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关于”保护水“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Protection of water。以下是关于保护水的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Protection of water


1、Water break protecting, it can prolong the life of laser tube.


2、Protection: Drinking frequently can help protect against salivary stones.


3、The areas of preservation of water source of Chaihe reservoir play important roles to protect and improve water quality.


4、They want to dike the land to protect it from water.


5、We can't live without water, so we must keep'the water elean to protect ourselves.


6、Utilize both water and sports drinks (Gatorade) to stay hydrated and maintain sodium levels.


7、The rust forms a weatherproof layer of protection.


8、Based on a water-break protection requirement of water-cooled air compressor, describes the principle, selection and the advantages of the target flow switch are described.


9、Against output short-circuit, Over voltage, Low voltage, Low battery voltage, Surge protection, loss phase protection.


10、The Fund recently granted $10000 (discretionary grant) to the Shanshui Conservation Center a China-based extension of Conservation International.

贝齐·戴蒙(Betsy Damon):总部设在俄勒冈的水资源保护者(Keepers of the Waters)组织的创始人。 该组织帮助当地社区保护和恢复水资源。

11、Betsy Damon, founder of Keepers of the Waters, headquartered in Oregon, which supports communities in the preservation and restoration of their water sources.


12、Responsibilities swill include water resource protection, pollution prevention and control, andecological restoration.

iPhone 4的贴纸,表面有防水保护膜。

13、Creative iPhone

4 stickers coated with waterproof protective film.


14、The canopy serves as protection from rain and heat.

标题 赤水桫椤自然保护区竹类植物资源。

15、Bamboo resources in the Chishui Alsophila Natural Reserve.


16、I agree. The water resources protection is our common responsibility.


17、Ideal for protecting the water- repellency on new garments.


18、And finally let's pass by the Waterbird Refuge.


19、Rubber-protected magnesium housing, waterproofed up to

5 meters.


20、You are guardians of the One Crystal that is in your safe-keeping .

21、In recent years, the agricultural nonpoint pollution has threatened the water quality protection of headwater area in reservoir.近年来,农业面源污染对水库水源地的水质保护形成了威胁。

22、Many bits of eyedrop , does cross-eye eyeball have protective effect?多点眼药水,对眼睛有保护作用嘛?。

23、Wet hair with warm water. (Hot water can strip your hair of protective oils.)用温水弄湿头发(热水会冲掉你头发上的保护油层)。

24、Water quality evaluation is the scientific basis to utilize and protect the water resource.水质评价是合理利用、保护水资源的科学依据。

25、Over the protection of water features in ultra-high pressure relief automatically.过水压保护功能,可在水压超高时自动泄压。

英文句子26:,26、Will exclusive slop tank need double-hull protection?专用污油水舱是否需要双壳保护?。

27、Production "of" brand building waterproofing membrane, building waterproof coating, drainage protection plate three series of products.生产“ ”牌建筑防水卷材、建筑防水涂料、排水保护板三大系列的产品。

28、Calendula Diaper Care adds a protective and water-resistant layer to the skin, to protect against the stinging moisture.金盏花尿布疹护理软膏在皮肤表面形成保护及防水层,保护肌肤水分刺痛。

29、And recycling soft water is used as cooling water with temperature and water level indicator.采用风—水热交换器,冷却水采用循环软水,设计有水温、液位指示及保护。

30、There at the well, again he acts to defend the defenseless.在水井旁,他再一次保护无助者。

31、It aims to preserve "the Mediterranean diet" and "the watertight-bulkhead technology of Chinese junks" among many other traditions.该保护名录旨在保护文化,包括:地中海饮食、中国帆船的水密舱壁技术。

32、A high-efficiency demulsifier, PAMAM, for dense oil-polluted water was synthesized with protect-unprotect method.通过保护与反保护的方法,合成了PAMAM稠油原油污水高效破乳剂。

33、Protect us! The water shield!保护我们啊!水之盾!

34、The water cut-off protection device is essential in air compressor.分析空压机加装断水保护装置的必要性;

35、penetrate and corrode the equipment, but allow drainage from the bottom.防油水布是用来保护材料和覆盖货物的,确保水不会渗入和腐蚀设备,但允许从底部排水

36、Be sure the underground facilities are protected from extreme moisture and include a sump pump.确保地下设施的保护,从极端的水分和包括一个水池泵。

37、The ecological function included such as conserving water resource, preventing soil losses, carbon fixation & releasing oxygen, cleaning air, and fixation sand.认为水土保持生态服务功能包括保护和涵养水源、保护和改良土壤、固碳释氧、净化空气和防风固沙等功能。

