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关于”背的方法和技巧“的英语句子58个,句子主体:back methods and techniques。以下是关于背的方法和技巧的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:back methods and techniques


1、Why do you look for tips, tricks and ideas to hack your life?


2、Learn the push return back to back dance steps with expert polka tips in this free polka dancing video.


3、What is your assessment of using reading skills as a Roll-up measure for the organization?

非语言因素。 主要包括心理因素,听力技巧与策略,背景知识等。

4、Nonlinguistic factors: including psychological factors, listening skills and strategies, background knowledge.


5、In modern literature, the writing of the dramas of absurdity has been under the anxieties of influence from the traditional dramatists in the aspects of writing skills, language and structure.


6、As the rapid development of computer technology, MIDI-based virtual instruments have been booming and have also fundamentally changed the structure of traditional instruments.


7、A dynamic and powerful training across the floor, accompanied by music. Focus is on stamina, coordination, balance, alignment, grounding, breath, centre, time and space.

良好的沟通技巧- 能理解我的想法和我进行有效的沟通。

8、Great communication skills - able to understand my ideas and communicate with me effectively.


9、This week's drill features some different and fun ways to use a physio ball to work on technique for all your strokes.

我必须承认,303 技巧是我所见过的复杂性最低的方法,观察这种技巧的大量开发实践也非常有趣。

10、I must admit that the 303 trick is the least complex approach I've seen, and I'll be interested in watching how it develops with wider practice.


11、On the basis of the idea of Von-Misses method and the technique of quadric spline, we propose the method of exponential approximation.


12、This trick is used in memory techniques like chaining or pegging.


13、Debussy was constantly looking for new technique and new expressive modes, so his piano works are very enlightening both in technique and content.


14、Learn how to mix the flour and salt to make a traditional French baguette recipe in this baking video with bread recipes and bakery tips.


15、We use graph-theoretic version to relate, use graph-theoretic methods and techniques to prove our results.


16、The design method and techniques for low-cost signal processing module of ultrashort wave or VHF(Very High Frequency) radio are introduced.


17、Exams may be a not-so-bad solution to test the ability to remember something by rote or to answer questions quickly yet under great pressure.

, and greedy technique.让学生学习到各种演算法的技巧,包括暴力法等七种方式。

18、Students will be able to learn the algorithm skill including brute force, divide-and-conquer, …

提携新人。 协助并且培养初级/入门的开发人员学习优秀的编程方法和技巧。

19、Support Junior - Assist and train the junior/entry-level developers on good programming guidelines and techniques.


20、Nor are legal skills surrounding Intellectual Property and Copyright very useful anymore. Nor are the skills of hoarding and scarcity.

21、This chapter covers theoretical and practical aspects relating to the different techniques of single-note playing and the required mouth positions.本章包括了关于单孔奏法及其所需的嘴部位置的不同技巧的理论和实践方面。

22、Practitioners need to find experiential means to increase their skill and perspective, and to learn from and with others.实践者们需要找到经验验证的方法来提升他们的技巧和视角,而且与他人一起互相学习。

23、To conclude, tennis elbow can be a difficult problem but it may be alleviated by thoughtful medical and technical measures.结论是, 网球肘是困难的问题, 但是却可以用深思熟虑的内科和技巧方法来减轻。

24、Second, the emphasis in the curriculum is not on having students memorize legal rules. It is on teaching them the special intellectual skill of sympathetic engagement with counterargument.其二,课程的重点不在于使学生死记硬背法律条文,而是旨在培养他们的“同情辩论法”这一特殊思维技巧。

25、Base on studying of the full-text retrieval methods and technics, the skills from it probably are practical value.接着对其全文检索方法、技术进行了探讨,从中得到的检索技巧亦有一定的实用价值。

英文句子26:,26、We talk about the basic diathesis of a head nurse, the ways of im proving diathesis and nursing m anagem ent skills.本文就护士长应具备的素质,提高护士长素质的途径和方法,护理管理技巧进行了探讨。

27、Therefore, effective management of classroom discipline method and the skill is worth each teacher continuously explore areas.因此,有效管理课堂纪律的方法和技巧是值得每位教师不断探索的领域。

