周天的英语单词 英语_雅思高级词汇表74个

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1、 imperial academy

中文翻译: 国子监 建于

例句:The imperial Military Academy! 翻译:我是皇家军事学院的学生!。



例句:- My dear, we are dying of hunger. 翻译:好吧 D'accord.。




例句:Engage aerial surveillance. 翻译:Rico! Engage aerial surveillance.。

4、 heat-affected zone

中文翻译: 热影响区 影响区域 焊缝及热影响区

例句:Fibrous processing marks remain in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) with part of precipitated solid phase solved into the base metal. 翻译:热影响区内,仍可见纤维状加工痕迹,部分析出相固溶到基体中;。


中文翻译: 华信航空公司

例句:== sync, corrected by elderman == 翻译:[MANDARIN。

6、 help alleviate their hardships

中文翻译: 关心群众疾苦

例句:i was going to help alleviate poverty. 翻译:也为缓解贫困而努力过。。

7、 alpha helix

中文翻译: 螺旋 开始螺旋线

例句:The alpha helix is found in muscle protein and keratin. 翻译:α螺旋存在于肌肉蛋白和角蛋白中。

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8、 altruistic adaptation

中文翻译: 舍己适应

例句:You wrote this adaptation? 翻译:你亲自改写的剧本? You wrote this adaptation?。

9、 soft answer

中文翻译: 温和的回答 轻轻的回答 委婉的回答

例句:The whole barracks is unmilitary. 翻译:Soft Shoes. Soft Shoes.。



例句:"Rather, as war and antagonism are the natural states of man, 翻译:与战争和对抗一样, 是人之本性。



例句:- Actually, how could it be an armenian thing? 翻译:how could it be an Armenian thing?。

12、 school assignment

中文翻译: 学生作业 课题

例句:How ever did you finagle such an assignment? 翻译:The school talent show. How ever did you finagle such an assignment?。


13、 Teaching Assistant

中文翻译: 教学助理 少儿培训师 教学助教

例句:And you were his teaching assistant? 翻译:你是他的助教吗?。

14、 assure oneself

中文翻译: 弄清楚 查明

例句:To kill oneself, To behead oneself 翻译:开枪自杀 割掉脑袋 Se trucider, se décapiter。

15、 attempt to do

中文翻译: 尝试去做

例句:i repeat, do not attempt docking. 翻译:Do not attempt docking. I repeat, do not attempt docking.。

16、 attiring room

中文翻译: 化妆室

例句:There's no room for the weak No room for the weak 翻译:There's no room for the weak No room for the weak。

17、 by the authority of

中文翻译:的权力 得到

例句:♪ i play "authority song" ♪ 翻译:『I play Authority Song 』。

18、 duly authorized

中文翻译: 经正式授权的

例句:And as a duly authorized officer of the court, i must protest. 翻译:作为保释官 我要提出抗议。

19、 auto focus

中文翻译: 自动对焦 自动调焦

例句:Some of the auto focus on these 翻译:有些自动对焦对这些。

20、 The Autobiography

中文翻译: 自传 富兰克林自传 天堂十字路口 副标题

例句:"Autobiography of a Nightmare: 翻译:噩梦之自传。

21、 God-awful

中文翻译: 非常恐怖的 非常可怕 非常可怕的

例句:What is that god-awful stench? 翻译:什么味道这么臭?。

22、 major axis

中文翻译: 长轴 主轴 长径 强轴

例句:- Segeant Major! - Leave him alone. 翻译:Major上士。

雅思基础词汇:0,23、 hurt badly

中文翻译: 头痛的厉害 严重受伤

例句:- This could hurt the government very badly. 翻译:符合 这可能重创政府威信 This could hurt the government very badly.。

24、 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

中文翻译: 反弹道飞弹条约 反弹道导弹条约 道飞弹条约 条约

例句:America then broke out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, freeing itself to pursue a slimmed-down version of missile defence. 翻译:此后,美国突破《反弹道导弹条约》(Anti-BallisticMissileTreaty),自由地追求简化版的导弹防御系统。。



