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使用类型消除(type erasure),泛型类型仅用于类型检查;然后,用它们的上界替换它们。

1、With type erasure, generic types are used for type checking only; afterwards, they are replaced with their upper bound.


2、It consists of the type of criminology and Criminal Law Science.


3、Besides subtyping, it is possible to define equivalence types such that the value of one type can be replaced by another type.

spec 随后可被关联到产品类型(硬类型或软类型),如果需要的话,还可关联到其子类型。

4、The spec can then be attached to a product type (hard or soft type) and, if required, cascaded down to its subtypes.


5、A modifiable lvalue cannot have an array type, an incomplete type, or a type with the const attribute.

具有包含大型类型库中的部分类型的 RCW 源代码可以消除部署不必要的类型的需要。

6、Having RCW source code that contains a portion of the types in a large type library can eliminate the need to deploy unnecessary types.

7、主要种植在意大利中部(Tuscany),其中香堤(Chianti)、(Brunello di Montalcino)、(Vino Nobile di Montepulciano)最为著名。


8、Classification and type of spray gun.


9、Xbase is statically types, supports generics ... and closures and type inferences.


10、Covariance and contravariance in generic type parameters are supported for reference types, but they are not supported for value types.


11、Fields cannot be edited for domain types or distinct types.

在概要文件中可以创建的 UML 类型包括原型、类和枚举类型。

12、The only UML types that can be created in a profile are Stereotypes, Classes, and Enumerations.


13、The type of vector depends on the type of value promoted.

系统目前支持gettext、open office的sdf类型文件、mozilla的dtd类型文件、properties/ini类型文件、dumb gettext类型文件、svg和phpmyadmin。

14、it currently supports gettext, open office sdf files, mozilla dtd files and properties/ini files, dumb gettext files, svg and phpmyadmin


15、The vegetation cover are divided into

2 groups of types,

3 vegetation types,

5 sub types,

9 groups of formations,

15 formations.


16、Based on the facts, Quanhu type originates from Banpo type.


17、It is statically type-checked and does not allow type coercion, so is safe with regards to types.


18、Type constructors are also known as type initializers.

19、new wine in old bottles 旧瓶装新酒,旧形式适应不了新内容


20、All in the first category there were two types of teeth: "Shark"-and "Tooth board" type.

21、Extracts the parameter types of a callable , builtin type.取出一个可调用内建类型的参数类型。

22、Type members are now listed on the BOID type page itself.类型成员现在列在 BOID 类型页本身上。

23、This declares y with the type of what x points to. typeof (*x) y;y的类型与x所指向的类型相同

24、The classification and usuage of demonstrative pronouns with basic form of Quanzhou dialect are studied.汉语方言指示代词的类型有两种:整齐划一的类型和参差不齐的类型。

25、The attribute types are complex datatypes (for example, Order, CreditCard).属性类型为复杂数据类型(例如,Order 和 CreditCard)。

英文句子26:,26、To change the type, you could just select the type field and select it from the drop-down box.要更改类型,您只需选择类型字段,并从下拉框中选择类型。

27、Type members are now listed on the DTE type page itself.类型成员现在列在 DTE 类型页本身上。

28、So, to understand what types to send -- strongly or weakly -- you'll need two tidbits of information.因此,为了理解发送何种类型(强类型或弱类型),将需要两条信息。

29、A DataObjectType can have named properties, and those properties may themselves be DataTypes or DataObjectTypes.数据对象类型可以具有命名属性,而这些属性本身可以为数据类型或数据对象类型。

30、There were no immune types. There were 其中无免疫类型,高抗类型和抗病类型均为3份,占所有鉴定自交系的

3 highly disease-resistance and

3 disease-resistant types, which occupied



31、Oh, well it's statically-typed as a dynamic type.它是静态类型作为动态类型。

32、There should be two kinds of neologism dictionaries: the timely ones and the stable ones.新词语词典应分为两类:一类是即时型,一类为稳定型。

33、There are many types of fictions in Late-Qing, including traditional Chinese fiction types and new western types.晚清小说的类型很多,既有中国传统的小说类型,又有引进西方的新类型。

