天然气英语怎么说 英语

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天然气翻译为英语通常说作: NG,在日常中也可以翻译为"gas tax",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到23个与天然气相关的译文和例句。


1. NG

天然气翻译为 NG 。

示例:当地经济严重依赖石油和天然气提炼。 The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.


2. gas tax

天然气翻译为gas tax。

示例:超过半数的美国家庭用天然气供暖。 More than half of all U.S. households are heated with natural gas.


3. [油气] natural gas

天然气翻译为 [油气] natural gas 。

示例:我们应该通过充分利用其他能源节约石油和天然气。 We should conserve oil and gas by making full use of other energy sources.


4. CNG

天然气翻译为 CNG 。

示例:LNG is a cleaner and more efficient energy than CNG. LNG是一种比cng更清洁、高效的优质能源。



1. earth gas(天然气)

2. gas natural(天然气)

3. natural gas(天然气)

4. production natural gas(天然气)


5. NGLs( 天然气;

英语短语&俚语, Liquefied Natural Gas NGL LNC ( 液化天然气 )

cng compressed natural gas L-CNG Compressed ( 压缩天然气 )

the Natural Gas Act NGA gas bill ( 天然气法案 )

consumption of natural ga ( 天然气消费量 )

BG British Gas BG plc ( 英国天然气集团 )

liquefied natural gas carrier liquified natural gas carrier liquefied natural gas tanker LNGC ( 液化天然气运输船 )

unconventional gas resources ( 非常规天然气资源 )

the Nabucco Gas Pipeline ( 纳布科天然气管道 )

BG Group British Gas ( 英国天然气公司 )


1. Gas To Liquids (GTL), which converts natural gas, often in surplus quantities, into liquid fuels.


2. Coal, natural gas, oil, tar sands. Oil shale...


3. The Russian monopoly provider Gazprom accused Ukraine of filching gas supplies due for Europe.


4. The gas industry had defended many lawsuits extremely aggressively, but this was the first time that i knew about that they were actually taking a family to court.

译文:天然气工业辩护 法: 积极。 但天然气公司之前没有 挑战家事法庭。。

5. Gas is a similar issue. Gas is also a biological product. And as you think of gas, well, you're familiar with gas. And here's a different way of mining coal.

译文:天然气也是类似的。天然气也是一种 生物产品。当你想到天然气时, 你会觉得很熟悉。开采天然气的方法 是不同于采煤的。 。

6. Natural gas will fit all of those.

译文:天然气符合这里所有的条件 。

7. it's antagonizing oil and gas.


8. You have to have natural gas backup.


9. Natural gas will fit all of those.


10. How in the hell can we get off the natural gas at some point?

译文:我们到底要如何摆脱天然气? 。

11. And so the margin is natural gas.


12. Nein, the castle was built on a natural-gas resource.

译文:NEIN, 城堡建在天然气资源。。

13. Gas readings are goin' up too. it's not good.

译文:天然气指数也增高 情况不妙。

14. The trucks could even use natural gas.

译文:卡车甚至可以用天然气 。

15. UkrGazEnergo is joint venture between Ukraine's biggest gas supplier, Naftogaz of Ukraine, and RosUkrEnergo.

译文:乌克兰天然气能源公司是乌克兰最大的天然气供应商乌克兰国家石油天然气公司和俄乌能源合资创办的。 。



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