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1、In poetry, dialogs, epigrams, and essays he attempts to right our minds from their upside down view of existence and stop us in the tracks of our spiritual journey.


2、There are such words as joy and sorrow, but they are only the burden of a psalm, sung with a nasal twang, while we believe in the ordinary and mean.


3、C. S. Lewis once claimed that the opening lines of Kubla Khan filled him with an 27)unquenchable but 28)rapturous yearning.


4、Ginger seemed unaware of the stir she was causing until a well-meaning choir member scooped the wrappers out of her hat and handed them to her, whispering a word of explanation.


5、The creation of Jue Ju in Liao Dynasty started from Yelu Bei, matured after Emperor Shengzhong, and reached the acme with the creations of Yelu Hongji and Xiao Guanyin.


6、Zhang Liguo's works can be associated with the poem of Haizi "nothing but remoteness in the distance, " remoteness is the pursuit hard to reach, the imagined other side, and also the spiritual land.


7、"Reslish the moment"is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24:"This is the day which the Lord hath made ;


8、Vacillation." The poem was written following a series of poems called the "Crazy Jane" poems, written as a kind of summary of them, a kind of resolution of the debates that go on in them.


9、She's alluding here, I think, to one of the most famous passages in Paradise Lost in which Milton is asserting nothing other than his poetic power.



10、Mr. Ma has four lines when he said: In fact, poetry is (people) "If the vision is sometimes lost, dream suddenly wake up, such as the servant who's starting, such as the patient of the Soviet Union."


11、As a line by Li Bai, a great poet in Tang Dynasty goes, "In the Yellow Crane Tower the jade flute is being played while in the River City of Wuhan plum blossoms are dropping in May."


12、Old woman was off, and if I do not like to rest, "there are two to shame, it is to be positive" poem to move Langjun the heart of stone, one will be sad start crying back home.


13、Druidic lore consisted of a large number of verses learned by heart, and we are told that sometimes twenty years were required to complete the course of study.


14、9-Scrollsof Kungfu Revelations evolves Kungfu into poetry, and attack into creation.


15、And we bring that prejudice to bear on our interpretation of the line, then that is a constructive way into the circle according to Heidegger and Gadamer.

贡戈拉派把“自负”推向了顶点, 诗句用词之矫揉造作之极。 于是,给葛拉西安留下发挥空间的就只有散文了。

16、Gongorism drove "conceit" to its farthest point: artificiality of diction could go no farther in verse: it was only left for Gracian to apply it to prose.


17、But according to Mr Olsson - Armstrong may have subconsciously drawn from his poetic instincts to utter a phrase that, far from being incorrect - was perfect for the moment.


18、This kind of verse can be open to a variety of interpretations about how to live your faith more respectfully, not just in this month but throughout life.


19、The happiness from him with the hardship of verse, allowing him to record the Datang ups and downs, witness years for an ethnic considerations.


20、Histories make me wise; poets witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy , deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric , able to contend .

21、God knows your deepest desires—and motives—before you ask: "O Lord, You have searched me and You know me. … You perceive my thoughts from afar.…



22、To accord with actual, if you do not object, I suggest you use 1/6 this brings a score, be about to line instead: "Minutely have one individual death, minutely have one 1/6 person is in be born."为了符合实际,如果您不反对,我建议您使用1/6这个带分数,即将诗句改为:“每分钟都有一个人死亡,每分钟都有一又六分之一人在诞生。”

23、She had always, my father would say, intensity, and that was his chief word of praise; and once he added to the praise "no spendthrift ever had a poet for a son, though a miser might.在得了瘫痪后不久,神智日衰的她终于不用再为经济而发愁,在伦敦的房屋窗边享受着喂鸟的乐趣。

1、 父亲说母亲总是有着强烈的情感,并常常因为这个称赞她;


24、We can go on from here with the words of Abraham Lincoln in our hearts:"with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right."让我们用亚伯拉罕,林肯的一句名言继续下去:“对任何人不怀恶意,对一切人心存宽厚,按上帝的指引坚诗正义。”

25、The elder Ananda uttered this verse : Then was a terrifying awe, Then was a horrifying dread, When he of all the marks possessed, The Enlightened, had Nirvana reached (老阿难说出这样的诗句:那是一个可怕的敬畏,然后是一个可怕的恐惧,他的所有的征象表明,觉悟者,已经达到涅磐。(



