节假日用英语翻译为" Holidays",还网络中常译为" About Holidays",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到57个与节假日相关的短语释义和例句。
1. Holidays
节假日翻译为 Holidays 。
示例:这个节假日虽然很累,但过的很开心。 Your holiday was tiring and exciting.
2. About Holidays
节假日翻译为 About Holidays 。
示例:这是事实,节假日是对任何情感关系的重大考验。 It is a fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship.
3. holiday -
节假日翻译为 holiday - 。
示例:现行所有的节假日只有在情况允许时才可放假。 All the holidays on offer are subject to availability.
4. Holidays and Festivals
节假日翻译为Holidays and Festivals。
示例:i'm tired of holidays ruined ∮ I'm tired of holidays ruined
1. on ... holidays( 每逢节假日;
2. holiday traffic( 节假日出行)
3. non business days( 节假日;
4. SHEX(Sundays and holidays excepted 节假日除外)
5. holiday pounds(节假日期间增长的体重)
英语短语&俚语, holiday rotation ( 节假日轮流值班 )
FHINC FRIDAYS AND HOLIDAYSINCLUDED fhinc fridays and holidays included ( 包括星期五和节假日 )
The Public Holidays ( 公共节假日 )
FHEX Friday and holidays excepted Sundays and holidays except chinasongyincom ( 节假日除外 )
Fridays and holidays excepted FHEX FRIDAYS AND HOLIDAYS EXCLUDED Fridays the actuald holidays excep( 星期五和节假日除外 )
sundays and holidays excepted SHEX Sundays and Holidays excluded Sunday holiday excluded SundayAndH( 星期日和节假日除外 )
Festivals and Social Issues ( 节假日和社会话题 )
Chinese holiday Chinese Holidays and Festivals ( 中国的节假日 )
Holidays and Festivals ( 美国的节假日 )
1. Although the cast iron roasting pans do pick up around the holidays.
2. Sorry, that outburst, it was... it's just the holidays.
译文:只有在节假日只。 大众传播是一个紧张的时候。。
3. "Refusing to drink costs nothing to your health, as well your festive mood on holiday, "he said.
4. Diarmuid: Spring Festival is a big holiday period.
译文:春节是最重要的节假日。 。
5. holiday season, busiest time of the year.
译文:节假日 xx年中最大的商机。
6. "Lucy is never tardy, always works holidays,
译文:"露西手脚勤快 节假日也不休息"。
7. But if you discount all the holidays, it comes to that much
译文:但是,如果你的扣除节假日, 还有很多的...。
8. i say: What if we made these holidays?
译文:我想说: 要是我们把这些天 作为节假日会怎么样? 。
9. it goes against everything the holidays represent.
译文:它违背了一切 节假日代表。。
10. They'd like to come out for a holiday in the country when we like - when i like to have a holiday in the town.
译文:节假日他们喜欢到乡下 而我节假日喜欢到城里。
11. There's money in holidays. i did it last year.
译文:节假日赚的钱 我去年做了。
12. i mean, this holidays and weekends crap...
13. if you took summer, plus winter breaks... spring break, holiday weekends... you start to get pretty close to what you have right now.
译文:如果寒暑假 春假 节假日周末 孩子都归你 你们会比现在亲近的多。
14. We were served mantou (steamed buns), rice and vegetables. Meat is only provided during official government holidays.
15. Holiday entitlement for part-time staff is calculated prorata.
译文:兼职员工节假日的津贴是按比例来计算的。 。
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