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关于”夜晚的句子“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Night sentence。以下是关于夜晚的句子的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Night sentence

1、Chandler: So, Saturday night, the big night, date night, Saturday night, Sat-ur-day night! 啊,星期六之夜,重要的夜晚,约会的夜晚,星期六之夜,星期——六——之夜!

2、I came to fear nighttime like it was a torturer's cellar. 我逐渐恐惧夜晚,仿佛夜晚是施刑者的囚牢。

3、Every night when you stand before the window, looking at the night-light-sky … 每当夜晚时,你在窗前抬头看夜空的时候,这句…

4、My wife stops up late to hear the midnight news every night. 我妻子每天夜里听夜间新闻,熬到很晚才睡。

5、On that precious night, ?? 在那美丽的夜晚????。

6、It might seem strange to go a zoon when its dark. (夜间野生动物园)。在夜晚去可能看起来很奇怪。

7、You can hear a nightingale whistle at night. 夜晚你会听到夜莺啭鸣。

8、Whirling wheel, then soft footfall of thought. 转动的轮子,然后是这夜晚轻柔的脚步。

9、On nights like this I had her in my arms. 在如今夜的夜晚,我曾拥她入怀。

10、You've no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight. 在一个柔和的夜晚,像今晚般的,你不需要把夜灯点燃。

11、On that precious night, watching the lake, vaguely conscious, you said, “Our story is ending.” 在那个夜晚,那个值得一生回忆的夜晚,看着静静的湖面,恍忽间,好像是,你对我说:“我们的故事结束吧。”

12、The shadows caused by flashlights and headlamps can throw off your depth perception, causing some people to trip and stumble. 夜间光源带来的影子会影响你对路况的判断,使人们夜跑中容易被绊倒。

13、­­­ ­­­­­ tender is the night ,lying by your side.­ 温柔是这样的夜晚,只是静静的,躺在你身边的夜晚。

14、As night came,the house faded into darkness. 当夜晚降临,这间房屋就陷入黑暗中。

15、I stayed awake throughout the stormy night. 那个暴风雨的夜晚我彻夜未眠。

16、You make darkness, and it is night, In which all the beasts of the forest creep about. 你安设黑暗,便有了夜晚;夜间林中的百兽就四处爬动。

17、At night, I put it under the door of the printing house. 夜晚,我把它放在印刷间的门底 下。

18、The night and its orbit: night itself is an object lost in space—a movement of circular lips and a round of fossilized sound. 夜晚及其运行:夜晚的本身就是迷失于空间的物体,嘴唇循环移动,化石般的声萦迴。

19、The streets were not lighted at night during the blackout. 灯火管制期间,夜晚街道没有照明。

20、Night tower in Lucerne. 夜晚的琉森水塔。

21、Finish your meal with traditional coffee and dates outside under the star-filled night sky. 在繁星点点的夜空下品尝传统的咖啡和枣子,为你的晚餐划下句点

22、Just go for supper with my sweetheart. 现在吃夜宵时间好像都有点晚啊。

23、therefore, i sleep late every night.(睡的时间晚) so, i stay up late every night.(熬夜了睡得晚)

24、         Tender is the night ,lying by your side.­          温柔是这样的夜晚,只是静静的,躺在你身边的夜晚。

25、We decided to show my parents that Saturday night. 我们决定星期六表示我的父母那夜晚.


26、But on nights like this I had her in my arms. 当时在如今夜的夜晚,我曾拥她入怀。

27、No need to light a night-light on a light night like tonight. 没必要开夜明灯像今晚光线这么好的夜晚。

28、What A Wonderful World 美好的夜晚 Kenny Carter

29、B:My tartan skirt. It's scottish night. 穿我的格子裙,今晚是苏格兰之夜.

30、And in their glens, on starry nights 当夜莺于繁星密布的晚间

31、B:My tartan skirt.It's scottish night. 穿我的格子裙,今晚是苏格兰之夜.

32、Beijing time 6.15, It is for people who in Los Angeles is an exciting night. 北京时间6.15,对于洛杉矶人来说是一个让他们彻夜狂欢的夜晚。

33、I don't ride the subway late at night. 夜间太晚时我不乘地铁。

34、No need to light a night light on a light night like tonight. 不需要点一盏小夜灯在一个柔和的夜晚,就像今晚。

35、Lianxiang visited every four or five days and Li Wan came on all the other nights in between. 莲香每隔四五天就来一次,而在其余的晚间李婉便夜夜都来了。

36、He ruminated on the evening in future retrospect and recalled every gesture, every word. 他在夜晚要深思未来的每一个姿势,每一句话。

37、On a winter night, I remembered that from word to sentence, with the the good smell of fried sweet egg. 冬夜的晚上,从爆白果的馨香里,我有一句每一句的想起来了。

38、Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems. 年夜年夜都人认为财富为所有问题供给解决的法子。

39、One evening, I counted stars in the courtyard after sup-per. 一天夜晚,我吃完晚饭后在院子里数星星。

40、My tartan skirt. It's scottish night. 穿我的格子裙,今晚是苏格兰之夜。

41、What a lovely night! 多么美丽的夜晚!

42、The first few months after he's born are topsy-turvy -- day is night, night is day. 他出生前几个月,时间完全颠倒了,白天变成了夜晚,夜晚却成了白天。

43、every morning, noon and night. 在每一个早晨、午间和夜晚。

44、With pearly sweat resembling dew of night. 手上的点点汗珠,像夜晚花间的露水。

45、­­­ ­­­­­ Tender is the night ,lying by your side.­ 温柔是这样的夜晚,只是静静的,躺在你身边的夜晚。

46、Thus every day success always belongs to the dark while failing always belongs to the human. Failing is impermanent; 因而每天的夜晚都是风与夜的胜利,每天的夜晚都是人的失败。

47、What a beautiful night when I became a baby king. 多么美好的夜晚,那一夜,我是孩子王。

48、At night, the night will hold geo hanami activities. 到了晚上,河津会举行夜间赏樱活动。

49、Later in the afternoon the wind backed ENE'ly and, during the evening, continued to back to be N'ly by midnight. 傍晚有东北偏东风,晚上至半夜转成北风 下午为东北偏东风,夜间至午夜转为北风。

50、It was a pleasant evening, I said, conciliating the moment. 真是个令人愉快的夜晚,我为了应景助兴说了这么一句话。


标签: 英文 七年级 年级

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