英文句子26:,26、He mined it, traced its contours, translated them to verse: "black wind, " "wet winds, " "noisy clouds, " "thorn-trees, " "the clinging air.是他发掘了它,勾勒出了它的轮廓,将它们一一化为了诗句:“黑色的风”,“潮湿的风”,“嘈杂的云”,“荆棘树”,“粘滞的空气”。

27、Netizens worked it into classical poetry, jokes and ballads to vent their fury over the vicious behavior of the privileged and the children of the powerful and wealthy.网民把这句话编成了古诗,笑话和歌曲,来发泄他们对有权有势的官富二代恶意行为的愤怒。

28、In this thesis, we should show more details to it on the base of combining the words in different versions, and to debate the opinion of Li Gong-huan, and try to recover the original poem.从征引文献、考据版本等各个角度,审视李公焕的诸多说法,以恢复《于王抚军座送客》诗的首句原貌,实属必要。

29、One of the things we are taught is a verse of Koran, in English it's as "all you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as was prescribed for those before you."在《可兰经》里有一句诗是,大意是,虔诚的人们啊,斋戒不仅是你需要做的,也是你的前人所需要做的“

30、One old book, one black coffee and one exciting poem bring us to the shy girlhood. At that time, we know nothing but the jade-green dream.一本发黄的书,一杯黑咖啡,一句让人心跳的诗,带回了那羞涩的少女时代,那时,什么都不懂,生活里只有浅绿色的梦。

31、To Hu, Da Li, Zhen Yuan is also a poet. Hanyang seclusion, try the various governments involved. Poetry volume.于鹄,大历、贞元间诗人也。隐居汉阳,尝为诸府从事。诗一卷。

32、A yellow book, a cup of black coffee, make a poem heart, back to the shy girl that age, then, do not know anything, only light green life dream.一本发黄的书,一杯黑咖啡,一句让人心跳的诗,带回了那羞涩的少女时代,那时,什么都不懂,生活里只有浅绿色的梦。

33、Has its own poetry, the more rhythm, carving sentence text, written for the most bitter heart that the most serious, those with no such as Shen Yue.自从有诗以来,追求声律、雕琢句文、用心最苦且创立学说最严格的人,没有人比得上 沈约。

34、With three exceptions (99, 126 and 154) Shakespeare writes his sonnets in the popular English form, first fully developed by Surrey, of three quatrains and a couplet.三个例外(99、 126、154)莎士比亚十四行诗写的,他受欢迎的英文形式,第一次完全由萨里、三绝句、一副对联。

35、By studying the sentence groups in this poem and comparing it with Chinese poetry in conception, style, and writing techniques, we can discover many evidences of Sino-Japanese cultural integration.研究松尾芭蕉的《古池》类俳句群,并从意境、风格、写作技巧等方面与汉诗进行比较,可以发现许多中日文化交融的印证。

36、Just look through this psalm and notice the words and phrases it uses: shelter, shadow, refuge, fortress, shield, rampart, covered by feathers, guarded by angels, and blessed with salvation.让我们从头读一遍这篇诗篇,并留意它用的字句:隐密处、荫庇、避难所、山寨、盾牌、堡垒、被翎毛遮蔽、有使者保护、得救恩之福。

37、Milton is alerting us to the significance of the word "first" in the very first line, in this wonderful act of violating the laws of iambic pentameter.弥尔顿在第一句就促使我们注意到“,“初/先“一词的重要性,不惜违背了抑扬格五音步诗的格律。

38、Looking at the lively little girls in front of me and the pure pear flowers, I could not help thinking of a poetic sentence, “The pear flowers were blooming all the way!”我望着这群充满朝气的哈尼小姑娘和那洁白的梨花,不由得想起了一句诗:“驿路梨花处处开”。

39、I don't remember what it was. I know that I laughed a lot, and that Will said it was a stupid play, with not a word of poetry in it.这出戏的内容我已记不清楚,只记得当时看了直笑,但是威尔说这戏很糟糕,没有一句像样的诗歌。

40、I have some confused, because when I stand in front of the Yellow Crane Tower, when I read the first few verses of ring for having heard it many times, just feel empty, Xupiaopiao.我有些茫茫然,因为当我站在黄鹤楼面前,当我又读响那几首耳熟能详的诗句,只感到周身空荡荡、虚飘飘。

