切菜用英语怎么说 切菜英语翻译

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切菜用英语怎么说 切菜英语翻译

切菜通常被说作:" cut vegetable"还经常被译作 potong sayur,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到45个与切菜相关的释义和例句。


1. cut vegetable

切菜翻译为 cut vegetable 。

示例:再次用热水冲洗切菜板或者将它放入洗碗机里。 Rinse the cutting board again with hot water or toss it in the dishwasher.


2. potong sayur

切菜翻译为 potong sayur 。

示例:你要花时间自己洗菜、切菜和煮菜。 You will have to spend time cleaning, cutting, and cooking your food.


3. cut up vegetables

切菜翻译为 cut up vegetables 。

示例:他切菜时不小心切着了手指头。 He sliced (into) his fingers by accident when cutting vegetables.


4. cut up vegetables

切菜翻译为cut up vegetables。

示例:TERRY: i cut mean vegetables. 我把蔬菜切切开



1. kraut cutter(切菜机)

2. vegetable cutter(切菜机)

3. vegetable knife(切菜刀)

4. vegetable slicer(切菜(片)机)

英语短语&俚语, Cut melon cutting vegetables ( 砍瓜切菜 )

shredder NICER DICER Magic chopper slicer ( 切菜器 )

vegetable cutter Vegetable slicer Goblin Shredder Vegetable shredders ( 切菜机 )

Sharpening steels ( 切菜刀 )

Puzzle Cutting Board ( 拼图切菜板 )

Cutting boards for the kitchen ( 厨房用切菜板 )


1. Daddy provides, Mommy cooks.


2. - Just got to keep going. - No, no, i'm here to help chop.

译文:等等 我来帮你切菜。

3. i think she chopped her vegetables like that as a warning to me.

译文:我觉得她那么切菜 I think she chopped her vegetables like that。

4. - Yes. Can you just chop something, please?

译文:-是的 你能不能切菜去?。

5. They're alive, Master Shredder.

译文:他们活着, 切菜器大师。。

6. We couldn't have anticipated the vigilante showing up at the docks, Master Shredder.

译文:我们就不会预期了 义警警员 表现在在码头上面, 切菜器大师。。

7. it's like a cell, if you like, or a cupboard.

译文:你可以说它像一个储藏室, 或是像个切菜板.。

8. Shredder will force this city to live under our rule.

译文:切菜器将会强迫这一个城市 在我们的规则之下活得。。

9. Shredder's going to release a toxin!

译文:切菜器一直去到 释放一个毒素!。

10. And, i will buy vegetables for you, chop them for you, run errands for you, press your feet.

译文:然后我会帮你买菜,帮你切菜 帮你跑腿,帮你按脚。

11. The Shredder is a skilled warrior whose cruelty is ever-reaching!

译文:切菜器 一个熟练的战士是 谁的残酷 不断到达!。

12. Do you have a cutting board for these?


13. To this machine that helps me chop vegetables.

译文:还有这台帮我切菜的机器。 。

14. Now what we need... a cutting board. Huh?


15. (Knives chop) i'm not an engineer.

译文:(切菜声) 我不是个工程师, 。


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