上用英语翻译为"get on",还网络中常译为"good",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到99个与上相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. get on
上翻译为get on。
示例:他们遭受了肉体上和感情上的折磨。 They have suffered physically and emotionally.
2. good
示例:卡上的号码应该和支票簿上的相同。 The number on the card should be identical with the one on the chequebook.
3. up
上翻译为 up 。
示例:他的目光滞留在她手指上的钻戒上。 His eyes lingered on the diamond ring on her finger.
4. 527 "Up/down""big/small"is of the two common spatial concepts in our daily life. “
上翻译为 527 "Up/down""big/small"is of the two common spatial concepts in our daily life. “。
示例:He said, he wronged two women in his life. he wronged two women in his life.
1. the very best(上上;
2. strike upon(打在…
3. supraepicondylar(上髁上的)
4. top swage(上型模,上模)
5. upper camber(上弧线, 上弧)
英语短语&俚语, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO Shanghai Cooperation Or( 上海合作组织 )
the Shanghai Spirit Shanghai Spirit the “Shanghai Spirit” ( 上海精神 )
superstructure the superstructure base and superstructure Upper Infrastructure ( 上层建筑 )
Netbook UMPC EeePC Aspire one ( 上网本 )
the bund Shanghai Tang Shanghai Bund Shanghai Beach ( 上海滩 )
1. - Okay, come on, here we go.
译文:- 好,上,我们上。
2. Vegetably? Minerally? Animally? He's pretty much covered them there.
3. Go with her, secure the prisoner. Go, go, go.
译文:跟她走,保护那囚犯 上,上,上。
4. No, man, they're saying, "Go! Go! Go!"
译文:不 他们在喊"上 上 上。
5. Covering fire boys, go, go, go!
译文:火力掩护 上 上 上。
6. Right where i'm standing. Right here. Right now.
译文:马上给我上来 马上。
7. Come on, Scott. Come on, Scott.
8. DANNY: Jensen, stay put. MAN:
译文:Jenson 呆在这里 上上上。
9. Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup.
10. Great team effort by coyopa.
译文:- 上上上 - 快点快点。
11. Moreese Bickham is somebody you've never heard of.
译文:植物上?矿物上?动物上?他基本上都包括了。 。
12. Get up there, baby, let's go.
13. She does it for a living, right?"
14. Move it! Move it! Move it!
译文:上吧 上吧。
15. Hit him with a right punch!
译文:上啊! 上啊。
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