41、At least, if the tradition is to be believed, and in particular the two enigmatical lines in barbarous Latin, which an evil Norman monk, a bit of a sorcerer, named Tryphon has left on this subject.至少,也该相信那种由来已久的传说,而且尤其应当相信一个叫做特里丰的诺曼底僧人针对这一题目用蛮族拉丁文写的两句费解的歪诗。

42、Hlderlin, a mysterious and rarely seen poet, has written some complex poems which are difficult to understand .荷尔德林,作为一位神秘的、罕见的诗人。他的诗作也艰难费解。

43、The attitude to Homer' s epics directly influenced the poetics of Plato and Aristotle.对荷马史诗的态度与柏拉图和亚理士多德的诗学思想有直接的勾连。

44、Zheng Ban Qiao has read two lines of verse see off: Produce a family not stampeding the yellow tail dog, the wall does not hinder the green flowerpot increasingly.小偷听了,转身就溜。郑板桥又念了两句诗送行:出户休惊黄尾犬,越墙莫碍绿花盆。

45、The poetic words of Alfred Lord Tennyson will be engraved in the 2012 Olympic village. But what other notable expressions can be attributed to Tennyson?阿尔弗雷德。罗德。但丁尼生别的隽语还有哪些?


46、These cattle, these grass splashes around verse, it is put, careful collection. I think my heart and the grass, need to have their run.这些牛儿,这些草坡上四处泼洒的诗句,我把它揣起,仔细收藏好。我想我的心和这草地一样,需要有它们的奔跑。

47、Druidic lore consisted of a large number of verses learned by heart and we are told that sometimes twenty years were required to complete the course of study.德鲁伊教的知识是由大批记住的诗句组成,我们也得知完成学习课程须要xx年的时光。

48、Some noteless Gaelic poet had made this into a forgotten ballad, some odd verses of which my white-capped friend remembered and sang for me.有位无名的盖尔诗人将这故事编成歌谣,但业已失传,不过戴白帽的朋友还记得零碎的几句,还曾念给我听。

49、At their best, they are a Web 充其量,它们是三行俳句诗和回忆录的Web3.0网页,使得杰克.凯鲁亚克的作品“在路上"的风靡全世界。

3.0 blend of haiku and memoir, instantly published to the world with the manic zeal of Jack Kerouac writing "On the Road.

50、At their best, they are a Web 充其量,它们是三行俳句诗和回忆录的Web3.0网页,使得杰克.凯鲁亚克的作品“在路上"的风靡全世界。

3.0 blend of haiku and memoir, instantly published to the world with the manic zeal of Jack Kerouac writing "On the Road."

经典英文句子51:诗句,51、Poets in the generation of Misty poetry, such as Bei Dao, Jianghe, Yang Lian, we had not talked much.朦胧诗那一代诗人们,如北岛、江河、杨炼等,我们谈得不多。

52、Both Fengzhi and Rainer Maria Rilke are poets with the temperament of introspection.冯至与里尔克同为内省型精神气质的诗人,后期创作方向同为主知型诗。

53、And so it's an understandable ploy on Milton's part that he needs to vilify Shakespeare by identifying that great poet, his older contemporary, with Comus.所以就弥尔顿而言,是一个可理解的事,他需要通过认同那伟大的诗句来贬低莎士比亚,用Comus来压倒比他年纪较大的同时代人。

54、Si card man, you are really stupid, you make these here useless frustrated poem stem what, you think that you are all emperors of nobility?斯卡夫,你真是蠢,你在这里作这些没用的丧气诗句干什么,你以为你是帝都的贵族吗?

55、One may, in a case of exigency, introduce the reader into a nuptial chamber, not into a virginal chamber. Verse would hardly venture it, prose must not.我们至多只能向读者先容举行婚礼时的新房,可是不能往谈童贞的寝室,诗句还委曲能描述一下,可散文就不行了。

56、"GIVE me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, " reads Emma Lazarus's ode to immigration inscribed on a plaque beneath the Statue of Liberty.“来吧,你的土地上的那些疲乏的、贫困的、蜷缩在一起渴望呼吸自由的人们。”自由女神像下方的饰板上镌刻着这首艾玛·娜莎罗所写的、寄予移民者的诗句。

57、The more difficult it becomes, the bigger role my good story and my beautiful poem play in contributing to a perspective of the events and the people.世事愈艰难,我笔下的动人故事和清丽的诗句就愈能发挥作用,可以帮助人们了解各种各样的人与事。


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