在街区用英语怎么说 英语

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在街区的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为superblock plan,还可以翻译为historical district,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到83个与在街区相关的译文和例句。


1. superblock plan

在街区翻译为superblock plan。

示例:要记住很多城市和一些商业区都是建在街区的。 Remember that many cities and some towns are built in "blocks".


2. historical district

在街区翻译为historical district。

示例:店面往往不大,有七十平米的样子,蜷缩在街区一角。 Often it's small, maybe an 800-square-foot storefront jammed into a city street.


3. hit the street

在街区翻译为hit the street。

示例:你所在街区也许就有瑜伽场馆。 Your neighborhood may also have a specialized yoga studio.


4. Super block

在街区翻译为Super block。

示例:All right, that'll be the A block. that'll be the A block.



1. hit the street(在街上)

2. historical district(历史街区)

3. Super block(超级街区)

4. blockface(街区面积)

5. superblock plan(大街区规划)

英语短语&俚语, around the block ( 在街区周围 )

in different blocks ( 在不同的街区 )

Live on that Block ( 住在那个街区 )

in my neighborhood ( 在我的街区 )

in a block ( 在一个街区 )

Elevator in each block has ( 在每个街区都有电梯 )

we live on the same block ( 我们住在同一个街区 )


1. i just deactivated the block that was hiding Tommy's anklet signal.

译文:我只是在街区里 打开了Tommy脚镯的信号。

2. i was brought up in the district, too.


3. When i was a kid, i remember... walking on the street, passing houses on my block, looking in windows, seeing people, families, sitting around tables, laughing, carving turkeys.

译文:我小时候 我记得... 走在街上 经过街区上的一座座房子 透过窗户。

4. in the past few days an organization known as the Committee of Concerned Parents began distributing these notices throughout the community warning neighbors of what they call a quote,

译文:几天之前一个被称为 家长关爱联盟的组织 开始在街区散发被称之为。

5. Me and my dad used to walk around the block and count squirrels.

译文:我和我爸以前会在街区散步 Me and my dad used to walk around the block 一起数松鼠 and count squirrels.。

6. Someone got killed on his block. Dragged down the street on fire.

译文:他的街区有人死了 全身着火 拖在街上走。

7. They used to drive an ice cream truck around here in the neighborhood.


8. We wandered down the block and sat down to rest on a windowsill. Zhu lit a cigarette.


9. You ain't Detroit, i'm the D You the New Kid on the Block

译文:你不是Detroit的代表,我才是D 你在街区里只是个新来的。

10. i mean, different streets.


11. You ever hear the name Hector Alvarez come up or see him cruise the block in his GTO?

译文:你听过个叫Hector Alvarez的人吗 看到过他开着肌肉车在街区里晃吗?。

12. - Quite a crowd? - A lot of people.


13. Jessica Lofiego, a mother of two, is scouring the neighbourhood for a bargain.


14. And i have the firepower to impose my will on the streets.

译文:并且我在街区也有足够的火力 来执行我的意愿。

15. On the beat, on the beat, on the beat!

译文:在街上巡逻,巡逻, 在街上巡逻!。



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