技能、沟通技能、激励技能是企业管理人员处理人际关系的必备技能;

38、I used to think it maybe had something to do with impressing people, but those are ludicrous concepts.我曾想,或许我应该做些可以激励人的事情,但这种想法其实挺可笑。

39、These same questions, and questions like them, challenge and haunt the leading scientists of today.这些同样的问题和诸如此类的问题,时至今日仍激励并萦绕着最顶尖的科学家。

40、Christof I am the creator of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.我是创造者,创造了一个让亿万人充满希望、喜悦与激励的电视节目。

41、The ideal personality in confucianism is the nobleman. They made contributions to surpass death and were used by the governing class, but they inspired common people.儒家学说推崇的理想人格是“君子”,“君子”通过立功、立德来超越死亡,他的人格特征往往被统治阶级所利用,但对世人具有永恒的激励和警策作用。

42、It is often woman who inspires us with the great things that she will prevent us from accomplishing.往往是女人激励我们投身于伟大的事业,而又妨碍我们去完成它。

43、Wang Xicheng, Zhang Hailei, Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving the Structural Dynamic Optimization with Random Excitation, The national conference on solid mechanics 2002, Dalian.王希诚,张海蕾,受随机激励作用结构的演化设计算法,全国固体力学学术会议,大连,2002。

44、Currently, we must attach importance to the construction of teaching guarantee mechanism, stimulation mechanism, orientation mechanism and evaluation and supervision mechanism.当前,必须重视教学保障机制、激励机制、导向机制、评价与监督机制的构建。

45、Craig Harper (B.Ex.Sci.) is a qualified exercise scientist, author, columnist, radio presenter, television host, motivational speaker and university lecturer.克雷格哈珀(B.Ex.Sci.) 是一个合格的实践科学家,作家,专栏作家,广播员,电视节目主持人,激励演讲者和大学讲师。

46、Employers have started "using increases as a tool to motivate and retain talent rather than something that everybody gets, " Avalos said.雇主已经开始将加薪视为一种激励和挽留人才的工具,而非给每个人都加薪。

47、If an IQ test doesn't motivate someone then that is a good predictor in itself.如果智力测试对某些人不起激励作用,那么它自身就是一个很好的预测者。

48、Gandhi quotes inspired millions of Indians to act in non-violent protest against British oppression.甘地激励了上百万印度人民以非暴力抵抗运动反对英国的殖民统治。

49、As to this, scholars have proposed that two integrated models of motivational mechanism: Potter-Loale model and Dier model.对此,有学者提出了两个综合激励模型:波特—劳勒模型和迪尔模型。

50、And his story of starting an empire from scratch already makeshim an inspiration to millions across China.而他白手起家创建电商帝国的故事也早已激励了数百万中国人。

经典英文句子51:激励人学,51、Those who were formerly active may be encouraged by the Olympics to renew their participation, he said.那些以前积极运动的人可能会受奥运会激励使他们重新参与,他说。

52、The Lakers want Odom to do more. They feel he can post up and set up teammates .湖人需要奥多姆做得更多。他们感觉他可以站出来,可以激励队友。

53、Make good use of the effective factors of promotion to innovate the developing mechanism of HRM.其四,针对员工的有效激励因素进行人力资源开发利用机制的创新;

54、Dogs are a great motivator for doing exercises, said Dr. Sandra McCune, an animal behaviorist and also co-author of the book, "The Health Benefits of Dog Walking for People and Pets".动物行为学家Sandra McCune博士说,狗狗可以很好的激励人进行锻炼。 他也是《遛狗对健康的好处》一书的作者之

55、President's proposal would provide tax incentives for businesses to hire people from these areas.总统的提议将会为商家提供岁收激励政策,然后从这些地区来雇佣人才。

56、Your best salespeople possess vast knowledge about how to connect with and motivate people - and perhaps take the company to the next level.你公司中最优秀的营销人员深愔人际交往之道,善于激励他人 可能使公司迈上新台阶。

57、Despite other students' attempts to thwart their dreams, Troy and Gabriella resist peer pressure and rivalry, inspiring others along the way not to "stick with the status quo."尽管其他学生试图阻挠他们的梦想,特洛伊和嘉比瑞拉拒绝同龄朋友的压力和竞争激励他人,一路上不“坚持现状。”

58、Inspire people with well thought out, attractive visions of how things can be better.用考虑周到,有吸引力的,关于事情可以怎样变得更好的愿景来激励人们。

59、Personal qualities which work well here are self-motivation , conscientious and willingness to engage in group process work.能在这里工作好的个人品质要求是:自我激励、敬业、乐意从事集体工作。

60、Teachers try to guide students to study: creating situations and asking questions →enlightening→joining in discussions→pioneering→encouraging and evaluating.在教学过程中教师的导学活动为:创设情境,质疑设问→启发引导→参与讨论→拓展引导→激励评价。

61、Economic calculation is the vital power that animates all manifestations of human action and cooperation in matters commonly called economic.经济学计算具有一种超凡的力量,它是人类的一切活动以及在一般经济事件上开展协作的激励因素。

62、He nowhere makes mention in his pages of the gracious influence of Woman as Inspirer and Consoler in the Battle of Life.他从未提及在人生这一场战争中,女人担任激励者和安慰者会起到的积极作用。

63、Besides, the non-academic professional titles, the lack of encouraging means, the teachers' growth law and the training of teachers should be taken into account.教师职称的非学术化、缺乏有效的激励手段、教师成长规律和教师培训影响教师的教学效果。

64、Based on Hostile working environment and effective incentive mechanism, the company appeals a group of young, knowledge and practical talented people.优良的工作环境以及良好的激励机制,吸引了一批年轻的、有学识的、具有实干精神的人才。

65、With the start of knowledge economy, more importance has been given to knowledge-oriented staff motivation.随着知识经济的兴起,对知识型员工的激励问题日益受到人们重视。

66、The results show that acoustic response feature of random vibration depends on the acoustic response function and the spectral density function of the stimulating load.理论推导和实例结果表明,随机振动的声学响应特性取决于声学频率响应函数和激励谱密度函数。

67、Bill McKibben calls it "a powerful inspiration to citizens acting for environmental sanity."Bill McKibben 称之为“给那些为了一个正常环境而行动的人们的一个强有力的激励”。

68、University of Western Australia researcher David Coall said grandparents may also be motivated by the thought of having someone to take care of them when they grow old.西澳大利亚大学的研究人员大卫·科尔说,一想到他们老的时候,能够有人照顾他们,祖父母(外祖父母)就会得到很大的激励。

69、The study encourages both women and health professionals to become more aggressive in controlling high systolic blood pressure.此项研究有利于激励妇女和健康专业人士更积极地控制高收缩压。

70、The incentive mechanism of top management plays a key role in the existence and development of enterprises.中高层管理人员激励机制对企业的生存与发展起着至关重要的作用。



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