38、Lets protect the water from pollution, because we cant live without water.让年代保护水不受污染,因为我们没有水不能生存的。

39、The key of reservoir protection is the protection of the pore throats during water injection in low permeability oilfields.低渗油田注水过程中储层保护的关键是保护孔喉。

40、The protection rate of varicella vaccine is quite good and there has no significant difference for the protection rate between imported and homemade vaccine.水痘疫苗对接种者具有较好的保护率,进口和国产水痘疫苗的保护率相似。

41、There are some defects in water cut-off protection device used.指出现有断水保护装置存在的缺陷;

42、Main Responsibilities:Make dehydration protection for the saturated bamboo, wood, and lacquer works, formulate and carry out an effective protection plan.主要职责:对出土的饱水竹木漆器进行脱水保护,制定保护方案并组织实施。

43、If we do not save waterthe last drop of water will be a teardrop. To protect water is to protect our life.如果我们不节约用水,最后一滴水将是一滴泪珠。保护水就是保护我们的生命。

44、Hydraulic structures - guidelines - part 水工结构。指南。跌水构筑物陡。

2 : river bottom protection structures ; drop structures, chutes , cascades, sills.


45、The countermeasures of protecting Jiajiang water quality was put forward.并研究了保护夹江水质的对策。

46、Health Series: all kinds into the water pillows, eye, shoulder, chest protector, guard, foot protection, cold Pu bag, water bag, hot water bottle, mat.保健系列:各种入水枕头、眼罩、护肩、护胸、护手、护脚、冷热溥包、水袋、热水袋、脚垫。

47、Respiratory protection – fit-tested N95 respirator or higher level of protection.防护 -适合测试的N95呼吸器或更高水平的保护。

48、Automatic controls protect against low water and overflow;低水位和溢水保护功能;

49、In addition to protect the upper and lower water pipes.另外还要保护上下水管道。

50、Special water and soil conservation areas, water source, water quality, water quantity protected areas, and important reservoir water collecting areas shall be avoided.免位于特定水土保持区、源、质、量保护区或重要水库集水区范围内。

经典英文句子51:保护水,51、The protective layer of the side wall waterproof layer and waterproof layer should be closely combined, the thickness of the protective layer shall comply with the design requirements.侧墙卷材屋顶防水层的保护层与屋顶防水层应结合紧密、保护层厚度应吻合设计要求。

52、Let's protect the water from pollution, because we can't live without water.让我们一起来保护水不受 污染,因为我们的 生活离不开水。

53、If a sewage outlet is to be built in the vicinity of such protection zones, the water bodies within those zones must be protected against pollution.在保护区附近新建排污口,必须保证保护区水体不受污染。

54、It's our duty to protect and save water.保护和节约水是我们的责任。

55、Dr. Elefun:He was very kind, but also know how to protect people.茶水博士:“他很善良,还懂得保护人。”

56、So, the conservation of life right exludes the death penalty.因此,生命权保护与死刑适用水火不相容也。

57、Other plants and grasses also help protect water quality.其他作物和禾本科植物也可以保护水质。

58、To ensure the drinking water of elks, workers in this areas have been built more than 30 tanks and divided into various places.为了保证麋鹿饮水,保护区专门做了一水箱,定做了30多个水泥水槽,分别放到各处。

59、Protecting birds is protecting snakes.保护鸟就是保护蛇。

60、For SPDs, with a protective level different from that provided at the origin, as in the IEC standards, then coordination is mandatory.对于SPD,由于保护水平不同于在入口处提供的保护水平,正如IEC的标准,那么协调配合就是强制性的。

61、Rands add to a boot's overall waterproofness and protect the upper from abrasion.护皮增加鞋的全面防水能力,保护鞋面不受磨损。

62、It is farely substantial to intensify its protection as well as advance its protection measures.对驰名商标提供高水平的保护,强化保护是驰名商标保护的实质内容。

63、Compared with the traditional gear oil, XMP (Mobilgear) series has excellent corrosion resistance and corrosion protection performance, including seawater and acid water protection.与传统的齿轮油相比,美孚齿轮油 (Mobilgear) XMP 系列产品具有杰出的 抗锈蚀和防腐蚀保护性能,包括抗海水和酸性水保护。

64、The dam secured the city from the flood.这座大坝保护了该城免受洪水的袭击。

65、Resources of medicinal plants in the Chishui Alsophila Natural Reserve.赤水桫椤自然保护区药用植物资源。

66、Apple mobile phone crystal case, silicone case, TPU case, screen protection, lether case.苹果手机水晶壳,硅胶套,清水套,保护膜,皮套。


标签: 保护

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