自习用英语怎么说 英语

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自习翻译为英语可以这样说: Self-study,在日常中也可以翻译为"individual study",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到11个与自习相关的译文和例句。


1. Self-study

自习翻译为 Self-study 。

示例:第九节课是自习时间,她会去图书馆学习。 She'd go to the library during ninth period, when she had study hall.


2. individual study

自习翻译为individual study。

示例:孩子们在自习室里刻苦学习。 Children are hard at work in the study hall.


3. Review One's Lessons

自习翻译为 Review One's Lessons 。


1、If you are a college student looking for work but worried you won't have enough time to devote to academic subjects, consider working as a study hall or library monitor.


4. review one's lessons

自习翻译为review one's lessons。

示例:♪ Of lessons learned, of lessons learned ♪ of lessons learned ♪



1. junior commonroom(低年级自习室)

2. feepaying( 心理辅导加陪上自习)

3. free activity period(自由活动课时;自习课)

4. free period(免费期间; 自由课; 自习课; 空课时间)

5. semester credit hour(一学分小时(在一学期内每周听课一学时,自习二小时))

英语短语&俚语, study lounge Study Room self study room study hall ( 自习室 )

We study Night classes Late evening study ( 晚自习 )

busy work ( 课间自习 )

Self-study courses Study Hall Self-study Class taught classes ( 自习课 )

Reserve a Private Study Room ( 预定自习室 )

time for individual study ( 自习时间 )

Self-studies prepared Prepare individual study ( 准备自习 )

Booking individual study room ( 预约自习室 )


1. Late self-taught period, strictly literally exchange seats or ambulate, forbidden to discuss, keep the quiet night.


2. individual acts during classes or study hours are against the rules.


3. There are study areas reserved in the library.



4 girls share a dorm room. A quite study room.

译文:4名女生共享一个寝室 一间宽敞的自习室。

5. During the afternoon free-choice study, i am going to have Literature ii special lessons.


6. What are you doing? You're not going to direct after-school study hall session?

译文:干嘛呢 不去看晚自习吗。

7. it's a little off to force the kids to stay.

译文:强迫学生们留下来自习 也觉得不大妥当...。

8. OK, yeah. i'll just study by myself. That's much more efficient.

译文:好的 是啊 我会自习 那样儿更效率。

9. - i am going to the library.


10. Just keep it Mondays and Fridays in study hall, all right?

译文:我们周一和周五在自习室见 好吗?。

11. He's got a study period, so knowing Simon, he'll be in the library.

译文:现在是自习时间 , Simon应该是在图书馆里。

12. Every Friday, i worked in the office during study hall.

译文:每周五的自习课时间 我都在办公室帮忙。

13. Self-study courses to study for the cover Kanda Shan.

译文:自习课,以读书为掩饰侃大山。 。

14. But it just meant self-study at school for a week.

译文:虽说是休学 不就是在自己家谨慎认真自习一周。

15. What are you going to do about the Class Two study hall sessions? You need to do it alone.




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