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关于”七大基本句型“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Seven basic sentence patterns。以下是关于七大基本句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Seven basic sentence patterns

莫非,〈分类组织与概念的基本层次〉,于《 概念的大书》第七章。MIT出版社,xx年。

1、Murphy, G. L. "Taxonomic Organization and the Basic Level of Concepts. " Chap.

7 in The Big Book of Concepts. MIT Press, 2002.


2、In the era of the mainframe computing came in a vertically integrated package, mainly from IBM.

他大概在xx岁上? 或许是七

3、Hees around seventy, maybe seventy -five.


大学基金于昨天(xx月xx日) 假座港丽酒店举行第五次基金董事会会议。

4、The University Foundation Fund (UFF) held its 5th Trustee Meeting yesterday (

4 July) at the Conrad Hotel Hong Kong. The UFF Chairman, Dr.


5、Annotation of Materia Medica has a three-volume version and a seven-volume version. New Materia Medica was written based on the seven-volume version of Annotation of Materia Medica.


6、In 2001, it orchestrated a similar vote for theman-made New

7 Wonders of the World (pictures). Winners were announced in 2007.


7、Japan's "Iron Three Kingdoms", "Dragon Ball" and other works are based on traditional Chinese story.

这里是基本理念:OPERA在意大利大萨索峰(Gran Sasso)有一个探测器,距LHC(Large Hadron Collider,大型强子对撞机)大约有730km。

8、Here’s the basic idea: OPERA has a detector in Gran Sasso Italy, about 730 km from the LHC.


9、Jinan Steel is an integrated big-size enterprise with 37000 employees.

终身学习是人全面发展的基础。 终身学习有七个基本特征和四个主要途径。

10、With seven basic characteristics and four main channels, life-long education is the base of the all-round development of people.


11、The thesis consists of seven chapters.


12、Doctor-patient communication skills are one of the seven lowest requirements of global medical education.


13、This method was put forward by a Japanese scholar, and it has been checked correctly in many large reservoirs in our country.


14、Each of the spikes, which represent the seven seas and seven continents, is about

9 feet long and 150 pounds.


15、The article concludes seven chapters.


16、The foundation slab of Taipuhe pumping station is a typical huge foundation slab on soft foundation.


17、A rock-hammer is about six or seven inches long. Looks like a miniature pickaxe.


18、This is the biggest hospital in the locality. It has 700 beds.


19、It costs $500 to $700 million every time the shuttle flies.


20、The repeat times of basic units of each SSR sequence are different among different genotypes, so polymorphism of the seat is formed.

21、Article 277 The Unit of Account referred to in this Code is the Special Drawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund;第二百七十七条 本法所称计算单位,是指国际货币基金组织规定的特别提款权;

22、Setting up, dynamic investigation, registration of basic data on its members and member representatives.七关于会员与会员代表基本资料之建立及动态之调查、登记事项。

23、The year of 2005 will see a key time of Chinese capital market, with seven main bodies as such: banks, securities, funds, futures, trust, insurances, and QFII.xx年, 中国资本市场将进入一个关键时期, 以银行、证券、基金、期货、信托、保险、QFII七大投资主体主导的大资本市场格局已初步形成。

24、Based on JM model, we propose a software reliability prediction model involving fault-remove time which followed exponential distribution.因此在JM模型的基础上,提出了排错时间为负指数分布的软件可靠性模型及本模型的极大似然参数估计方法。

25、Source: EB Rule (来源:执行委员会议事规则第七条,世卫组织基本文件(xx年版),第155页。)

7, WHO Basic Documents (2005 edition), p.155

英文句子26:,26、Two curves of large signal model and nonlinear state space model were proved to be identical by simulation, indicating that the proposed large-signal model is accurate.通过仿真表明,平均大信号模型与非线性状态空间模型的仿真曲线基本吻合,验证了平均大信号模型的准确性。

27、Development models include enterprise production flow model, sight model, science and technology model, art and culture model, etc.开发的模式主要有企业生产流程型、景观型、科技型、艺术文化型等七大模式。

28、The fair attracted hundreds of thousands of participants from seven continents, which the rays of Lady Liberty's crown represent.本届世博会吸引了七大洲的数十万人前来参观,而自由女神像的冠冕恰恰有象征世界七大洲的七道尖芒。

29、Panax japonicus is also known as Radix Notoginseng of bamboo joint, bamboo root seven, white Radix Notoginseng, North Radix Notoginseng, Big leaf Radix Notoginseng.竹节参别名竹节三






30、In this thesis, according as discourse character we separate all these audience discourse into three classes: the masses audience discourse, the professional and the political audience discourse.根据话语特征,本文将“xx年”间的读者话语分为大众型读者话语、专业型读者话语、权力型读者话语三类。

31、Because of the reason above, a synchronization model applied in multi-path channel based on ML algorithm is improved.基于以上原因,本文对一种基于最大似然(ML)估计的适用于多径信道的同步算法模型进行了改进;

32、This thesis has seven chapters .本论文共七章。

33、Used in naval base of the seven military packaging equipment.运用于海军七大基地之器械包装。

34、这是本地最大的医院,该医院有七百张病床。This is the biggest hospital in the locality. It has 700 beds.

