消息灵通用英语怎么说 消息灵通英语翻译

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消息灵通用英语怎么说 消息灵通英语翻译

消息灵通的英语是" be well-informed about",还网络中常译为" Informed",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到38个与消息灵通相关的翻译和例句。


1. be well-informed about

消息灵通翻译为 be well-informed about 。

示例:成为一个消息灵通的交易者。 Be an informed trader.


2. Informed

消息灵通翻译为 Informed 。

示例:这全能让我一直消息灵通。 This all helps keep me informed.


3. know the time of day

消息灵通翻译为know the time of day。

示例:顺便提一句,有个消息灵通的人告诉我你的生日快到了。 Incidentally, a little bird tells me that your birthday's coming up.


4. well-in-formed


示例:Small, but... perfectly well-formed. 很小,但... 很完整。



1. know one's oats([口语];

2. well informed([法] 消息灵通的, 博识的, 得有确实消息的)

3. informed observer(un. 消息灵通的观察家)

4. informee(消息灵通的,熟悉情况的\n传讯,侦讯,预审)


5. have big ears(耳朵尖,听觉敏锐;

英语短语&俚语, well-informed source a person with inside information informed sources ( 消息灵通人士 )

Informed d sources ( 消息灵通的人士 )

well-informed to be well-informed informed hep ( 消息灵通的 )

highly-placed sources placed sources ( 高层消息灵通人士 )

Well informed ( 消息灵通方面 )

wired sources ( 重要消息灵通人士 )

placed source a well placed source ( 一位高层消息灵通人士 )


1. i just had to check to see if my informant's info was good.

译文:我只是检查一下线人的消息灵通不 线人?。

2. We're like a well-informed neighbor, coming over to chat with people in the morning.


3. Colby was able to be well-informed about italian politics, and inject a much more realistic view of italy than the one that was generated by Ambassador Luce, and by, most of the ambassadors, uh, were,

译文:这类事情 科尔比能够做到消息灵通 对意大利的政治。

4. Mr. Galt here says you're real well-informed on what happens around here.


5. Look, if Le Chiffre is that well-connected he knows who i am and where the money's from.

译文:勒齐弗消息灵通 他知道我是谁,也知道钱从哪来。

6. i had no idea Colonel Sokolov was so well-informed, or you either for that matter.

译文:Sokolov上校居然如此消息灵通(=well -informed) 就此而言(=for that matter)你也是.。

7. Your Majesty is very well informed.

译文:陛下真是消息灵通 Your Majesty is very well informed.。

8. i know a weii-informed person to contact about that, Q.

译文:我知道一个消息灵通的人 能提供线索,Q。

9. Quite a joke, isn't it, describing someone as "informed"

译文:真好笑 对吧 说某人"消息灵通"Quite a joke, isn't it, describing someone as "informed"。

10. i know all sorts of things.

译文:我消息灵通着呢 -I know all sorts of things.。

11. i just happen to be a well-informed individual.

译文:- 我只是消息灵通人士。

12. Make sure the voters stay informed.


13. i mean, if you're well informed and you're, you're quick enough, all things are possible.

译文:我是说 如果你消息灵通 而且动作也快 一切皆可能。

14. But i'm a news vendor, you know, so i am informed.

译文:但我是一个卖报纸的,知道吗 我消息灵通。

15. You are well informed, to be one which is' out of play.

译文:你消息灵通 那是一个 出局。


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