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关于”鼓励人的经典语句“的英语句子29个,句子主体:The classic statement of encouraging people。以下是关于鼓励人的经典语句的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The classic statement of encouraging people


1、Sir John believes that Britain needs an economic “route map” to encourage investment in manufacturing.


2、Samsung officials described Mr. Lee as a polite, casual leader who encouraged employees to use English more widely in internal communications.


3、Irrigation, agricultural credit issued to encourage scientific and technological progress, economic development in rural areas is an important factor.


4、The company has begun a mentoring program that encourages people who are retired or are about to retire to share knowledge with newer employees.


5、Throughout history it is men - from Viking invaders battling their way into new areas to pioneering farmers taking wives - who have made the biggest impact on the spoken word.


6、Yihong said that traditionally Semantic Web services employ machines to understand humans, however Imindi's approach is to encourage humans to better understand each other via machines.


7、Secondly, encouraging persons of talent in cities to pass on their valuable economic behavior quality to farmers to increase farmers' modern agricultural production and operating capacity;


8、I lucked into it but I'd certainly encourage everybody to get a little bit of a flavor of the people's side, the language of business, and the science. I think that's the let me call it "the triple crown of preparation."


9、Then we stepped in to boost our own individual economies through lower interest rates and higher borrowing.


10、Beijing needs to spur its people to spend more, save less, and create a consumer-driven economy.


11、Wait until the knees can not bend when it is already in the way down the mountain, lover encouraging each other, grasping hands together has not been released…


12、The dollar has come under heavy pressure this month as growing optimism about a global economic recovery encouraged investors to move out of safe havens into riskier investments.


13、These other languages also encourage programmers to use indentation, in an effort to improve the readability of programs.


14、We must unwaveringly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector, and stimulate its dynamism and creativity.


15、Once a publisher read about his mishaps at Harvard, Kester was encouraged to write a book.


16、We surround the child with spoken English, encouraging them to use any words they pick up and ignoring all mistakes.


17、It uses aid to encourage university reforms, specifically helping universities in Francophone Africa restructure their qualifications to meet international standards.


18、Newly divorced or widowed seniors back on the dating scene may have missed the campaigns to encourage condom use.


19、There is a popular Chinese song, named “Go Home Often”, which encourages people to spend more time with their retired parents.


20、The Bible encourages us to do this in Romans

15:2, where it says, "We should consider the good of our neighbor and build up his character."


21、He that can have patience, can have what he will.B.Franklin惟坚忍者始能遂其志。

22、Encourage some people get better off earlier by honest works and legal income, which is still necessary to improve the whole society economic welfare.鼓励一部分人靠诚实劳动和合法收入先富起来,依然是当前提高全社会经济福利的必然选择。

23、The program, however, which began as an open-source platform intended to encouraged roboticists to collaborate on creating a universal robot language, has quickly evolved.该项目最初是作为一个开源平台,旨在鼓励机器人专家合作创建一种通用的机器人语言,目前已经得到了迅速发展。

24、Free up cargo agencies and shipping agencies, allow more managers, and encourage competition in order to improve service quality.放开货代、船代,允许多家经营,鼓励竞争,以提高服务质量。

25、To meet the demands of the China-ASEAN Expo, we should optimize reception environment, do a good job of English training in the ceremony and propriety of various service trades.应把优化接待环境,做好窗口行业英语礼仪培训;同时鼓励国外、国内、本埠外语培训机构以英语培训为主、东南亚小语种为辅的市场竞争;

英文句子26:,26、Despite already started over 50 years, Yin Mingshan or encourage young people: What not to start to early!尽管开始创业时已经年过五十,尹明善还是鼓励年轻人:什么也不要想,创业要趁早!

27、In 2005, the State Council formulated the 36 guidelines on supporting, encouraging and guiding the development of non-public sector.我们在xx年出台了支持、鼓励和引导非公经济发展的36条。

28、Though those with access to corporate lawyers might want to investigate further, this information seems to give enough encouragement to press on with implementation.可能那些与社团律师有联系的人会想要深入调查一下,但是这样一条信息好像已经足够鼓励人们加紧开发了。

29、Coordinated measures to encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector of the economy were continually improved.鼓励支持和引导非公有制经济发展的配套措施不断完善。

30、XVI. Both sides agree on the importance of effective intellectual property (IP) protection to stimulate innovation and economic development.双方一致认可保护知识产权对于鼓励创新和发展经济的重要性。

31、Meanwhile, economic policy should encourage other spending to offset the temporary slump in business investment.同时,经济政策应该鼓励用其他支出来抵消商业投资的临时下降。

32、Almost all Wiccans, however, have some sort of ceremony or psychological practice to better attune themselves with divinity, encouraging insight and a sense of efficacy.然而几乎所有的巫术崇拜者多少具有与神性更好的和容的典礼或心理实践,鼓励证悟和功效的证悟。

33、For another thing, a gigantic enterprise like the O. E. D. needs to be published in parts, to keep up the spirits of all concerned.另一方面,像《牛津英语词典》这样的宏大的事业,为了鼓舞所有人员的士气,需要分册分批的出版。

34、ETS encourages institutions and test-takers to look at proficiency levels in all four skill areas in order to get the best holistic picture of a candidate.ETS鼓励采用托业成绩的机构和考生从全部四项语言技能上评价英语水平,对考生的英语能力作全面的了解。

35、while there is life, there is hope.生命与希望随行 you have my wholehearted support. 我全心全意支持你。

