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关于”生活中必备“的英语句子39个,句子主体:Necessary in life。以下是关于生活中必备的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Necessary in life


1、From junior high school to senior high school every student must study hard to prepare for the test.


2、And then, introduces some common technologies on lean production, which contains equipment layout, how to determine the number of kanban and balanced production.

关注 —— 什么是我们的生活中至关重要和必不可缺的。

3、Focus – on what is important and essential to our lives.


4、It is nessary for us to be thrifty in daily life.


5、Make – This is the manufacturing step. Schedule the activities necessary for production, testing, packaging and preparation for delivery.


6、Deprived of some of the basic necessities or advantages of life, such as adequate housing, medical care, or educational facilities.


7、Dreams are nece ary to life.

在很短的时间之内 —— 总共还不到

8、In an astoundingly short period of time -- a span of less than two decades -- the personal computer has become a fixture of personal and professional life.

20 年 —— 个人计算机已经成为我们工作和生活中的一种必需设备。


9、By definition,he necessarily lives in society.


10、I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.


11、The deaerator is one of the necessary equipment in fruit juice or fruit tea production line.


12、Why should I have to settle down to a life of preparing tofu soup, like my mother?


13、But it doesn’t have to be a fact of life, having advertising everywhere.

14、i don't want to always admire other people's life.上面是字面翻译。


15、Landing must be pass the water, this is a good practice in flood life.


16、Sometimes in life you have to be smart.


17、In the field of manned spaceflight, extravehicular spacesuit is the essential equipment in extravehicular activity (EVA).


18、If you want to balance your life then you must learn to have fun in your life no matter what.


19、Experiential learning is to learn the necessary knowledge in the daily life, and apply the knowledge learned to the daily life.


20、If we are to face these principles and incorporate them, we must be properly mounted in our minds and in our lives.

21、Peope not only need the life necessities,but also comfortable life.人们不仅需要生活必需品,还想生活得舒适。

22、Eg : I'm in a phase of my life when I really need to focus on my career .我要历经生活中的必经阶段,那就是我必须要全身心投入到我的工作中。

23、China's defense expenditure falls into the following categories: personnel expenses, costs for maintenance of activities, and costs for equipment.中国国防费包括:人员生活费、活动维持费、装备费。

24、To some modern societies the computer is one of the necessaries of life.一些现代社会中的电脑就是其中的必要性的生活方式。

25、Animation designer must be able to live dramatic, comic, and action figures to life, manifested.动漫设计师必须能够将生活戏剧化、漫画化,同时把生活中人物动作表现出来。

英文句子26:,26、He says that we shall fall from grace, dishonor our profession, and perish with the doom of apostates ;牠说我们必从恩典中堕落,生活中也不能见证上帝,最终必趋向灭亡之路。

27、Like everyone, he must live and learn.像每个人一样,他必须在生活中学习。

28、Lifestyle choices or other features of modern life must be contributing.生活方式选择或其他现代生活特征必定参与其中。

29、The products are novel, distinct, scientific and reasonable in design, comfortable and durable in use;产品设计新颖独特,科学合理,舒适耐用,是现代时尚家居生活的必备用品。

30、You have to look at your priorities in life and figure out what is unnecessary in your life.你必须看到生活中要优先做的事情,弄清楚什么是不必要的。

31、The products of your company is my necessaries .贵公司的产品是我的生活必备。

32、We are using Sensory Integration in everyday life, even when we are sleeping.感觉统合是我们每日生活所必备的能力,甚至是在我们睡着时。

33、HQ mainly includes five big essential factors: Life style, state of mind, self-health care, life skill and healthy knowledge.健商是一个人在社会生活中健康生存必备的能力。

34、While there may be reasons in life to focus on just survival, to fully live, you must thrive!尽管生活中有理由只关注生存,但如果要潇洒走一回,你必须活出精彩。

35、All they had were the bare necessities of life.他们所有的仅仅是生活必备品然而已。

36、There is little in a Zen monk's life that isn't necessary.在禅僧的生活中基本上都是必须的要做的。

37、Cell phones are necessary for college students.手机是大学生的必备品。

38、Give me five more minutes please.再给我五分钟时间好吗?

39、Love must become your lifestyle, the habit of your life.爱必须成为你的生活方式,你生活的习惯。

40、You must be prepared to adjust your way-of-life to maximize your learning experience.你必须作好这样的心理准备:调整自己的生活方式,尽最大努力获得学习经验。

41、You don’t have to live on overload. You don’t have to live in survival mode.你没有必要让生活超负荷,你没有必要去生活在生存模式下。

42、Our elegant photography and beautifully designed pages distinguish STYLE AT HOME as a must-have lifestyle magazine.我们漂亮雅致的摄影和精美的页面使得《家居风格》成为必备的生活杂志。

43、Colludes , one of center's necessary techniques.勾手,中锋必备的技艺之

44、They don't feel it as a power in their lives, but as a working-day prerequisite.人们不认为新闻界对他们的生活有影响,而只把它看作是工作日的必备品罢了。

45、Change is not merely necessary to life-it is life.变化对于生活不仅仅是必要的——变化就是生活。

46、It must be front-and-center in your life.这个目标在你的生活中必须是非常重要的。

47、The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise.听从生命责备的,必常在智慧人中。

48、“To get a feel for daily life in China and to take risks, I’ve got to live there a couple of months,” Niinami said.“为了感受中国的日常生活,同时作为一次探险活动,我必需得在中国生活数月。” 刚史 说。

49、People who are not interested in food always seem rather dry and unloving and don't have a real gusto for life.任何对于饮食不感兴趣的人,他们的生活必定枯燥无味与缺少爱,也必定无法享受生活中的乐趣。

50、Scoring well on any IQ test is no guarantee of success in life.在智商测试中得到高分可不意味着生活中的必然成功。

经典英文句子51:生活中必备,51、The source said that these border residents are ready to clothes, food and other necessities of life, ready to evacuate.该人士表示,这些边民已准备好衣服、食品和其他生活必需品,随时准备撤离。

52、The World Factbook is a must-have application for those who possess a curiosity or concern about the rapidly changing world in which we live.世界概况是一个必须具备的申请者谁拥有好奇心或关注迅速变化的世界中,我们的生活。

53、You have to include these behaviors in your lifestyle.我们必须将这些行为列入生活方式之中。

54、I am thinking about a slow life where 我在考虑要过一种慢生活,在这种生活里,睡过头是件很正常的事情,而沉浸在生活的意义当中是备受尊重的。

9)sleeping in is normal and soaking in the meaning of life is valued.

55、Inkstone is essential to Chinese calligraphy.砚是中国书法的必备用具。

56、Food,clothing,shelter and transportation are essential to life.;衣、食、住、行是 生活中必不可少的.

57、People do not only need necessities, but also comfortableness.人们不仅需要生活必需品,还想生活得舒适。

58、We must understand that there are no gratuities in our life and that success is never reached across lots.我们必须知道,生活中没有不劳而获的事,成功并无捷径。生活无目标。

59、Suioueran life can be, and must adhere to in life.生活可以随遇而安,而生命中必须有所坚持。

60、The lesson we life hackers must learn from this is that recklessness has no place in life.我们生活黑客们必须从这里学到的经验是莽撞在生活中没有一席之地。

61、I'm in a phase of my life , when I really need to focus on my career .我要历经生活中的必经阶段,那就是我必须要全身心投入到我的工作中。


标签: 生活

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