例句:{i1 cH30D3F4}You're barely waking 翻译:* You're barely waking *。

26、 barley sugar

中文翻译: 大麦糖 麦芽糖 饴糖 饴糖果

例句:Barley-sugar makes chilren sweet-tempered. 翻译:麦芽糖使小孩的脾气变得甜甜的。

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例句:Bash it with a brick, Arthur! 翻译:拿砖敲,亚瑟!。

28、 The Cathedral and the Bazaar

中文翻译: 大教堂与市集 大教堂和集市 大教堂与集市

例句:the market and all the areas around that Punjab Hotel! 翻译:PMGP Bazaar, Model Town, Sher。

29、 anvil beak

中文翻译: 铁砧嘴 机 砧嘴 砧角

例句:i say, this one's got a dollop in its beak. 翻译:this one's got a dollop in its beak.。

30、 better life

中文翻译: 更美好旳玍活

例句:♪ Girl, there's a better life for me and you ♪ 翻译:♪ Girl, there's a better life for me and you ♪。



例句:- May i continue please? Also, it's a crime not to believe in the bible. 翻译:it's a crime not to believe in the Bible.。

32、 bipolar outflow

中文翻译: 偶极外向流

例句:- is this a bipolar episode? 翻译:- 这是双向情感障碍吗?。

雅思新课标词汇:0,33、 full blast

中文翻译: 全风 鼓风炉全风

例句:- No go; full blast, Moans! 翻译:来! 马力全开,普勒! 普勒!。



例句:i'd be brave as a blizzard 翻译:I'd be brave as a blizzard。

35、 at first blush

中文翻译: 乍一看 一瞥

例句:Hello, you're the first blush on Mars. 翻译:你是第一个在火星上脸红的人。

36、 bosom shirt

中文翻译: 胸饰衬衫

例句:The friends of your bosom. 翻译:The friends ofyour bosom.。



例句:- Ah, hello. - Oh, my... WiZARD: 翻译:-bottom prices.。



例句:Booth and two boyhood friends, 翻译:布斯伙同两个儿时玩伴。

39、 metal braid

中文翻译: 金属编织电缆 金属编织线 编织

例句:i don't think so They were great - Really delicious They were good 翻译:[Metal Letter Clanging]。

40、 Devlin Brave

中文翻译: 爱尔兰

例句:i'm sorry, Ms. Devlin, but with colorable proof of perjured testimony, 翻译:对不起 Devlin女士。

41、 break up

中文翻译: 终止 分手 中止

例句:- Break it up, break it up, break it up. 翻译:- 停下, 停下, 停一下. - 是,吗? -Break it up, break it up, break it up.。

42、 balanced budget

中文翻译: 平衡预算

例句:We will continue along the path toward a balanced budget. 翻译:约翰逊 我们将继续保持 收支平衡的经济策略。



例句:For there's no one as burly and brawny 翻译:因为你拥有强壮的身体。

44、 hustle and bustle

中文翻译: 熙熙攘攘 忙碌

例句:And in the hustle and bustle, no sunshine appears 翻译:∮庸庸碌碌,见不著一丝阳光∮。



例句:i've been really, really lucky 翻译:♪ Spread your wings ♪ ♪ My little butterfly ♪。



例句:♪ in the diamond markets ♪ ♪ The Scarlet welcome carpet ♪ 翻译:The Scarlet welcome carpet。



例句:Caseload number's also on the daily caseload sheet. 翻译:待处理案件里还包括案件日报表。

48、 The Caste System

中文翻译: 种姓制度 阶级制度 种姓等级制度

例句:Hyper Operating System, "HOS". 翻译:Hyper operating System,HOS。

49、 cautioning mood

中文翻译: 告诫式 告诫语气

例句:"My motive for cautioning you is as follows:" 翻译:我提醒您的动机在此。

50、 apple cider

中文翻译: 苹果酒 苹果汁 苹果醋

例句:That's why this is apple cider. 翻译:所以才给你上苹果酒啊 That's why this is apple cider.。

