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关于”家庭的短句“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Family short sentences。以下是关于家庭的短句的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Family short sentences

1、And if the home shopping network has their lingerie bonanza on, Wally 's speechless the whole night. 只要电视家庭购物指南一介绍女子睡衣,沃里一晚上都不说一句话。

2、The monitor must collect in the sentences and pictures (homework) from the group. 小组长要将小组里同学们写的句子与画的图片(家庭作业)收集起来。

3、In a very short time I became like one of the family. 在很短的时间里,我就成为了他们家庭中的一员。

4、Grandpa's birthday was such a shor family reunion. 爷爷的生日是这么短的家庭相聚。

5、The third was that the landlords exploited peasants by taking advantage of grain shortage. 三是乡村中的地主家庭,趁粮食短缺之机,残酷地压榨农民。

6、As someone who is oriented to familial matters, you value the company of family-members and domestic life. 作为一个以家庭为重的人,你珍惜家庭成员和家庭生活。

7、It may sound cheesy, but think of your workforce as a family. 这句话听上去低俗,可是你要把你的团队想象成一个大家庭。

8、“The fact they have only one child means a shorter career break, ” he says. “每个家庭只能有一个孩子意味着更短的产假,”他说。

9、Facing family: The family has surmounted love and the friendship, all place the family first. 面对家庭:家庭超越了爱情和友情,一切都将家庭放在第一位。

10、Venus will tour your house of home and family all month, giving new meaning to the phrase, "Home is where the heart is." 金星将参观你的家庭宫这一个月里,提供了新的意义的一句话:“家是心之所在。”

11、One's relatives; family; kinfolk. 家属亲属;家庭;家属。

12、Whether the relation between Wang's family members was harmonious would inevitably depend on such inharmonious factors, including the thought, mentality and carrier capability of Wang himself. 在汪文宣这种小家庭中,主要的家庭关系和谐与否照样会影响到家庭及家庭成员的正常存在;

13、Family structure, family relation and family culturedirectly influenced the implementation and the result of the family education in HanDynasties. 两汉的家庭结构、家庭关系以及家庭文化直接影响家庭教育的实施及其效果。

14、We had for a short time a tutor of whom this was a pet diversion. 有一位教我们时间很短的家庭老师,这样的行为就是他最得意的消遣。

15、My family is a very nice family. 我的家庭是一个非常好的家庭。

16、A good number of csws come from the following three types of families : divorced family with economic difficulties, family with seriously ill members, and poverty - stricken family. 主要来自三类家庭:离异且经济贫困的家庭、家庭成员罹患重病的家庭和极度贫困家庭。

17、Results Among 117 families, 39 persons were infected with HIV1, the intrafamilial transmission rate was 33.3%. 结果在117个家庭中,有39个家庭发生了家庭传播,家庭传播率为33.3%;

18、After doing her homework, my daughter recited the last three sentences in lesson 136. 做完她的家庭作业之后,我女儿背诵了第一百三十六课的最后三个句子。

19、Foster - we also need caring people to look after us temporarily - it is a short-term commitment in return for unconditional love. See foster page. 暂养︰我们需要一些有爱心的家庭,可以暂时照顾我们– 短暂的承诺换以无条的爱。请阅暂养家庭。

20、An important part of Hemingway's Nick stories, "The Battler" symbolizes Nick's going out of the family and into the society. 《拳击家》是海明威尼克系列短篇小说的重要组成部分,也是尼克开始走出家庭、步入社会的标志性小说。

21、Everyone has a family. I have a family too. I name it "Happy family" because everyone in my family is happy. 每个人都有一个家庭。我也有一个家庭。我称它为“幸福的家庭”,因为我的家庭里的每个人都很快乐。

22、“Home, home, home, ” says Mrs. Gregg. “家庭,家庭,家庭,”格雷格太太说。

23、Work-family conflict scale consisted of 3 factors:work interfering family, family interfering work and the interference between work and family. 为工作-家庭冲突量表,包括工作干扰家庭、家庭干扰工作、工作家庭互相干扰3个因素。

24、The connection of the puppet operating art with the family activities can also summarize with one sentence, which is " bring the theater back home". 将戏偶艺术应用于家庭亲子活动的教育互动中,其实用一句话概括起来就是“将戏院带回家”。

25、This book has a mix of shorter and longer sentences. 这本书里,长短句都有。


26、Usually I do my homework in the evening. (句首) 通常我晚上做家庭作业。

27、What is a phrase? What is a clause? 什么是短语?什么是分句?