28、Learn how to activate the yeast to make a traditional French baguette recipe in this baking video with bread recipes and bakery tips.了解如何激活酵母在这面包烘焙食谱和烘焙技巧视频的传统法国面包配方。

29、People make it a rule to have the five dimensions-technique, skill, artistry, technical tool, and technical ability-to refer to technology unity or relation.人们习惯于从技巧、技法、技艺、技具和技能五个维度指涉技术实体或关系。

30、In terms of techniques, it is found that new generation novelists did not completely abandon techniques from modern literature but instead mix them into techniques of postmodernism.就技巧而论,新世代小说并未全然抛弃现代主义技巧,而是将之和后现代手法混用揉合。

31、These color-averaging and layer void-filling techniques are only one way to achieve similar effects.这些颜色平均和图层填空技巧只是实现类似效果的其中一种方法。

32、Future trends of reservoiring period studies are combining geochemistry method with geologic setting study, traditional method with new methods, and qualitative method with quantitative method.地球化学技术方法与地质背景相结合,传统方法与新方法相结合,定性与定量方法相结合,是今后油气成藏期研究的发展方向。

33、Are you still hesitant? An investment of 598 yuan, in micro marketing skills and methods of the lifelong benefit, bargain! !你还在犹豫不定吗?投资一次598元,换终身受益的顶峰助力微营销技巧和方法,超值哦!!

34、Learn tips and techniques of the composition of your video in this free video clip on videography.学习技巧和作曲技法的视频录像在此免费视频剪辑。

35、You'll notice many of these DSL techniques achieve that same effect using language syntactic tricks.您会注意到,这些 DSL 方法中有许多使用语言语法技巧来达到同样的效果。

36、Based on the application practice of network chart in repair work of construction machinery, a programming method and hints for network chart are offered.根据网络技术在工程机械修理工作中的应用实践,提出了网络图的编绘方法和技巧;

37、Many companies have been using modeling for execution methodology and techniques for solution delivery based on the WebSphere BPM product suite.很多公司均已经为基于 WebSphere BPM 产品套件的解决方案交付使用了为执行而建模的方法和技巧。

38、This brief manual contains the fundamental aspects of the Universal Energy Method and its Basic Level Techniques.这个简要的手册包含宇宙能方法的基本方向以及初级班的技巧。

39、Objective To explore the operation modules and surgical techniques of pancreas-kidney transplantion.目的:探讨胰肾联合移植的手术方式和技巧。

40、Method of semiconductor wafer back processing, method of substrate back processing, and radiation-curable pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet.半导体晶圆背面加工方法,衬底背面加工方法,和辐射固化型压敏粘着片。

41、It is a lovely way to perceive the world, and it is a learnable skill.它是一种看待世界的可爱方法,它是一种可以学习的技巧。

42、The course of literature-searching is a course which main content is introducing tactic and skill of finding literature information resources.文献检索是一门以介绍各种文献信息资源的查找方法和技巧为主要内容的课程。

43、A similar technique is the Low-Ball approach.一个相似的技巧是虚报低价法。

44、These helpful tips to take care of copper pots and cooking utensils to keep shining.铜锅照顾这些方便的技巧和保持炊具闪闪发光。

45、Objective To investigate the technique of dealing with the fistulous opening after the nasal endoscopic (fenestration drainage) dacryocystorhinostomy.目的探讨鼻内镜下泪囊鼻腔造瘘(开窗引流)术中更好处理瘘孔的技巧和方法。

46、On the narrative skill, the flashback method was adopted.在叙事技巧上,采用倒叙的手法;

47、More work is needed to introduce orientation and mobility, daily living skills and communication skills as parts of special education.更多的工作要做以便把提高方向感和激动性,生活技巧,交流技巧作为特殊教育的一部分。

48、You'll learn the exercises and techniques physical therapists (PTs) use to rehabilitate patients as well as the other skills you'll need to support a PT in her work.同时你还要学习物理治疗师帮助病人恢复的运动方法和技术,以及其它协助物理治疗师所需的技巧。