51、 Zeno Clash

中文翻译: 奇诺冲突 奇诺抵触 玩后的感想与简评

例句:# When i say Zeno, you say Tek 翻译:# When l say Zeno, you say Tek。

52、 cling to youth

中文翻译: 与年轻人呆在一起

例句:No, that's metal, don't touch that! 翻译:That is some static cling! - No! That's metal!。

雅思大纲单词表:0,53、 clove oil

中文翻译: 丁香油

例句:Patchouli Oil, Clove Oil, Vetivert Oil, Nutmeg Oil, Citronella Oil, Cananga Oil Edible Oil and Oil Products. 翻译:采购产品广藿香油,丁香油,香根草油油,肉豆寇油,香茅油,可食用油和油产品。。



例句:And this is random, right? 翻译:And this is random, right? - A coaster?。



例句:Sister, put a compress on him! 翻译:修女,给他上个绷带!。

56、 concept vehicle

中文翻译: 概念车

例句:Sapindus... Doctor's Concept... 翻译:DOCTOR'S CONCEPT...。



例句:And Johnnie can go screw himself. 翻译:我们有信心 And we are confident。



例句:The connector of the utility model is composed of a connector main body and a sheathed hoop sheathed on the connector main body. 翻译:本实用新型的连接接头由一个接头主体和可套装于其上的套箍构成。。

59、 keep cool

中文翻译: 保持冷静 保持凉爽 镇定自若

例句:Bobby, i am trying to keep my cool here. 翻译:I am trying to keep my cool here.。

60、 core pin

中文翻译: 心销 心型梢 后模镶针 中心销

例句:The effect of the core pin on extrudate characteristic was little. 翻译:机筒上的销钉对挤出特性影响力很小。

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61、 cowboy hat n.

中文翻译: 牛仔帽 宽边高呢帽

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

62、 maximum credible accident

中文翻译: 核 最大设想事故 预估最大可能损伤事故 最大可信事故 最大可能事故

例句:The strengthening of the dam considered two maximum credible earthquakes (MCE). 翻译:对这座大坝的加固,主要是考虑预测到的两次“最大可信地震”(MCE)。。



例句:You're a newsman, not a critic, 翻译:你是做新闻的 不是做评论的。

64、 CrossFire MODs

中文翻译: 穿越火线

例句:Searching Method and Use Skill to CrossFire Gmelin Database 翻译:数据库的检索方法及使用技巧。

65、 Evil Cult

中文翻译: 倚天屠龙记之魔教教主

例句:This is a brainwashing facility for an evil cult. 翻译:这是一个为邪恶团伙进行洗脑的地方。



例句:Slowly the name flows, you are really also cunning 翻译:you are really also cunning。

67、 damage threshold

中文翻译: 损伤阈值 损坏阈

例句:Threshold of revelation. What? 翻译:-Threshold of revelation.。

68、 decadent rock

中文翻译: 无助摇滚

例句:Aristocracy of this country is decadent. 翻译:本国贵族堕落了 Aristocracy of this country is decadent.。



例句:You might try Decode-a-Con. 翻译:你可以试试去参加 Decode -a -Con.。

70、 delineates fund management options

中文翻译: 确定基金管理选择办法 指导如何编写联合方案 经订正的 并须列有合办和让渡基金管理上的备择办法的标准法律协议

例句:Strengthening the Management of Fund Fluidness and Preventing the Risks of the Mixed Management of 翻译:加强资产流动性管理与防范商业银行混业经营风险。



例句:And Mr. Dent-Head over there. 翻译:Dent的头撞到了这儿.。



例句:No stockpiling, no deterrence. 翻译:不要囤積貨品,不要有阻礙。



例句:Give the man his dignity. That's not right. 翻译:Give the man his dignity.。

74、 where the angel disappears

中文翻译: 天使消逝的地方

例句:# Where bright angel feet have trod # 翻译:Where bright angel feet ? 立其间 ?。



例句:This is my dissertation, my *thesis, um, *Diplomarbeit. 翻译:It's my dissertation. My thesis. 呃 毕业论文 Uh...。


标签: 雅思 单词 词汇

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