酸甜苦辣用英语怎么说 酸甜苦辣英语翻译

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酸甜苦辣用英语怎么说 酸甜苦辣英语翻译

酸甜苦辣通常被说作:" BitterSweet"还经常被译作 Good and bad in life,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到61个与酸甜苦辣相关的短语释义和例句。


1. BitterSweet

酸甜苦辣翻译为 BitterSweet 。

示例:此刻,她正谈论着自己生活中的酸甜苦辣。 Here, she talks about the highs and lows of her life.


2. Good and bad in life

酸甜苦辣翻译为 Good and bad in life 。

示例:他尝遍了人生的酸甜苦辣。 He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life.


3. Ups and downs

酸甜苦辣翻译为 Ups and downs 。

示例:只有充满酸甜苦辣的生活才是最有意义的。 Only full of ups and downs of life is the most meaningful.


4. joys and sorrows of life

酸甜苦辣翻译为joys and sorrows of life。

示例:The sorrows of life are the joys of art. 生活的苦难造就艺术的欢愉



1. sweet and sour(酸甜苦辣)


2. hot wings( 辣鸡翅;

3. horseradish tree(辣木)

4. Polygonum hydropiper(辣蓼)

5. vegetable in chili(辣蔬菜)

英语短语&俚语, Ups and downs of salt ( 酸甜苦辣咸 )

bittersweet memories ( 酸甜苦辣记忆 )

Senses Of Fall ( 秋天的酸甜苦辣 )

Career Horizon ( 职场酸甜苦辣 )

Adviser of Peasant Families ( 酸甜苦辣话家政 )

Apiculture of China ( 养蜂生活的酸甜苦辣 )

you taste bitterness and happiness ( 你尝尝酸甜苦辣 )

Taste the bittersweet life ( 品味生活中的酸甜苦辣 )

Is ups and downs ( 苦辣酸甜 )


1. They share bittersweet, understanding smiles for a moment before she hugs him tightly, her forehead pressed to his collarbone.


2. She must've passed through all the good and bad times of her life.


3. Only the spicy and bitter saltpeter, have explosive power.

译文:咸的 酸的 苦的 辣的... 只有辣的和苦的硝石才能引爆。

4. Szechuan brisket. Got sweet and sour Kugel.


5. Real life is filled with sweet and sour, as well as bitter and chili-hot moments

译文:这就是生活 酸甜苦辣 世间百味俱全。

6. A bit of salt, just a pinch.


7. Dream, avers, countless people in compiling the dream of frustrations.

译文:梦想,从古至今,无数的人们在酸甜苦辣中编制着梦想。 。

8. in 1954, Sondheim wrote both music and lyrics for Saturday Night, which was never produced on Broadway and was shelved until a 1997 production at London's Bridewell Theatre.

译文:在xx年,桑德海姆为音乐剧《酸甜苦辣周末夜》[Saturday Night]谱曲作词。 但是这部作品从未在百老汇制作过,一直处于被冷落的状态,直到xx年才由伦敦的布莱德维尔剧院制作上演。 。

9. We'd had our ups and downs, sure. But what great couple doesn't?


10. Oh, that's, hot, hot, hot, hot!

译文:哦 好辣好辣好辣!。

11. Sweet and sour speech again.


12. having toiled and experienced all hardships of life, etc, it's just not cool.

译文:饱尝酸甜苦辣积累人生经验之类 最差劲。

13. # i almost wanna tell my mama all my bittersweet drama #

译文:# 我几乎想告诉我妈 我所有具戏剧性的酸甜苦辣 #。

14. That's why to share a paella dish is to share life's burden with others.

译文:所以说一起吃paella 也就意味著一起分享人生的酸甜苦辣。

15. Sweet and sour, and the saddest girl to ever hold a Martini.

译文:酸甜苦辣 拿着马丁尼的伤心女孩。


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