34、Each flavor type supports its own set of MIME types.每种风格类型支持它自己的 MIME 类型集。

35、The parameter type and value space corresponds to the XML schema data types; it can be of type boolean or string.参数类型和值空间对应于 XML 模式数据类型;该类型可以是布尔或字符串类型。

36、It has a Unicode string type and an array type.它有一个Unicode的字符串类型和数组类型。

37、Consequently, the prospecting type of Jiangcang is "the third kind and the third type".确定江仓勘探类型为“三类三型”。

38、However, complexity of style, choice of stylizing standard and existence of compound style enhance difficult of stylization.然而,类型自身的复杂性、类型化标准的选择以及混合类型的存在等都增加了地役权类型化的难度。

39、It determinates the question focuses and the answer classes, and it makes a different conceptual expansion to a different question focus.首先确定焦点类型和答案类型,对于不同类型的焦点实行分级概念扩充;

40、The type could not be found or it is not registered as safe.找不到该类型,或该类型未注册为安全类型。

41、By default, the scale for a DECIMAL type is 0, which means the DECIMAL data type mimics an integer type.默认情况下,DECIMAL 类型的刻度为 0,这意味着 DECIMAL 数据类型模拟了整数类型。

42、When both Target and Source are built-in types, the converter class uses an internal range checking logic which is optimized and customized for the combined properties of the types.当目标类型和源类型都是内建类型时,转换器类使用一个内部的范围检查逻辑,该逻辑针对类型的组合特性进行了优化和定制。

43、Type members are now listed on the HMAC type page itself.类型成员现在列在 HMAC 类型页本身上。

44、This is true even if the enclosing generic type is a closed constructed type.即使封闭泛型类型为封闭构造类型,也是如此。

45、If the values are of type VARCHAR or a numerical data type, which can be converted to type VARCHAR, the resulting type is VARCHAR.如果值为 VARCHAR 类型或数值数据类型(可以转换为 VARCHAR 类型),则结果类型是 VARCHAR。

46、Mixins in Jam, like ordinary classes, define types; mixin instantiations have both the type of the mixin and the type of the parent.Jam 中的 mixin 与普通类相似,都定义类型;mixin 实例化拥有 mixin 的类型和父类的类型。

47、wine wine and dine someone 热情款待某人

48、Statically typed languages are usually, but not exclusively, type explicit; dynamically typed languages are almost always type-inferred.静态类型语言通常是显式类型的,但也不完全是;而动态类型语言几乎都是隐式类型的。

49、MIME types are identified using a type/sub-type format, where type classifies the general type of data being sent, and subtype defines the specific type of format used.MIME 类型被标识为使用的类格式和分类格式;类分类为被发送数据类型;字类被定义为过去使用的专用类型格式。*/。

50、This would mean that the type is different from MBTI type and also fully compatible with Jungian theory and Socionics as well.这就表示这些类型不同于MBTI类型,而与荣格类型和Socionics完全相容。

经典英文句子51:类型,51、The karyotype of Lethrinus nebulosus are in accordance with the higher group of fish evolutionary taxonomy.其核型属特点符合典型的高位类群鱼类核型特征。

52、Whenever a particular type is required, the initializer for that type is transparently lifted into the type itself.每当需要一个特殊类型时,该类型的初始化器就很明显地被 提升成类型本身。

53、Model classification.模型分类。

54、This conveys that cost has a type, and by type I mean type as defined by XSI, and that the type is float as defined by XSD.这表明 cost 有一个类型,所谓类型指的是 XSI 定义的类型,而这个类型又是 XSD 中定义的浮点数。

55、In general, NIEM types are implemented as XML Schema complex types, and properties are elements contained within those types.通常,NIEM 类型被实现为 XML Schema 复杂类型,属性为这些类型中包含的元素。

56、You passed something known to be a T, an unconstrained type parameter, and hence it could be anything.你只是传递了类型T,一个没有约束的类型参数,所以它可以是任何类型。

57、Internal types -- Used during program execution内部类型 —— 程序执行期间使用的类型。

58、Any type.任何类型。

59、Selects a member from a list of candidates, and performs type conversion from actual argument type to formal argument type.从候选者列表中选择一个成员,并执行实参类型到形参类型的类型转换。


标签: 类型

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