36、As a series of encourage non-public economy, private economy policy of Jiin province, the development of private economy environment have been improved.随着一系列鼓励非公经济、民营经济政策的颁布,吉林省民营经济的发展环境有了一定改善。

37、Attestation of silvan natural resources is to encourage silvan natural resources to manage an organization to develop a kind of when can manage continuously effective tool.森林资源认证是鼓励森林资源经营组织开展可持续经营的一种有效工具。

38、My coworkers encourage my pursuits, knowing that there is much to be gained from these experiences.我的同事们都鼓励我去追求,他们知道从那些经验可以获得很多很多。

39、In a long term aspect, family-owned enterprise encouraged innovation activities to maintain the industrial status and competition advantage sustaining.且家族企业亦会因长远眼光与永续经营之观点,鼓励高阶经理人从事创新活动,以维系于产业中的地位与竞争优势。

40、I haven’t done much in recent months with the Androinica tumblr, but this newer app will probably encourage me to use it more often.虽然作者个人没有经常的使用tumblr,但Android


41、I find that I get encouraged to save--and to adopt good financial habits in general--by reading about others'tips and success.我发现,通过阅读他人分享的小技巧和成功经验,能鼓励我省钱,并养成良好普遍的理财习惯。

42、When you feel de-motivated repeat your mantra to yourself or write in on your computer screen saver so you see it every day!当您意气消沉时,无妨背本身反复那些规语,或是将其设置为电脑的屏保,时辰鼓励本人。

43、Instead, he quickly began reassuring the British public that “we are suffering just now from a bad attack of economic pessimism.相反,他立即开始鼓励英国民众“当下我们正经受着经济上的悲观主义带来的沉重打击。”

44、Once a week, members of staff are encouraged to attend an on-site Christian fellowship meeting, where they read the Bible and pray for each other.每周一次,鼓励工作人员参加了现场团契会议,他们在那里互相阅读圣经和祈祷。

45、In the meantime, I heard my first examples of what is called “New Music, ” that is, classical music written more recently than the 19th century.Lloyd Rodgers是我的私人教师,他鼓励我手抄整本的平均律钢琴曲集。 同时我第一次听了一些所谓的“新音乐”,比19世纪更近的一些古典音乐。

46、Policy measures were adopted to encourage, support and guide the growth of the non-public sector of the economy.制定并实施了鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济发展的政策措施。

47、Asking them in a casual one-on-one conversation encourages them to eventually share their opinions in team meetings, to everyone’s benefit.在不经意的一对一交流中询问他们,能鼓励他们在团队会议上分享他们的观点,让每个人都获益。

48、By stimulating industry, by rewarding ingenuity, and by using most efficaciously the peculiar powers, bestowed by nature, it distributes labor most effectively and most economically;由于鼓励勤勉、奖励智巧、并最有效地利用自然所赋予的各种特殊力量,它使劳动得到最有效和最经济的分配;

49、Arjuna, men of limited understanding presume speculative interpretations of the Vedic scriptures, advocating that there is no divine principle in creation;阿诸那啊,理解力有限的人,擅自对《吠陀》经典进行猜测般的解释,鼓吹说在创世之初,不存在永恒的原则;

50、Significant progress has been made in encouraging the widespread use in vivo dosimetry control, an important element among patients undergoing radiotherapy.在鼓励推广体内体内剂量控制方面:病人在放射治疗过程中的一个重要因素,已经取得了重大进展。

经典英文句子51:鼓励人的经典语句,51、He was also kind enough to attend and give words of encouragement at the Commissioning Ceremony of HKBU delegation held on 他还抽空出席浸大代表队于xx月xx日举行的委任典礼,鼓励十三位大使要享受整个旅程。

8 Feb 07.

52、This company always encourage its employees to take part in the plan of environment protection by material incentives.这家公司经常以物质鼓励雇员参与环保计划。

53、How do we persuade people to drive less—an environmental necessity—while also encouraging them to revive our staggering economy by buying new cars?由于环境的需要,我们怎样说服人们少开点车,同时又要鼓励他们买车来振兴疲软的经济呢?

54、In order to encourage students to improve their oral skills in the public arena, the English club has decided to hold several school heats and an interschool final in public speaking.为鼓励学生在公开场合使用英语及提高口语技巧,英语俱乐部近期在校内举行了几场英语口语选拔赛并将最终与另一所学校进行决赛。

55、A good name is easier lost than won.English Proverb 名誉失之易,而得之难。

56、Houseboat and relevant industry had made the industry that a few cities encourage Zhejiang and promotes.游艇及相关产业已经成为浙江一些城市鼓励和促进的产业。

57、Beginners don't need a mentor with a Ph.D. They need encouragement, a personal connection, and the kind of basic training, nutrition, and injury-prevention experience you already possess.他们需要的是有人鼓励,人际联系,以及给他们提供基础训练,营养食品,预防受伤等经验。

58、TDR is reaching out to anyone who has been involved in the programme to share their stories and accomplishments since their original connection.热带病研究和培训特别规划鼓励参与该规划的人共享其自最初参与以来的经历和取得的成果。

59、For example, car dealers routinely send prospective buyers out on test drives, and pet shop owners encourage people to play with the puppies in the window.例如,汽车经销商通常会让潜在买主试驾,宠物店老板鼓励人们和橱窗里的小狗玩耍。

60、From the cocreator of the Chicken Soup For the Soul series, The Success Principles will kick-start your confidence and place you on track to success with 64 classic concepts.由心灵鸡汤的共同创造者编写,《成功的法则》将会以64个经典概念鼓动勉励设立建设你的自决定信念并让你走上成功之路。


标签: 经典

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