49、The introduction presents basis, background, significance, methods and technological routes of the study on minority eco-culture tourism.引言介绍本文研究问题的提出依据和背景,研究目的意义和研究方法与技术路线等。

50、All these skills form part of a soft or gentle speaking style, which should form part of your communicative repertoire or toolbox.所有这些技巧构成了温和说话方式的一部分,这应当是交际技巧的组成部分。

经典英文句子51:背的方法和技巧,51、In the first tip, I demonstrated how to select the background of an icon.在第一个技巧中,我演示了如何选择一个图标的背景。

52、The narrative research approach and the narrative interview skills may help practitioners facilitate and cultivate person-centered nursing practice.叙事方法和叙事访谈技巧更可进一步促进及培养医护人员人本为中心的照护。

53、In tests on optical fiber technology skills of start.文中就光纤测试技术技巧方面展开探讨。

54、How to calculate the maximum and the minimum value. Generally, it is in order to improve the middle school student's methods and skills of problem solving from the above discussions.通过以上的讨论,以期提高中学生对此类题目的解题方法和解题技巧。

55、The aching hollowness in sleight of hand.还有我灵巧戏法背后阵阵作痛的空虚。

56、In terms of artistry, the thesis discusses how literary theories of Conrad and Mencken influence Fitzgerald and how Fitzgerald's use of setting contributes to his role as a romantic moralist.还讨论了康拉德和曼肯的文学理论在艺术技巧方面对菲茨杰拉德的影响,以及菲茨杰拉德作为一个浪漫的布道士对背景的巧妙运用;

57、It combines the merit of the finite element method with that of the finite difference method.它可以吸收有限元法和有限差分法的一些重要思想与技巧。

58、Tips for serving Gourmet Fruit Soup; learn how to garnish and present fruit soup with expert cooking tips in this free recipe video.在职美食水果汤技巧,学习如何装饰和目前在这个自由配方视频水果汤与专家烹饪技巧。

59、According to Tenner, every technological endeavor is riddled with "solutions" that backfire.按照特纳的看法,每一项科技的努力,都深受弄巧成拙的“解决方案”之困扰。

60、Methods, techniques and key points should be paid attention to during gauge design, manufacturing and test were introduced.介绍了汽车大型饰件检具设计、制造、检测中应注意的要点,以及所采用的一般方法和技巧。

61、At the same time, the novel method combining between the fieldbus and modern control theroy is presented which is running online and learning offline.同时预测未来现场总线技术和现代控制方法的一个巧妙的结合方法:在线运行,离线学习。

62、This is the oldest method of mould production and relies heavily on the skill of the molder.这是最古老的铸型生产方法,主要依靠造型工的技巧。

63、And some methods or techniques on vocabulary memory are elaborated in order from the angles of linguistics, psychology, cognition and pedagogy.本文从语言学、心理学、认知学和教育学的角度分别阐述一些词汇记忆的方法和技巧。

64、Check out the article 这篇8个校对的窍门和技术的文章是关于这方面的技巧。

8 Proofreading Tips And Techniques for tips on this topic.

65、Shading and drawing techniques include using a hard ink line method of adding weight to an object or using a cross-hatching method to create texture and interesting tones.遮荫和绘画技巧包括使用的增加重量对象或使用跨孵化方法来创建纹理和有趣的音调难以墨线法。

66、BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: Subtractive hybridization technology is a common method to screen and clone differentially expressed genes.背景与目的:消减杂交技术是一种寻找和克隆差异基因的方法。

67、Because of his in and abroad experience, his work combine the oreign taste and the western taste as well.丰富的学识和实际工作经验,使他在创作上融合东、西方音乐的技巧手法挥洒自如,得心应手。

68、Learn the various methods of barbecuing sausage with expert cooking tips in this free BBQ recipe video clip.学习烹饪技巧烧烤香肠与专家在此免费烧烤配方视频剪辑的各种方法。

69、My question is this: you offer some great tips that actually work, but what does one do if one suffers from insomnia?他说我的问题是:你在其他方面提过很多有用的方法和技巧,对于饱受失眠折磨的人,你又有什么好的建议呢?


标签: 技巧 方法

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