35、Since April, 2014, stable balanced production of all large, medium and small blast furnaces has basically been achieved and hot metal cost gradually reduced.xx年xx月以来基本实现了大、中、小型高炉稳定均衡生产,铁水成本逐步降低。

36、Sequence comparison reveals that the protein sequences of these 该病毒株在胺基酸序列比对结果最为接近血清型七型,然而各基因之相似度仅为36至73%。

12 APMV strains are most closely related to those of APMV-7, with sequence identities ranging from 36 to 73%.

37、This thesis contains seven parts.本文分为七章。

38、I declare the 7th crystal festival open grandly.快乐大本营 :。我宣布东海第七届水晶节隆重开幕!

39、Private equity-style property funds tend to be "opportunity funds" targeting returns of about 私人股本型地产基金倾向于成为“机会基金”,承担更大风险,目标年回报率约为20%。

20 per cent a year in return for greater risk.

40、The invention discloses a vertical transistor with high magnification based on organic semiconductor materials.本发明公开了一种基于有机半导体材料的高放大倍率的垂直型晶体管。

41、Maximum pseudo-Likelihood method is used to estimate the coefficient functions in the diffusion of Single-Factor Interest Rate Models.本文用极大拟似然估计法估计了中国银行间市场七天拆借利率扩散模型的参数。

42、Dacheng Dian ridge top nine, seven-room, the grand style.大成殿九脊顶,七开间,造型宏伟。

43、XuJiaHui bigger than seven years old, and she XuJiaHui of interview, three words after the resolution employed.比徐嘉惠大xx岁,她面试的徐嘉惠,三句话后就决议录用。

44、This machine is mainly used to pack such products as stainless steel, plastic-clad steel and aluminum alloy sections.本厂是专业生产铝型材专用机械设备的厂家,是中国华东地区最大的铝型材后部设备生产基地。

45、The basic objectives set forth in Article 76 shall be applicable to the people of each strategic area.第七十六条所规定之基本目的,适用于每一战略防区之人民。

46、And their brethren, mighty men of valour, an hundred twenty and eight: and their overseer was Zabdiel, the son of one of the great men.他的众兄弟都是勇士(本句《马索拉抄本》作“在他以后是迦拜和撒来”,明显是残缺; 今照《七十士译本》翻译),共九百二十八人。

47、The launch of the base model will be followed with the 在这款基本型上市后,大众将在秋季发布其

2.0T Jetta SportWagen that gets the 200-hp four-cylinder engine in the fall.


48、Women have colorful - sleeve garments, close-fitting jackets and long skirts, while men wear sleeveless garments, long robes and white close-fitting jackets.女子的彩条袖大襟袄加长裙,男子的无袖大襟长袍与白袄为基本服型。

49、This book presents the background knowledge of China as a whole and the basic structure of Chinese language before entering into a well-designed 7-day self-study course.本书先让读者瞭解中国的大要和华语的基本结构,再进入七天的自学课程。

50、" Japan's existing "astronomical to be recorded" about 17-century manuscripts, although two or three book, but all sources by the Court in this self-esteem.日本现存的《天文要录》 大约是十七世纪的抄本,虽有


经典英文句子51:七大基本句型,51、Dashan: : The Group of Seven was a group of seven Canadian painters. They painted Canadian landscapes in the 1920s and 1930s.大山:七人画社是由加拿大的七名画家组成的。 。

1、 他们在本世纪xx年代和xx年代以画加拿大的风景画出名。

52、InfoQ: The very first benefit of PBE in chapter InfoQ:在第十七章中提到,PBE的最基本的好处就在于通过重用来提高效率。

17 is increased productivity via reuse.

53、That's very nice. So basically, you get a lot of benefit supposedly from this 7-Up soda from the 1920's or so.这非常好,因此基本上,在二十世纪xx年代, 喝到这样的七喜恐怕对你大有好处。

54、The New7Wonders Foundation did not reply to requests for comment.世界新七大奇迹基金会并未对此做出回应。

55、The seventh fret harmonics pitch should match the fundamental frequency of the open string notes.第七品泛音音高应与基本的空弦音一致。

56、Regular direct flights from China Southern Guangxi branch implementation, models for the Boeing 737 - 800 luxury aircraft type.定期直航航班由南航广西分公司执行,机型为波音七三七-八00型豪华客机。

57、Seventy-seven Street, Third Avenue.七十七街跟第三大道路口。

58、Seven texture parameters of this model are used for classifying six types of remote sense image over 210 samples. It's success percent is 98. 使用本模型的七个纹理参数作特征,在六类地物类型210个样本上作实验,由此设计的分类器的识别率为98.6%。

6 %.