28、We should attempt to explore this kind of family pattern in which traditional family plays the leading role and DINK the supporting role so that a virtuous circle could be formed between them. 我们应该探索这种以核心家庭为主,以丁克家庭为辅助和补充的家庭模式,使核心家庭与丁克家庭形成一种动态的良性循环关系。

29、For homework, copy the new words and drills. 家庭作业是抄生词和句型练习。

30、Idioms are some unique long-term use of phrases and sentences fixed. 习语是人们长期使用的一些独特的固定短语和短句。

31、Families headed by males had double the average income that families with female heads had. 男性持家的家庭平均收入是女性持家家庭的两倍。

32、In Hunan Province in the Qing Dynasty the family structure mainly included the following types: core family, lineal family, combined family and broken family and so on. 在清代湖南社会,家庭结构形式主要有以下几种:核心家庭、直系家庭、复合家庭、残缺家庭等。

33、Communal marriage is the first form of human family instead of consanguineous family. 人类最早的家庭形式应是群婚家庭而非血缘家庭。

34、The Ma family was a scholars family and a family of chrysanthemum lovers. 马家是一个学者家庭和菊花爱好者的家庭。

35、The mother was the home manager, home labourer and home economist, while the man of the house went out to work for the good of the family. 当家中的男人出去工作赚钱养家的时候,妈妈是家庭经理、家庭工人,也是家庭经济学家。

36、Cardinality wh-phrases are particular members of the constituent wh-phrases. 数量疑问短语是成分问句疑问短语的一种特殊形式。

37、Take a family picture and use the target words to make a brief introduction in the coming class. 请带一张全家福照片,下堂课需要用本堂课所学内容进行家庭的简短介绍,各位小朋友回家要认真复习哦!

38、My favorite phrase was Abraham Lincoln was a great orator. 我最喜欢的一个短句是“亚伯拉罕.林肯是一个伟大的演说家”。

39、Writer George Ade used it in a book called "Artie." 作家乔治·阿德在《Artie》一书中用到这句短语。

40、Shorts are rarely worn in public. 在广庭大众中,几乎不能穿短裤。

41、A survey of 110 families by the World Trade Center Family Centre found that nearly a quarter were now receiving little or no support from family and friends. 关于世贸中心家庭中心110个家庭的调查发现,近四分之一的家庭现在并没有得到家庭和朋友的帮助。

42、The family started a large population into smaller families and immediate family, the general trend is the emergence of more and more nuclear families. 人口众多的大家庭开始分为较小的家庭和直系家庭,总的趋势是出现了越来越多的核心家庭。

43、You may have to adjust to a lower standard of living or put family assets at risk in the short-term. 这时,你就要将家庭生活标准调整到最低,或将家庭资产进行短期风险投资。

44、DINK means double incomes no kids. 丁克家庭指双收入无子女家庭。

45、There are basically two types of families: nuclear families, and extended families. 家庭基本上可分两类:核心家庭和大家庭。

46、Currently two customized family-friendly packages are on offer. 酒店目前提供两款客户定制的配套服务:儿童配套服务及家庭短期假日服务。

47、Home Video- Take your family videos and put together a short home video, a tribute to mom. 家庭视频——收集家庭的视频把它们做成一个家庭短片,作为礼物送给妈妈。

48、To make the long story short, the lawyer representing the patient's family was trying to schedule a deposition before deciding whether to go to court or settle out of court. 长话短说,原告的律师想在决定上法庭或庭外和解前,让大家先宣誓作证。

49、That one short and unusual sentence from him brought a lot of laughs from everyone, including Dale and Rick. 这几句简短甚至有些怪异的话,引来了大家的笑声,包括戴尔和里克。

50、The monkeys live in family troops of 20 or more and are led by a dominant male. 这群猴子是一个小家庭,共有20多只短尾猴组成,其中一只雄性短尾猴是一家之主。


51、A family continues on, becoming a multigenerational family. 家庭延续下去成为多世代家庭。

52、Dantay-West is a family of magazines that acts like a family. Dantay-West, deeply nepotistic. 就是一个杂志家庭, 做事也想家庭, 非常家庭式的。

53、Family hotel, Holiday Inn, Interim home, Serviced apartment. 家庭旅馆,日租房,短期租房,酒店式公寓。

54、The daughter of read letters from home Letters from home to nanjing floating, Unpack the letter as see female, see Every joy, is uttering The happiness family. 《读女儿家信》 南京家信飘然至, 开箱见信如见女, 字字句句都是乐, 幸福家庭两地书。

55、A good house-wife does not spend his time in spinning street yarns. 一位贤良的家庭主妇不会浪费时间说短论长,搬弄是非。

56、My name is Lily and this is my family tree. 根据家庭树完成下面各句。

57、His was a cold, harsh, short life filled with rejection, poverty and sickness, in which every comfort of social, family and intellectual life was denied. 他的生活冷漠、粗粝;短短的一生中充满了排斥、贫困和疾病;任何社交、家庭和知识分子的舒适生活,都与他无缘。


标签: 托福 英文 家庭 短句

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