腊月英语怎么说 英语

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腊月的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为the twelfth moon,还可以翻译为 the twelfth month,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到95个与腊月相关的释义和例句。


1. the twelfth moon

腊月翻译为the twelfth moon。

示例:今天是腊月二十八,距离春节又近了一天。 Today is the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, another day near the Spring Festival.


2. the twelfth month

腊月翻译为 the twelfth month 。


1、Laba garlic is a custom in north China, especially in North China. As the name suggests, garlic is made on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.


3. JAN

腊月翻译为 JAN 。

示例:一般汉族在腊月底制作,过年时招待客人,在正餐前食用。 At the end of the month the average Han wax production, New Year dinner guests, eat in.


4. the twelfth month of the lunar year

腊月翻译为the twelfth month of the lunar year。

示例:This lunar month has only 29 days. it is not a Dajin (a lunar month of 30 days). 这个月不是大尽,只有二十九天。



1. zholy( 赵腊月)

英语短语&俚语, the laba Rice Porridge Festival Laba Festival the ltummya Rice Porridge Festivwouls ( 农历腊月初八腊八节 )

Remember what should be rememb ( 腊月兔 )

Greek moon goddess ( 希腊月亮女神 )

the laba Rice Porridge Festival ( 农历腊月初

八 )

l'artemis ( 希腊月神 )


1. in the dead of winter days, snow blocking the window, like a translucent crystal ice downpipe small columns, rows hung in the eaves.

译文:十冬腊月天,雪堵着窗户,冰溜子像透亮的水晶小柱子,一排排地挂在房檐上。 。

2. And we'll act as if it's just an unfortunate mistake we've made, forgetting our pants on this cold January day.

译文:我们都装作 只是碰巧在这寒冬腊月 都忘了穿裤子 。

3. And we'll act as if it's just an unfortunate mistake we've made, forgetting our pants on this cold January day.

译文:我们都装作 只是碰巧在这寒冬腊月 都忘了穿裤子。

4. For Reformation Day, on the first Sunday of November, a blanket of snow covered the village

译文:在腊月的第一个周日 宗教改革纪念日来临时 白雪覆盖了村庄。

5. Today is the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, another day near the Spring Festival.

译文:今天是腊月二十八,距离春节又近了一天。 。

6. With the power of the winter yin, when the energy of the summer yang is at its peak, our King shall generously distribute ice to the people, and the country shall be balanced harmoniously.

译文:以腊月阴寒之气 在夏日阳气鼎盛时 圣上能给百姓施以万冰之恩。

7. The end of the year- winds roaring, paths blocked

译文:腊月 北风呼啸,交通阻断。

8. School vacation began on the 28th.


9. On the 28th, the school holiday starts. i have to be back before that.

译文:腊月初九学生放假 我得在放假前回来。

10. The more upscale is a lastest month of every year 30 can also swarm about with many fairies by the God hall.


11. - To see my wife for New Year's.


12. December 25 this day, to do "Ming dry zhuo pull"go to temple lit, think some morer more auspicious.


13. that he would return on the 27th.


14. On solid ground i feel myself sinking' fast

译文:# 寒冬腊月 却心潮澎湃 #。

15. One year on the twenty-fifth of December, Tokufu, who was very old, said to his disciples: "i am not going to be alive next year so you fellows should treat me well this year."

译文:某年腊月二十五,衰老的德生(Tokufu)对弟子说:“明年我就不在了,所以你们今年要善待于我。” 。



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