59、Wish you a colorful life, Seven is high!祝大家生活七彩缤纷,七星高照!

60、The vehicle's final kerb weight is expected to be somewhere around 车辆的重量最后路肩预计将大约四千二百七十七英镑,大约277英镑超过DB9跑车它的基础。

4,277 pounds, about 277 pounds more than the DB9 coupe on which it is based.

61、It was copied and kept in the Institute of Chinese Agricultural Heritage of Nanjing Agricultural University and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.《茶书七种》七卷现存二份抄本,旧抄本藏在南京图书馆,转抄本存于中国农业科学院南京农业大学中国农业遗产研究室。

62、他们本该今早七点到家 They should have arrived home at seven o 'clock this morning

63、All local students attending Secondary 所有本地就读中四至中七的学生(不适用于英基学校及国际学校)均可参加本比赛。

4 to Secondary

7 (not applicable to ESF schools and International schools) are eligible to participate in the competition.

64、This artile is an introduction on seven wine wonders of the world.本文为您介绍葡萄酒世界的七大奇迹。

65、Effects of tacrolimus on liver regeneration after reduced-size liver transplantation in rats;本实验在大鼠减体积肝移植模型的基础上,初步探讨肝素对肝再生的影响。

66、Seventhly, we should teach the students basic study methods, and offer the necessary guidance and advisory.第七,教给学生基本的数学学习方法,为学生提供必要的指导和咨询;

67、METHODS The rabbit models of experimental chronic glaucoma were produced by injecting 方法用前房注射

2.5 % methylcellulose into bilateral anterior chamber.


68、The book is about the July 7th Incident.这本书是关于七七事变的。

69、Basically completed: 450 major water conservancy projects, 290 projects to improve the water quality in unsafe medium-to-large reservoirs, 193 large scale irrigation and water conservancy projects.基本完成的项目包括:450个重大水利项目,290个大中型病险水库除险加固项目,193个大型灌区配套和节水项目。

70、The article studied the setting of experimental curriculum of clinical pharmacology with 7-year schooling, laid a strong foundation for the students with 7-y…本文论述xx年制临床药学专业实验课程的设置,为xx年制学生从事临床药学工作打下坚实的实验和理论基础。

71、The therapeutic efficiency of carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide(CEG) on three kinds of gastric ulcer model is presented.本文观察了二羧乙基锗倍半氧化物对三种大鼠胃溃疡模型的疗效。

72、We reviewed seven cases of sclerosing nonspecific orbital inflammatory syndrome which were all histopathologically proved.本文收集七例经组织病理学诊断为硬化型非特异性眼窝委炎症候群的病例。

73、Cross section of interior microtubule was general round and regular, and the diameter was average.材料内部微管的横截面基本为圆型,形状较为规则,直径大小较为均匀。

74、Ranches can range from a basic oblong shape to a huge L or U shaped luxury ranch.牧场可以从基本的方块形状为一个庞大L或U型豪华牧场。

75、That's very nice. So basically, you get a lot of benefit supposedly from this 7-Up soda from the 1920's or so.这非常好,因此基本上,在二十世纪xx年代,喝到这样的七喜恐怕对你大有好处。

英文句子模板76:Seven basic sentence patterns,76、The kinematic chain type of the seven-bar mechanism was deduced base on the type of kinematic chain of the six-bar mechanism and the appropriate configuration was chosen.在此基础上分析了七杆机构的机构构型,选择了适合的混合驱动压力机的机构构型。

77、I need an existing image (attached) to be vectored for a large scale banner roughly 77inches by 34 inches.我需要一个现有的图像(附后)是一个由大型横幅大约34英寸七七英寸向量。

78、College English Band 本课程的对象为已修完大学英语四级的本科和xx年制学生。

6 is intended for five–year degree or seven-year degree students.

79、The Company for the trade-type enterprise, mainly engaged in perspex, 372, MS plates, and broken corners .本公司为贸易型企业,主要经营有机玻璃,三七二,MS板,边角及破碎。

80、Still needs to be multi-center clinical epidemiology research before large sample further established the basic TCM syndrome treating MRD.仍需继续进行多中心,大样本临床流行病学调研方可进一步确立中医辨治MRD的基本证型。



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